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Surgery soon

Guest Belinda

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Guest Belinda

I will make this short, I went to see obstetrician yesterday because I am having the most horrendous pains no bleeding though, and they did vaginal ulatrasound and found a sac. but no baby inside.

Of course I am about 6 weeks, we figured but I can't even describe the pain I am having and probrably if I make it in the a.m. I will be going somewhere to find out what is going on.

I guess that someone didn't leave this decision up to me and the chooice was made for me which is good in my case. I am sad as this will be last for me..FOREVER. But it isn't my will.

Although this means surgery, to expel everything and check my tubes.

I figured I would post on this as I had asked advice in the beginning and I am sure many of you were wondering what was going on since I hadn't spoke on it since.

I know that this was an off-topic and if I offended anyone I am sorry. I am worried about my blood volume and such and what will happen in surgery because of the autonomic stuff I am sure I will need general anesthesia.

Please pray for me and my potsy body..Thank you!


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Guest Belinda

The only thing he did was have blood checked two days ago, which confirmned about how far along I was

and then I had the internal ultrasound where they saw no "peanut". Repeat ultrasound in one week, and then he was oing to send me to Ob specialist for high risk

I have got so much lower back and abdominal pain I can't even describe it to you, but I am not bleeding?

So, it may be eptopic or I guess sometimes baby doesn't form in the tubes either??Don't know.

I will be calling him as early as I feel fit because I am feeling really bad. Figuring out where I need to go

to the hospital he's at or where the special doc. is.

I am worried about the volume deal immensely as I said my body is acting very abnormal even befo re the pregnancy.

Thank you guys..I am scared.

P.s. For people that have posted about thinking about having a baby. I just want others to know I have had two children already and have had problems with low progesterone and such in the past so please son't let this post scare you in anyway. Everyone is different.

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You have my support and prayers and love coming your way.

Of course you are scared. I know you are doing everything you can to ensure the best possible outcome for yourself, such as asking questions, making sure your anesthesia is the best one for you, getting the extra fluids, etc.

Once you have given it your best effort, then you can rest easy, telling yourself the rest is up to the doctors and God.

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Guest Julia59


I'm so sorry, you will be in my thoughts and prayers both now and the day of your surgery----and also after the surgery. This is a difficult time for you, but I know you will get through it.

Sending you HUGS,


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Guest Belinda

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers..I spoke with doc. he ordered Vicodin(YUCK) and 600mg. Ibuprofen.

No discharge yet just lots of pain..he said to call at 4pm if I was still having pain(severe and no discharge)

I will probrably go in if this doesn't do something soon. He also asked me if I ever had kidney stones because for like three days I haven't been able to lay or sit comfortably with my back.

I said nope..but he definitley said my body is contracting because of what they saw on ultrasound..

So I thank you all immensely..this is rough stuff.

I am going to try and stick it out as much as I can at home..have two little boys and not many babysitting options!!

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I am sooo sorry it took me this long to post, somehow I missed your post earlier. I hope you are feeling better by the time you get this. I'm also sorry things turned out like this as well.. As for the surgery it would def be a good idea to see if you can get lots of fluids before, during, and after the surgery. I know I saw a post that also advised this. If you need to talk or anything please feel free to PM me. I hope the surgery goes smoothly for you and please keep us updated when you feel up to it. You are in my thoughts and I hope all turns out well. Take care and get some rest.


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