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What's The Longest You Can Stand?


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How long can you stand (whether standing still or up and moving around a lot) before you have to sit because of symptoms? oops, was trying to make this a poll! oh well, just wondering how long you can stand up for before you have to sit because of symptoms?

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For me I get symptomatic right away....then I will feel ok then bam I feel cruddy again. It changes from day to day, even the time of day. I feel worse first thing in the morning.

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Lately it's been 5-10 minutes and I feel really symptomatic...I'm not usually this bad off but lately I have felt horrible..


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I can stand for about a half hour, but generally I start feeling sick after a few minutes. I'm just used to it, and I push myself on a good day, but if I'm not careful and push too far, I'll crash suddenly and the floor starts moving, I lose my balance, weakness, and feel like gravity is pulling me down. If I don't sit I'll get near syncope. The fatigue is always there for the most part no matter what position I'm in. Laying down is the only thing that fixes that.

Moving doesn't help much as the gravity issues get worse the faster I try to move, then my heart works harder when my blood is pooling.

There are days when I don't venture out at all because just standing 5 minutes will be too much. The gravity is so intense it's unbelievable. If I sit too long I feel sick also.

Stress makes it all worse.

Maxine :0)

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I'm about 6-9 minutes on an average day, 10-20 minutes on a really good day, and 0-5 minutes on a bad day.

Hi my limit is 10 min.,then my head and chest are pounding and I get tachy.Sometimes when I am walking, only a couple minutes,it feels like something is pushing against,making it hard to walk.Does anyone else have a similiar feeling? Take care, Pat

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On average about 10 minutes, but sometimes I'm barely up and moving and BAM I feel really sick. For example, my husband drove me to the grocery store (can't drive myself due to heatlh) and as I got out of the van I didn't feel too bad - but with in about a minute as I'm walking through the first isle I started to feel horrible and had to go back out to the van. Needless to say he ended up doing the shopping instead and I stayed in the van with our daughter (it was so cold outside as in MN it's below zero so we take turns when we go places).


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wow....i'm so sorry you all have such a tough time being upright......i guess i should count my blessings....i can stand for a good 45 minutes if i am moving around, but typically after, my mind and body are very fatigued and legs are shaky....but with meds, i'm good to stand for 45mins to an hour...

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What an interesting discussion. My doctor wanted to see my bp after standing for 10 minutes. She told me if I have to hold on to something or move my legs, stand for 10 minutes and then take my bp. I held on to a shelf and by 10 minutes I felt like all the energy left my head and I had to throw up. My bp was 61/41 and it took me two days to recover. For the most part, I can stand less than 5 minutes, but I get symptoms right away, as soon as I stand still.

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In another post , I talked about how I was training myself to stand for longer periods. I started out only able to stand 2-3 minutes before feeling sick, and in the end worked up to 15. It really helped to GRADUALLY increase the amount of time I was upright.

Unfotunately, my hips can't take stationary standing without subluxating, so I had to stop. I can however walk for up to 15 minutes-- again right now the limiting factor appears to be my joints.

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For me it really varies. When I first got POTS, I could barely walk 2 min. After getting on meds, I regularly practiced walking and got to the point that as long as I rested and didn't overdo things, I could be on my feet for quite a while. On extra special days, I could even do several hours of shopping, or a sporting event. I would be totally wiped for a day or two after, but I could tolerate. This was all true before my crash in December. Now I'm back to maybe being able to handle 20-30 minutes of walking, though I feel sick the whole time I am walking...and also a lot of the time when I am just sitting. It's a bummer falling backward after all of that progress.

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Hi there, good topic, I can stand for about 5 minutes after that I get a "pop" like feeling in my chest then everthing goes to my legs and if I dont' sit down immediately the tachycardia starts and I have to lie flat until the feeling passes, which can take up to 20 - 30 minutes to settle but afterwards I feel like I have been run over by a tank


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I feel sick (dizzy, vision blacks out) right away and then it fades within a few seconds. For about 2-4 minutes I feel okay, then I slowly get worse and worse. If I'm walking I can make it for a half an hour or more, but standing still I have to sit down by 10 minutes. Apparently I can actually stay standing for a whole 45 minutes without fainting, but well before that point I'm unbelievably dizzy, nauseous, my heart is pounding, and I can't see. And I feel horrible for hours afterwards. Of course, this is all WITH my medicine. There was a point where I couldn't stand for 2 minutes at all.

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