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Everything posted by gertie

  1. I have bone growths below the gum line on bottom teeth . I don't remember what they are called. When I first noticed mine I was a young person & it scared me but when I was told it was nothing to worry about I don't pay much attention anymore. They seem to not be as bad or as noticeable now that I'm old. No dentist ever brought them to my attention so I didn't treat them in any way. Good luck!
  2. Thank you! I have kidney disease so I can't drink Gatorade & things that usually help. I got behind on my medical appointments during Covid. Now I will have to do the best I can. Good luck to you !
  3. The heat of summer here in the US is making my POTS worse. I can't tolerate the heat & I feel I am about to pass out a lot so I don't want to be outside. I get vertigo & dread these am appointments but no way to avoid them. I have a few morning appointments I need to keep. What can you suggest for early morning travel when it can't be avoided. I'm thinking an Ativan might calm my vestibular system or it might make my POTS worse. Any suggestions? Thanks
  4. Thanks for your response. I understand I won't know until I experience it.
  5. I know this doesn't seem like anything to most of us, but when I think of everyday symptoms of POTS & other autonomic nervous system problems I have to wonder if anyone here has had cataract surgery & did you have any problems with it? I don't think most doctors even know what it is. Thanks for your help!
  6. I agree & thanks for reply.
  7. I have been hearing so much information that there was never a covid virus & the vaccines & masking only made things worse. How are you handling being in public places now? I don't mean this as a political thing I would like to know how people are really reacting to this. No one in my area is wearing mask or distancing. I don't drive anymore so I must order everything I need but I think I would wear a mask to go to a doctors office. There still seems to be people that are still getting covid. I am confused. Your opinions please!
  8. Thanks for your replies. It's difficult to try something new that may make us worse but it's worth the chance we could be better.
  9. Have any of you taken Lexapro/Escitalopram for AD? If so did you have any negative effects? I am concerned about taking something new & would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
  10. Thanks for reading & replying. I always think I would feel better if I didn't have to eat. I get blood work done at least once a year. It's time for checkup again & I dread it because my physician wants me to gain weight & it hasn't happened.
  11. Is this part of Dysautonomia? I've lost a lot of weight (not by choice) over the last year. My doctor thinks I shouldn't lose anymore. I have a lot of food allergies; I don't usually get hungry & when I do eat a good meal I end up in toilet with tummy ache & throwing up. I have slow motility & eating one meal day is usually enough. I have been eating more than I want but still do not gain wt. If I do gain a few lbs. I end up with IBS & lose it. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you handle it?
  12. Hi maggs, I have had extensive allergy testing done & was allergic to most everything. I've thought I had MCAS & my PCP did the only testing he was aware of which didn't sound right to me but he's the only physician I have so I didn't argue. I researched MCAS & found that the treatment was certain antihistamines which I had tried. The AH caused me to have seizures so I realized that was not the treatment for me. Thanks for taking time to reply.
  13. Among all the other symptoms I have, syncope being one of the worse, I also have colon spasms & nausea. I usually have no appetite but when I do manage to eat I seem to always have colon spasms & nausea or vomiting. I am allergic to most foods so I don't have a lot of choice in what I eat. I don't think I eat too much at one time because I'm so afraid to eat now knowing what I may have to endure. Is this a symptoms of Dysautonomia? I'm thinking of trying CBD oil for relief but I'm not sure what kind to get or if it might make me worse. I didn't think this could get worse but it has. Any help appreciated. Dr's have not been helpful.
  14. Thanks Rexie, Do you take hydrocortisone as needed when BP falls or do you take it daily? I have been given fludrocortisone to dake daily but I had too many side effects from it. I'll check out the ashwagandha.
  15. Thanks for your replies. I'm sorry you're going through this. I don't feel alone. The med I was given I couldn't take because of its interferrence with my other health problems.
  16. I have become afraid to eat because of IC, IBS,kidney disease, food allergies. I only eat a few bites 2 or 3 x's a day of food I think is safe for me to eat. Then I wait to get a bad tummy ache which happens often. I admit I've become almost, if not, paranoid about this.
  17. Have any of you passed out while outside? After working outside in yard for a few min I decided to water plants & come inside. I didn't feel overheated but when I started for inside my house my vision turned gray & I knew I was going down. I made it inside the garage but did not make it inside house before I collapsed & when I came to my hair was drenched & it took me awhile before I could get inside house where it was cool. I've passed out a lot in my life but always inside where I could get to a chair or bed. For some reason this was the most disturbing. I live in rural area so there's a lot to do outside in the summer. Now I'm not comfortable going outside at all. I've had dysautonomia many years & never had this problem with the heat. How would you handle this? Thanks.
  18. I have this all the time but I have Meniere's disease. Lately it's worse outside for me. I always use a cane outside. One of the treatments for POTS is more salt & treatment for Meniere's is less salt. I can't win at anything I do.
  19. Thank you. I ate light breakfast this am & felt like nothing digested. I decided to experiment so I took an Ativan .5 & forgot about it. In a few minutes I started burping & felt like my food was digesting & even went for a walk & ate a light lunch. That also leads me to believe some of it is caused by stress & anxiety. Nothing is much fun anymore is it?
  20. I'm wondering if not getting hungry is a symptom of this illness or just my age? I'm in late 70's & for a few last years I don't get hungry & when I eat a small amount I don't feel like I digest it for hours. Thanks.
  21. Thanks everyone for helpful info. I use heating pad for a lot of ailments.
  22. Thank you for responding. I too find that trying to stay calm helps but it is hard to do.
  23. Do any of you ever do this? When I get to thinking about all the physical health problems I have & am unable to take medication that might help. I'm highly allergic & also have kidney disease which limits my food & meds. I've been having awful IBS symptoms with pain & vomiting, can't eat. Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake & start shaking so hard I can't stop. I think it makes my POTS worse. If you have this problem what do you do to get yourself under control? Thanks
  24. Thanks so much for your reply. I also have temporary blindness in one eye occasionally. My eyes feel like they are crossed sometimes & the only way I can see at all is to cover one eye. Medication will cause me to do that sometimes also. Thanks again!
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