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I Am So Very Excited <3


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I am so very excited, I am pregnant. My husband and I got pregnant on his R&R I am five weeks today and have a long road ahead... This will be my second child and I am more comfertable because matt will be there with me for this one. Where my son I was a single mother young nieave and very seared. At the same time nervous because of this problem. I think I can do this though... I may be emotional but I will stand strong and listen to my doctors :P

I just wanted to share this with my new found family ....

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Congrats!! I am soo happy for you. I'm sure it's gonna be a long road ahead but I bet you'll do just fine! :) Keep us updated on how your doing.


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Congratulations to you and your husband ............... I am so very pleased for you all ,You've made my day as well :) Willows.

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Aww thank y'all and I will .... My son is one... and yes my husband is in the military but no we don't have a good support system as far as I have found...

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Good LUck!

I am so very excited, I am pregnant. My husband and I got pregnant on his R&R I am five weeks today and have a long road ahead... This will be my second child and I am more comfertable because matt will be there with me for this one. Where my son I was a single mother young nieave and very seared. At the same time nervous because of this problem. I think I can do this though... I may be emotional but I will stand strong and listen to my doctors :lol:

I just wanted to share this with my new found family ....

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Thank you so much for the offer of support. I do have my family who live in the DFW metroplex, whom I will be staying with for at least the first 3 months, until I get past the 1st trimester, and I see how things are going to progress. Matt should be home the end of November, and we are going to be moving to Fort Benning right before the baby is born. My mom has been great and is helping out with Christian, and letting me stay with her, even though she is stricken down with advanced young onset parkinson's disease, and has her own disabilities to deal with. She has always sacrificed herself for her kids, and I feel bad putting this additional burden on her, but she's all I have - my dad is deployed too, to Kosovo, and has been gone over a year now. He and Matt should be coming home the same time, and we're all looking forward to thhat.

I'm just so new in the military wife family, that I haven't figured out how to get the support system from them yet, but I will take some pointers from mom, before I leave for Fort Benning. I know that i have the support from this group, and I'm thankful for that!

I did post a new topic regarding my pregnancy, becuase, it has sunk in now, and I'm scared for my baby! Please read it and let me know if you have any words of wisdom to impart to me.

Thank you, ya'll are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mazel tov!!! May your pregnancy go smoothly.

Please let your husband know that I am so grateful for his service to our country.

If you live in Maryland, I could be part of your support system.


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  • 3 weeks later...

congratulations to you. i know a lot of active duty females who have been pregnant but i am sorry i do not know any wives. i lived in the barracks and stayed on base most of the time hanging out with the singles. but i do know that there is a support group for that, perhaps you could talk to your ob about it to point you in the right direction, that is if you are seeing military docs- they would definately know. maybe if you went to the family support center, i don't remember what it is really called. i know every base has one though. you will find that the military will do a lot for you, it is just a matter of finding out what all your options are and your husband can ask his company things for you too when he gets back. actually you could probably call them too and hopefully they would be able to help as well. good luck to you.

i am very curious about POTS and pregnancy myself so if you would, i am sure a lot of us would love to know your experiences and how you are affected. thank you.

you know what now that i am thinking about it, i think there might be a military wives support group also. being a military wife can be really hard. that is why i never married while i was in. i didn't even date. i knew the deployments would be too hard on me. it is good that you are strong enough for that. i definately wasn't. that in its self shows how strong you must be. you will do fine i am sure.

dionna :)

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