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Happy Holidays to you All


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Hello everyone, this is my last note before heading very far south to Mexico :P

Before I go, I wanted to give my wish to each of you for a holiday season that is filled with warmth, happiness and people you love. I also have a New Year's wish for a healthier year to come.

Merry Christmas and happy new year (in Croatian, that would be: Stretan Bozic i stretna nova godina--pronounced "Strrray-tahn Boh-jick ee strrrayt-nah noh-vah goh-dee-nah")

Much love! I'll write again when we get home--and will post photos then. :) Nina

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE. I also wish for better health for everyone this coming year. I am definitely a litlte jealous about you're going to Playa del Carmen, which I thought was like heaven on earth for one day last year. You definitely deserve a break, as we all do. Have a wonderful trip and don't forget the sunscreen! Martha

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Guest tearose

!Adios mi amiga, Nina! Have a refreshing, fun vacation.

To those away and those of us hanging around here for the holidays...a very happy, warm and healthy season and new year!

May all your wishes come true! tearose

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Happy holidays to everyone and wishing you all a very warm, loving and healthy new year!!!


And Nina, hope you have a fabulous vacation!!! I'm looking forward to see your photos. It's nice you go to Mexico, I've never been there, so watching your photos lets me watch Mexico :P

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happy holidays my dear friends here...

i pray that the new year will bring each of you blessings.

i hope, for those of you in the potshole, that the new year will bring more 'good' days and more healing...

ayelet...no snow here in pennsylvania...but ohio and some other states got a lot yesterday! two feet in one part of ohio! what's the temp in your part of the world today? :P

later alligators! :)


p.s. nina, can't wait to see those pics! anyone else going anywhere exciting? we homebound folks can live vicariously through those of you traveling to neat places! :)

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yeah, I'm going very far away: I'll stay home :rolleyes: , wear my pyama's and dream about playing in the snow. Husband at work and children playing. Okay, I'll get dressed around noon and try to prepare a simple christmas dinner. I've invited my mom, so we will cook together. I hope we will get some snow so that we can watch the children play outside. Wish you a merry christmas,


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Happiest of holidays to you all. I've been absent for a few weeks, going through a bad time, but you all are in my thoughts every day.

I'll be on more after the New Year. I need to catch up with everyone.

Blessings to all (and remember to watch out for that sugar intake! :rolleyes: ) To those who are travelling, safe trip - and I hope you have a wonderful time, Nina.


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