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Everything posted by Ernie

  1. Hi, She might be stuck in the hospital like I was last year with no access to the internet!
  2. Hi, I used to be very ambitious and wanted to complete my PhD in Psychology. I had to quit because of my health. I had to stop working for the same reason. It took me years to accept that I could no longer work as I identified myself with my job. After having almost died several times over the last few years, I am happy to be still alive an be able to go out an do some things by myself. It's funny how you see life in a different perspective and your values change when you get so close to death. I don't want the big things anymore. I want simple things, my family, my friends and to appreciate the moment I am living.
  3. Hi Flop, Sorry for not explaining by answer more. I had low progesterone for years and the doctors did not give me anything until I was diagnosed with endometriosis last spring. Then they gave me Depo provera which is helping me a lot with pain and syncope. Thanks for the explanation.
  4. Hi, THe experience I have is that they don't look at anything else besides ANS problems even if they promise to do so before hand.
  5. Hi, I am sorry that you don't have any compassion and understandind from your parents. I think they should see a psychologist!
  6. Hi, I have low progesterone but I am not giving anything besides depo provera for the endometriosis.
  7. Hi, I am sorry you had a bad fall. I think that you might consider wearing a helmet as a safety precaution since you are having so many concussion. I had to wear one for many years until mine were under better control.
  8. Hi, Have you tried anesthetic without epinephrine?
  9. Hi, I am on at least 17 prescription medications. For my doctors, I am the exception. They keep telling me that I take too many meds. So far, this is the only way I can keep out of my power chair. I still have migraine headaches even with two migraine pills. Last year, when I was in the hospital some smart docs thought that I had too many meds and stops some of them and almost killed me! So now I stay away from doctors who want to stop my meds.
  10. Hi, I always walk around with a portable tripod chair and people comment me on how practical it is. They never figure out that it is because I need to sit down! Today there was a lady who ask me where I bought it because she wants one like mine. A few months ago there was a young girl who stopped me while I was walking mear the hospital to get the adress of where I bought it. I did not realize when I bought this chair that so many people would want one. The worst injuries I got are from the syncopes without warnings because I am always caught off guard. I developed a system to protect myself as best as possible not to kill myself or to injure myself. I think the best thing is to be always conscious that you can faint at anytime and to be in a position that you will be as secure as possible if you do faint. I don't say it so that you will develop a phobia but so that you will be cautious, proactive. I still do activities but I modified the way I do it.
  11. Hi, Know your environment and avoid the places that are dangerous. Never go out alone or cross the street alone. When you are outside your house in your yard keep a phone. Don't eat or drink standing or even chew gum. I even wear a helmet to protect my head because I had so many concussions.
  12. Hi, I would look into Bipolar disorder also.
  13. Hi, I have stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  14. HI, Take the week-end to rest. It's a good idea to hire your niece for tutoring.
  15. Hi, Everytime I do a Valsalva I faint. I did 3 at Vanderbilt and even Bonnie Black and Dr Robertson freaked out!
  16. Hi, I lie down when I get too dizzy and when I faint I never call the ambulance. I pick myself up and wait it up. There is no point in going to the ER because most of the time I get bad treatment. The only time I go to the ER is when someone freaks out and call the ambulance. I hate it because I am stuck there for hours and have no treatment. Sometimes they will give me the favor of giving me an IV saline. I am used to living with my symptoms and I don't panic.
  17. Hi, I am so glad and relieved that Jake god accepted. I will pray that everything goes well and that he gets the help he needs. Please keep us posted.
  18. Hi, I am really proud of you Maxine. Hope you have a restful week.
  19. HI, My worst symptoms are physical but I noticed that when I started to take salt my cognitive symptoms improved a lot.
  20. Hi, When I was in my teens and early 20s I could swim 2 miles every single day but there is no way I can do that now!
  21. Hi Maxine, I will pray for you. It is a looooong ordeal. Hang on it is almost over!
  22. Hi, Patients with heart failure cannot tolerate IV saline.
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