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Just Overwhelmed


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So friday I lost my dear sweet girl, my kitty-cat, Jezebel. I had her for 13 years and am panicking without her. On my worst days I could drag myself out of bed to feed her at the very least, and without her it seems like my fatigue is going completely out of control. I have been sleeping 16-22 hours a day for the last several days. I have also seen a major upswing in the frequency and severity of my migraines. I live alone, so with Jezebel gone lonliness is quickly becoming a major factor. Someone in my church offered me the opportunity to get a kitten today, and while on the one hand it feels too soon, I am kind of afraid to see what would happen if I go much longer without a pet. What are your thoughts?

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Another vote for the kitty!

I really believe that animals have a calming and soothing effect on people. Plus I love cats - I would have one except for the fact that my dog would most likely gulp it up in one go :o

I have two horses, and while they are hard work, I always feel better after spending time with them.

Also, having a cat will give you a reason (feeding etc) to get up and out of bed.

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So sorry for your loss, I would say yes defnitly an other pet, they have so many benafits for your health and well being. Have you ever thought of a sevice dog! I have no idea whether you like dogs, but you might find a service dog both helpfull and a great boost for your well being.

we have just bought a standard poodle puppy for my son that has EDS, POTS and Autisum, we hope in time to teach both son and dog to help each other!


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Oh poor you, how horrible. I too have a pet (rabbit) who is the only thing that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning! I definitely think the new kitty is a really good idea. I find that my nurturing instincts override how awful I'm feeling a lot of the time and when you manage to give a home to something, feed it, make it well, it gives you a sense of achievement and love that you wouldn't otherwise have if you didn't have children.


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Shell, I so sad for you... It sounds like you lost a good friend. I hope you get a new pet soon, it won't make you forget the cat that you loved so much... but it should bring you some happiness, and distraction. Best wishes for you... if you do get a new kitty please write us all about it and tell us what you name it! kayjay

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I'm so sorry for your loss, but I vote for the kitten, too. While I've been sick our cat Raven has been such a companion. Animals seem to know when we really need some cuddling and give more than they take. It probably feels like it's too soon to replace Jezebel, but a kitty would certainly make you smile and give you comfort. Go for it!



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In a bit of kismet, I stopped by my vet's office this morning and they just happened to have a six month old kitty they thought would be perfect for me. So currently curled up at my feet purring like a freight train is...Polly. She is a black and white beauty. And best of all for my financial resources, since she is a rescue from the vet she is spayed and totally up to date on all her shots and vaccinations. I feel perkier already, and more motivated to take care of myself than I have in a week. So hurray for Polly!

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Another vote for the kitty. I lost my beloved cat last year and was devastated. When I first got sick, cuddling with him was the highlight of my day. Feeding and tending to him was the only reason I got out of bed on some days. My friend got me a kitten shortly thereafter and at first I didn?t think I was ready. But after only an hour or two, I was in love with the new little one. There nothing like a good purrrrrrrr to make you feel better!

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I'm a cat and dog lover (currently have two doggies) but I have to say I'm more partial to cats :o . My last kitty was such a sweet comfort when I had to lie in bed all day. I've lost pets too; I'm so sorry. It is losing a good friend. But it sounds like you could really use some cheering up and distraction right now. I know you'll still be sad over the kitty you lost, but you need to have some happiness too. I vote for getting another cat, although a kitten might be a lot of work and upkeep for you right now. Maybe an adult cat would require less work from you... Either way I say get another cat.

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So currently curled up at my feet purring like a freight train is...Polly. She is a black and white beauty. And best of all for my financial resources, since she is a rescue from the vet she is spayed and totally up to date on all her shots and vaccinations. I feel perkier already, and more motivated to take care of myself than I have in a week. So hurray for Polly!

Sandyshell, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We have two dogs that are our little furry children so I know what you are going through. I know it feels too soon, but I'll echo your "hurray for Polly!" Hopefully she'll help rescue you just as much as you've helped rescue her life by giving her a new home.

With the obligatory caution not to slide down the slippery slope of becoming the neighborhood's "crazy cat lady", I'd suggest that you might even want to look at getting a second kitten some time in the near future. The reason I say this is because we lost our oldest dog just before Christmas last year and I think having our younger dog around to hug was the only thing that kept my wife and I sane sometimes. It completely confused and freaked him out, but he helped us get through the worst of the loss until we were ready to adopt our new dog who came home early this year.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your loss....This is something that helped me when I lost my last pet. I pass it on when friends lose their pets. I hope you find comfort in it also. I cry everytime I watch it, so get the Kleenex.

The Rainbow Bridge


I'm a real pet lover, right now my guy is a cockerpoo all cute and cuddly. Adopted and gives me such unconditional love.... It took me 2 years before I would even look at another dog after losing my last cockerpoo. She was a little girl I picked her and he picked me with the help of God. Funny how we get are pets, I put a picture of my last dog on craigslist and asked god to send me another free one . Within 15 mins someone replied. a week later he climbed in the car and wanted to go home with us and never looked back.

He was born the month my last dog died, it was like someone else took care of him till I was ready to have another dog. He was hard work as he was never really trained. Today he's my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him. I cried a lot in the two years without a dog....Now when I cry about something he licks my tears away.

I'm glad you saved a kitty.... I loved hearing stories like that : ) Cats are GREAT!!!!!

Any one else looking for a cat? My son has had this beautiful white burmese cat hanging around his door for about a month now. Last week he started feeding it. He can't let it in as he saw it had a finght with a possum. If he calls the animal shelter they will put it asleep and it's a beautiful cat. He has a cat already. The cat needs to be quarantined for a short time and then given all it's shots. He thinks when the people moved out next door they just left the cat. this seems to be happening more and more these day with the economy. We are searching for a place to take it where it won't get killed as it is so beautiful and It's scared as it's seems like is's new to being outside.

My son has posted signs up and no one has responed to a lost cat so we think it was stranded. How sad!!! Anyone in MA want to save a kitty??????????

I want to but allergic, that's why I have the hypo allergenic dog with hair. Had cats as a kid but as I got older it just got worse... LOVE THEM even asked my doctor......She said NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Blessings for the Shell's new Kitty, all rescued pets, and any pet that give us unconditional love,


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