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  1. I've been taking it for 3 years or so. My new autonomic doc says my adrenal glands need a break from it. I forgot her exact reasoning. Sorry brain fog. Like it could mess my glands up permanently. There wasn't any test indicating this was a reason for me stopping it or anything. How long have you guys been on it? (If you're on it).
  2. Its always on my right cheek. Gets hot. Turns red. It's been doing it for years but really started ramping up the past month. I also feel miserable with this symptom. I don't know how to put it into words. I think it's adrenal gland issues. Idk. Anyone got experience with this?
  3. So I was on coreg 25mg twice a day. If I drank caffeine and I'm talking a couple sips, my heart would start fluttering, bad anxiety, really elevated blood pressure. Now I'm on 6.25mg twice a day. I'm reducing it to get onto something else. Weaning off. I've tried caffeine again and I'm still having issues but not as bad. It's still bad but not as bad if that makes sense. I don't get heart palpitations. I can drink a bit more. Not a whole can or even half but at least a fourth. My anxiety isn't quite as bad and the blood pressure doesn't go as high as it did before on the higher dose. I'm thinking pots along with the coreg made it worse on me in tolerating caffeine. Do you have a theory on why that might be? What do yall think?
  4. So yeah the last time I had bad diarrhea, I was definitely on the verge of fainting. Sorry TMI. This is my first colonoscopy. I am guessing I'll be drinking magnesium citrate. Is there a way to avoid potentially fainting from this?
  5. @Pistol bump. Also I messed myself up. I got sick with fever. Took 400mg Ibuprofen 2 days in a row. My whole stomach area burned for days. Now some blood is coming out when wiping. Sorry TMI. I need to make a doctor appointment to see if I can get something to numb my stomach. That lidocaine you mentioned maybe.
  6. No worries. They told me yesterday on the phone I had some type of hernia. Can't remember the details because my memory is bad. Just that it's not complicating anything. Not sure if I'm getting pain from that too. Probably.
  7. Thanks for the response. And when you said healed, were you including the barrets esophagus? I had read there was no cure but idk. I didn't even get to talk to the doctor after my test. They just sent me a generic piece of mail stating what they found.
  8. I don't think so because I've been in pain daily lol. I couldn't get to sleep until after 3am because of the pain last night. And I check my pressure several times a day. And it's just been consistently good since I started taking protonix. Even with the pain. I'm going to bring it up to the doctor and see what he says, if anything. I just think there's some weird pots connection.
  9. Oh dang. That's a lot of stuff. Do you still take protonix or anything for it since adrenaline(hyper pots) is the source?
  10. Ah I see. Makes sense makes sense. Are you saying your barrets was healed? Or just the ulcers. I'm in a lot of pain from the ulcers, I can't sleep. They just did a CT scan on me to get a better look at what's going on. They also put me on 20mg of dicyclomine. It makes me so sleepy though. I haven't been able to take it as prescribed.
  11. So I was diagnosed with hyper pots. My blood pressure is always elevated. Now I'm on protonix for ulcers and something called barrets esophagus. Since taking protonix, my blood pressure is closer to normal and I'm taking one fourth of what I was taking(coreg). Is there any correlation with stomach issues and hyper pots? My blood pressure is much better. I was taking 25mg of coreg twice a day. Now I'm taking 12.5mg once a day. I still suffer with all of the other issues but at least my blood pressure has improved.
  12. Honestly I can't remember some of the conversation because of brain fog. But yeah I had to wait 18 months to see an autonomic doctor because the first one quit or whatever. I think the new doctor said something about inflammation of the vagus nerve. And to combat it I was prescribed Pepcid 40 mg twice a day. And Alpha lipoic acid 200mg 3x a day. I forgot how she said it works. But she said I'd be healed. I'd also have to give up dairy, gluten, and a couple other things. I'd have to look at the paper again. Sorry the memory is so bad. But yeah have yall ever had this combo of meds?
  13. I think it's tiredness. But I think medicine actually triggered it. The er wrote me a script for tramadol because they think I messed up my insides from too much aspirin.(a lot of pain) I've been taking aspirin almost everyday because of the headaches from pots. So I'm waiting to see the gastro doctor. But anyway I felt fine until I took the tramadol. Then I felt the adrenaline come on as the medicine kicked in. Then it just progressed. I've taken the pill a few times already with no issues so idk. I woke up today with some adrenaline still going. Small jump scare feelings. My left hand has been tingling all day which I know is apart of whatever is happening to me. I just feel exhausted now. My wife took over any responsibilities today. I feel like I need another day to get myself together.
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