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Do You Have A (Emotional Or Otherwise) Therapy Animal?


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Just wanted to let you guys know that my Windy girl died on Saturday, but I still went to church on Sunday to sing praises, my son came over for dinner, and I just had a friend visit today!! It's been hard, and I am sad, :( but God is sustaining me through it :) Thanks for the support. I was grateful to have her 8 and a half years, she was a rescue; she had completely stopped eating, even chicken and rice, and organic hamburger, and her breathing was so labored, she could hardly stand up, and she was awake on and off 2 nights prior to bringing her to the vet. I did every thing I could for her, and she is no longer suffering...Thanks guys

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Oh Kim, I am so sorry.

OLD FRIENDS: They will not go quietly, the dogs who've shared our lives. In subtle ways they let us know, their memory still survives. Old habits still make us think we hear a barking at the door. Or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor. Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be, and, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly. And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill.... That one place in our hearts, belongs to them.... And always will.

Deepest Sympathy

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Thanks guys...I appreciate your concern and sentiment. It means a lot to me, that you care...I do miss her terribly right now, and she will always have a special place in my heart! :wub: To better days☼....Kim

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Racer, I live in the woods, which is a wildlife sanctuary!! I love watching and taking photos, as well. I just received a bird feeder for my birthday, and since the weather has turned considerably warmer, too, I cleaned out my bird bath/fountain, which they love!! I have deer in my backyard, as well, and even photographed an armadillo, once!! :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a rescue terrier and even though he is completely inappropriate as a service dog, he is part of the family. He is very protective of me. He knows when I am having a bad episode and will come directly to me without looking at me, and sit right against me during these episodes. He hates crazy people and barks to ward them away. Not sure why he tolerates me! LOL. The problem is, he doesn't think he is a service dog. He seems to be convinced he is my husband! For example, if I try to converse with a strange male - NOT HAPPENING! TOO MUCH LOUD BARKING GOING ON.

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I have a dog who has a neuro disorder as well. He is very good company for me and usually right on top of my feet keeping them warm... : )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Five parrots and two dogs :-)

Being housebound, they truly are what keeps me going at times, always with love.

I miss greatly not being able to do wild and domestic avian rescue/rehab, but try to continue advocacy and education via internet.

The animals definitely teach me so much, and are incredible at being aware/gentle on tough days.

My parrots, their intelligence never ceases to amaze me. And they are very good listeners :-)

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Hi Marsha, yes I wish better days for everone here, I have Hope for all of us.


I have 3 salmon crested cockatoos, conure and a turtle dove .(had 27 at one time which was challenging but rewarding rehab/rescue)

Red doberman male, Hickory and Boston terrier, Beanie.

Not to mention the wildlife here, am blessed and grateful.


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Just wanted to tell you, I have been having a few bad days and Bella must have sensed this, she will not leave me alone today! Right before a bad flare, I was picking my daughter up from school and Bella was trying to climb on me in the drivers seat (I was parked, not driving)she was crawling all over me and kissing my face. Right after that, I had a flare, it is like she knows.

I had to give up sitting in my rocking chair, because she keeps climbing on top of me, and now am sitting with her on the couch. She is not a small dog part lab and part German short hair pointer, she thinks she is a lap dog! She makes my good days better and my bad days more bearable. When I have to be in bed, she will lay right next to me too.

I think if you can get a pet, it is so worth it. I know they are a lot of work, but they bring so much love.

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  • 1 month later...

Am having a bit of sad time here regarding placing one of my cockatoos into a sanctuary.

Was hard to make this decision, terribly hard because of my comittment to the birds I've taken in via rescue/rehab or foster. The type of cockatoo does not do well being re-homed, they really should never of been domesticated.

Anyhow, I have to do this soon, and keep "forgetting" (lol, honestly it's true- brain fog get's the better of me)

My partner is also my caregiver, this is driving him batty, for not everyone can tolerate the craziness that parrots can bring in daily life.


I've found a great sanctuary, permanent about 2.5 hours north of here. It is so hard to do this, for one, I have to admit to myself that I am not what I use to be physically, (have been housebound since 2010)

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My heart goes out to you ...big hugs to you. I have had many pets over the years. My dog senses many things about me. Recently I've been keeping him off the bed, as my nerve pain is so bad. He often finds a way when my BP is too low and lays on me as if it gives me more pressure. The other day he got caught up on my iv line and my port line got torn out. We were both traumatized. No more dog on the bed anymore. Sometimes I feel like I should give him away, so he could have a life where he could be taken out to run and run. He also has a Neuro disorder. I have cried and as he has seized for 15 mins at a time in my arms. Thinking each time this will be the last time. I see him so loving, yet fearful at times. Living with a chronic illness is hard, even in a pet it is so sad to watch. I often see myself in my dog, I wish he could talk and tell me more that was going on so could make life easier for both of us. Maybe, it is why we ended up together.... I think we needed each other. We paean so much from our pets, as we work with them. I believe that they really pick us.

I worry about the future and if I should move to an easier lifestyle, would my dog be allowed to move in with me. It's getting to hard to manage my large home now with my progressing pots and sfpn. More housing needs to understand the importance of one's pets in their life

to help them continue to maintain a healthy family relationship with their pet as they move.

I would be so lost without my furry friend.

Good Luck to all ~

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That's a hard decision, as I've had many animals over the years; but parrots are special creatures, Shakey, and of course, so are dogs, Bella, as I lost mine back in February. But if you are not able to take care of your animal, being sick, it is probably a wise decision. So sad for you both :( I was sick when Windy was dying and my husband had to help me with her; but he loved her, too, so it was hard on us both. We still have a cat, and a tank full of fish, but the cat is more my husband's animal; I'm enjoying my fish right now...but even they need attention and care, and Tom helps me with water changes...

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I'm so sorry that your dog was sick and passed away. I lost my other dog of 15 years and it broke my heart. She would lay on the stairs till I would come home from the hospital. Boy, did I love that little girl! She was one wonderful therapy dog for my whole family! She still brings a tear to my eyes when I think of her.

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She's on my mantel now. I have her ashes!! I also found a cement statue that looks just like her. She was a white Schnauzer....I rescued her from the shelter, and loved her. She was about 7 when I got her, and she lived until 15 1/2. She only started really getting old about a year before she died, so we had some wonderful times. She loved to be outside on our decks or go for short walks with me. Before I was really sick, she would hike up to a trail behind my house, and I would let her off the leash. She loved to run, and was very strong for her size. She was about 22 pounds, when she was healthy, and had no trouble jumping up on my bed for a belly rub. :)

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  • 6 months later...

We have a 1,000$ pet deposit where we live for dogs or cats and so I knew they were off the table until we oneday move to a different apartment. My husband knows I've been down about being sick all of the time though so about a month ago he surprised me with 2 guinea pigs. I never thought I'd be a guinea pig person but it's nice to have something to cuddle.

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Trappedat20, I used to have guinea pigs. They are great pets to have and very lovable. Mine used to tell me he wanted a carrot every time I would open the refrigerator by squealing!! I was able to get another rescue, Lily, in July. She is a terrier mix and very sweet. We love her!!

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@bellgirl . I've had dogs and cats my whole life. They are actually quite cute. They don't bond to you as quickly as bigger animals though. I assume it's because they are prey out in the wild though, that they are very skittish and scared. I think it's the cutest thing how they communicate with each other though. They love each other so much and I have to take them out together or the other will go crazy chirping and searching the cage for her friend. They're best friends and watching them cuddle and communicate is probably the most rewarding thing.

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@trappedat20. We had a mother and baby guinea pig once. They were a gift to my boys for Christmas! They wouldn't sell me the mother without the baby!! You're right, they are very cute together. We've had every animal imaginable over the years, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, mice, birds and fish; I even rode a horse once, before I was sick, who bonded to me right away. His name was Opy. He was a Saddlebred, and a very different sort, because he was bottle fed in someone's home in a playpen!! I think he thought he was human. I would have bought him, if I could have afforded the upkeep, but they are extremely expensive. He was very feisty, and would try all kinds of antics, but not with me, because I'm just as spirited!! Before I was sick, I used to ride every other week for about 6 years, then my boys went off to college, and that was even more expensive than buying a horse...lol. I've tried a lot of forms of exercise in my youth, but I believe my horseback riding was the most rewarding thing I've ever done over the years. That's why it's always been my dream to own a horse. There is nothing to me that is more freeing than riding!! It's like having wings to fly. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have a six week old kitten. Her name is midnight. She was very easy to house break. Midnight has brought so much laughter and smiles to all of us. We have had her since she was about two weeks old. Pet therapy really does help.

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I have fish. I love fish. Currently have three black mollies (which are named 1,2, and 3), and three guppies (Bob, Bobbette and a red tailed named Sonya). When i lived with my parents, I had a dachshund named Gretchen, but when I moved out to my friends, I couldn't bring her. Their dog Trixie has adopted me, and she's rarely not at my side. She tried to hold me when I had a seizure a few days ago, by evidence of claw marks on my arms. My friends laughed and said they dote on her when she has her seizures, putting her head in their lap and just talking soothing to her, she apparently thought she should to the same thing to me and mine. She's high energy, but when you feel bad, she feels bad. On days I have energy and can do things, she does too. Even when I pass out in the car, she comes to check on me, and then lays in her outside bed watching me.

Cant beat the love of an animal when you feel your lowest.

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