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Thank a Volunteer

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volunteerHearts.jpg.81ef29d708582a5d16d5a899d06121ac.jpgApril is National Volunteer Month.  DINET is 100% staffed by volunteers; volunteers who generously give some of their precious spoons to DINET so we have this community here when we need it most.   Please take a moment to join me in thanking these amazing volunteers.


DINET's volunteer staff:  
(They are listed by their member names to respect their privacy but also so that you can reach out to them on the forum if you would like to)

Forum Volunteers:



Missy M


Board of Directors & Newsletter





Amy Keys



Social Media


Thank you all from all of us!


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Thank you to all of you for the hours you give up to help everyone . The forum and the newsletters have given me inspiration, advice bust most of all hope and that is what has helped me to cope and once again enjoy my new life style . 

Best wishes to  everyone! 

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Thank you all - the sincerity and compassion I have experienced from members on this site as well as the endless support in my times of need - when I first discovered the forum - made me want to give back and become involved. And I appreciate all the work being put in by all those who collect the valuable information on this site - a wealth at out fingertips!!! Thanks!

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A big thanks to the DINET family! I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn & connect with others in the same position. 

I cannot imagine how much more alone I would have felt dealing with this illness before the days of the internet.

Many if not most of us would remain undiagnosed given we usually have to discover and present the information to our doctors ourselves to get the appropriate referrals and tests, and would probably never come across anyone dealing with the same problem. 

B xxx

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