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Everything posted by lieze

  1. Volley I think you will feel it even if it gets slipped to you. I honestly think the chemicals agitate our nervous system to some degree-I guess that just varies in all of us. The IV iron made me extremely restless. I had rolling panic the entire time it was infusing. Had palpitations when it first started hitting my system. I had no control of any of that-I think the only way to avoid that would have been to dull my senses with something like a Benadryl but my thinking was why add more to the mix?
  2. I notice many people reporting food sensitivities. What foods can you eat or not eat?
  3. Wow what happened? I was behind the wheel had driven to the post office for my eBay then to drug store for more pediasure sidekicks and then had to run across town to pick up a kid, Part way through my drive I was getting the urge to eat but all I had with me was one of the sidekicks and a chocolate bar. Well on that long drive back just as I went to turn the corner onto my parents street it happened. A blip and everything started going black I mean instant. There was going to be no pre anything then blip again and black again and thank goodness I made it down the street and in the house. I still don't know what happened. I've had PAC's before where I would get the headrush and lightheaded just off and on for years-for some reason this felt more intense. I got really sleepy after and never really fell asleep but laid down for a while half asleep half awake. Anybody else have this happen? I don't know if I could have called for help I'm half afraid to drive now.
  4. I get so frustrated because I can go to ER with a true medical problem ( low potassium ) and still leave with the diagnosis of anxiety. They all take one look at what everyone else wrote and because they cannot identify anything wrong I have been labeled now with anxiety. I feel like I have been marked for life.
  5. I have a friend I just spoke with her tonight that shares many of our same symptoms. She is med sensitive said she cannot take generics at all because there is something in the filler that she reacts to. What she has done is actually go to the hospital and sit in their ER waiting room and then take her pill. That way if she has a reaction she is right there. She said it minimizes her anxiety to know that help is available if she needs it.
  6. I have wanted to Liz and the cost is what has held me back. I think it could be therapeutic. I have worried about what others would think especially my parents. I can just hear them now saying I lay around all day and then go pay money to get back rubs! I really think it could help though.
  7. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands. With all the talk about adrenal fatigue it seems that as a society we should be more aware of this and be leary of this temporary energy fix we get. Yes short term it gets us over the hump-long term we're giving our adrenals a regular challenge test. No wonder huh?
  8. This certainly could relate to my situation. They talk about a vision test but I did not see what that is. I have difficulty with those codes you need to enter where the letters are distorted? I often get it wrong.
  9. Well I tried that. They are old enough to help but still young enough to cause quite a ruccus. It is very good advice though. I did it with a blanket and quilt and when I went to try to hang them up on a line when I got back I had horrible chest pain. I am so unpredictable. I can feel okay have a little pep and then totally fizzle out and crash so quickly. I have myself literally afraid to do things. I decided to wash out underwear in the sink and hang it out to dry. Then maybe I can take a few larger pieces to the laundramat. I need to keep telling myself this is temporary.
  10. Talk about hitting rock bottom. You know it's bad when you don't have clean underwear to put on. Well-I've been in crisis before with laundry when all of this started and what I was doing believe it or not was washing clothes in our bathtub. I filled with water and soap and used a broom to push them up and down and then rinsed the same way. The kid's said they'd never had so much fun in their life. Well I was able then to carry the clothes down to the dryer just couldn't wash in the washer because it just made our flooding in the basement worse at the time. So our washer dryer is main floor now -but hubby says our water is not working at the house. Not sure I have the strength to haul clothes anywhere right now! He's down has his colonoscopy tomorrow so he can't do them. Some this summer I have rinsed out by hand in the sink with laundry detergent then hung on clothesline to dry, Both my mom and mother in laws washer dryer are in the basement and I'm scared and don't do well with steps. In a couple weeks here we should move in the new place and the washer and dryer are on the main floor plus I'll have a nice tub to bathe in. What do I do until then??? I hate to ask my mom to do my laundry. I just hate to she is already doing so much for us. I really need to figure out what to do. I could just take a few small items to the laundramat I don't feel like I can carry any more than that or keep trying to wash out in the sink??? What does everybody else do?
  11. Anna-that sounds exactly like what I experience. Okay here is the question. Does this stop at the tongue or could our whole GI systems get affected this way? Could it be why she is having the weight loss and bloody stool. Sounds like getting in and looking at that GI tract mucousa would be a good idea.
  12. Saying a prayer for you right now. I hope that some how through some route you find the help you need. My back up is always just going and asking to be admitted to a hospital like Cleveland Clinic. Do you have anything like that near by?
  13. My solution was resting my eyes. Just close them. You might try a cool cloth for the discomfort or a Motrin.
  14. I had a lot of this in the beginning and it has improved for me quite a bit. I just think of it as the whole nervous system being affected. Sometimes we just notice it more in one area than another. Eyes and vision are directly related to CNS function. Eyes send a message to the brain and you're just getting a little bit of static with that. Also yeah. Eyes move rapidly to keep up with everything. Nerve conduction has to occur for that to happen. Once again you are just experiencing a little static that may come and go.
  15. I almost feel worse. I think part if it is my nerves working on me. I just feel horrible like I'm going to drop but the doctor assured me I wouldn't. I just wonder how much of this is stress. I just keep thinking about how many times I've been to ER feeling as if I'm on the verge of collapse and they find nothing physically wrong. I'm gonna have to take their word that levels are rising and that I'm gonna be okay and try to believe that. Thanks for asking-I appreciate it. : )
  16. I get a lot of weird feelings in the chest that I think are associated with reflux. I can tell you that I think in my case a majority of the sensations that I get are all exaggerated.
  17. I think too until you can find an underlying cause treat your symptoms the best you can or make lifestyle changed to improve quality if life wherever possible. I guess I still want to believe that it is possible for the human body to heal on it's own but I'm certainly one also who looks for answers and wants to fix things. I agree with everyone else. Don't give up looking.
  18. Yes me too I don't know what it is. And I can hardly stand to wear those contacts now. They feel so thick and my vision almost seems distorted with them in-it throws me off makes me feel weird. I noticed my eyelid of my right eye looks a little puffy.
  19. Or does this sound like anxiety? I guess it's impossible to know I just wondered if this happens to anyone else. My little boy was looking for a shirt so we were going through baskets in the room we're staying in. He literally has clothes thrown all over the room now and buried himself in the clothes and was wanting me to pull him out. It was my mom's suggestion to go through all those baskets bad idea cause now the room is trashed. I simultaneously get a phone call from my husband with pressing questions and we have big concern because the owners of the house we bought seem to have split up. He is still in Wyoming and she is back with the kid's. Our move date should be the 30th but now we are seriously wondering if she is going to try to delay things. All of a sudden I get short of breath, weak, uncomfortable feeling in chest. I was being physical being yelled at by my son and pressed by my husband via phone all at once. How do I know if this is real exercise intolerance or anxiety. I am just laid out now. Exhausted even though I slept for many hours and afraid to get up and try to do anything for fear I'll get symptomatic again. Does anyone else find this happens to them or does this sound different?
  20. Yep I cycle between the white patches, clear tongue, then the ulcers is how I would describe them. I have some right now on the tip of my tongue and the change was stress! Just the other day they weren't there but I had the white coating. I've had a bad taste in my mouth for about the last week also. I get paranoid to speak at all when it's like that. If it tastes horrible I figure it must smell horrible too.
  21. I get the sores on the tongue periodically. It's not always like that. My mom says hers gets that way too.
  22. Thank you Sue I was so nervous I almost posted a prayer request this morning but I felt paralyzed. I just kind of got ready quietly and went not sure what to expect but very thankful that it went okay.
  23. Thank you Katybug I was very nervous but it went okay. I had some palpitations about 10 minutes into the infusion some restlessness and anxiety that came and went during the whole procedure. It took 2 1/2 hours. I was able to recline, eat and drink, get up and use the bathroom. About 30 minutes after and 1 hour after I had a small episode of flushing and nausea that lasted maybe 5-10 minutes. It's been 3 hrs. post infusion and I can feel the iron clearing my system. I will be going back for 3 more treatments 1 per week then have a break and get bloodwork drawn. Then the following week am scheduled to see the hematologist and scheduled for another infusion. I'm not really looking forward to this but if it helps ( how can it not? ) what choice do I really have? I should consider myself so lucky on either side of me were cancer patients taking their chemo. As I had my anxiety episode they were both reassuring me that I was going to be okay. I almost felt ashamed and embarrassed that here I am with something so treatable and they in their conditions are having to lift me up. I just have no control over my anxiety. My mom went with me and she knew I'd have a little issue. She said she remembered when I fell off my bike as a child they took me to ER and I shook so intensely the wheels of the cart I was on were shaking. I just have to make up my mind I am going to do this and gather the courage. I guess fake it til I make it. : )
  24. Another idea is with dietary issues which I have too it does something to the mind. My thoughts have gotten very dark and I have illogical fear over routine medical treatment. I wonder if you need to look at your diet. Have you tried drinking anything like ensure and focusing on eating whole foods. I eat just a little bit every hour or two and sometimes it's not only boring and bland and the same thing over and over but it can make me feel sick systemically and to my stomach but in the long run this activity is helping me to gains few pounds and get a little strength back. I keep telling myself that my body does not care what I put into it so long as I have protein, carbohydrate, and fat vitamins minerals and water. Try to look at the basic needs of the body and provide that however you can even if it doesn't taste good or feel good at the time. Our bodies need fuel to function properly and without that I have found my mental and emotional outlook also deteriorates.
  25. I agree with Corina. It's always good to get checked out. I do get these symptoms and have in the past. They are similar to what a person experiences with a panic attack but maybe more intense. I am getting used to some of the symptoms now and able to relate it to how I felt during past ER trips. I have had my heart checked a multitude of times so I have some reassurance that I am okay when this happens based on past experience. I do think it's good though for each person to get thoroughly examined with their symptoms and any changing ones so that you have that reassurance that you're okay. I get concerned on anxiety forums when people are told this is just anxiety do not seek medical help tell yourself it's only anxiety. Well how does anyone really know that? It's really an individual thing that needs to be looked into before making that assumption. I can tell you yes I get those symptoms and I am okay to date but we are two different people. I hope you do get relief from this either way.
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