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I Found It!


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I've just bought my Tumeric online too. Can't wait for it to arrive now. I was just wondering if it might have a stimulant effect though? Does anyone know? I find stimulants very hard to tollerate.

I also can not tolerate any stimulants but have not found the "tea" I am making using the turmeric as spice to cause any jitters.


Thanks very much for that Earth Mother.I might try the tea too while I'm waiting for the supplements to arrive.They'll take up to 3 weeks it seems .:)

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I just wanted to say that after my doctors appointment yesterday for ear infection My ear swelled shut again. I guess the odoscope irritated it. I took some turmeric this morning with some water, and the swelling in my ear seems to be doing better! My ear isn't completly open yet, but I plan on taking more and hoping it will help.


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So, after all this discussion, i decided to pick up some tumeric at my local Indian grocer--I got a 2lb bag for 3.59!! I made tea out of it with a big heaping teaspoon full, added some raw honey, and a piece of candied ginger while it steeped. They also had fresh tumeric, which I got a few pieces of--it looks like ginger root, just smaller. The tea didn't taste bad at all, but I did need to put a little coffee creamer in it to mellow it a bit. Only drawback so far is that I can't get the yellow out of my finger nails from when I cleaned up my cup.


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So, after all this discussion, i decided to pick up some tumeric at my local Indian grocer--I got a 2lb bag for 3.59!! I made tea out of it with a big heaping teaspoon full, added some raw honey, and a piece of candied ginger while it steeped. They also had fresh tumeric, which I got a few pieces of--it looks like ginger root, just smaller. The tea didn't taste bad at all, but I did need to put a little coffee creamer in it to mellow it a bit. Only drawback so far is that I can't get the yellow out of my finger nails from when I cleaned up my cup.


When I saw this here I started trying this too ... I made a curry salmon / asparagus and just added it in .. yum .. in case you want the recipe, it's just salmon, onions, garlic, green bell pepper, fresh asparagus, red curry, coconut milk, tumeric, s and p, EVOO ... just cook your veggies in EVOO, then add the spices and salmon and cook for about 5 more minutes. I used pre cooked salmon since I had it on hand.

I had to laugh when I saw this about yellow finger nails. I use cloves in an herbal tea mix I take daily and am constantly fighting to keep my teeth white. Add yellow nails to this and I'll never get a date ... :)

I'm eager to see how we all do on this ...

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I just bought some Tumeric ( 450 mg. capsules) at our local compounding center. They know a lot about homeopathy and holistic therapies. The pharmacist said to give it at least a month to build up in my son's body and begin to have an effect. I'm going to start him on 1 capsule/day for a month, then increase to 2/day. She recommended that he not take more than 1 capsule per meal.

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this is interesting. think I'll try it too. It will be even more interesting if ppl can figure out WHY this helps POTS patients...may give some hints as to the mechanisms of the disease itself.

I heard it works like an antibiotic and also improves circulation.

My mother has always liked adding tumeric to her soups. I never liked the taste, but I'll try the GNC pills. Yeah, I was gonna add a warning to those who never cooked with it before: IT TURNS EVERYTHING YELLOW!

All my mom's wooden stirring spoons are yellow.

Let's hear some feedback when you guys have tried this for a while, please :)

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I'm going to wait and let you all tell me how wonderful it works before I go for it. :)

I tried something similar with Sage back when I had Hyperlactation with my babies. EVERYTHING smelled like Thanksgiving stuffing! :( And, it didn't work for me, despite the dire warnings I got from my lactation consultant and the Le leche league. It took me years before I could eat anything with sage in it again! I'm guessing that everything's gonna smell like Turmeric, and look like Turmeric, and taste like Turmeric...even taking it in a capsule.

If it works wonders for Y'all, count me in! You'll be able to tell the POTS patients in a crowd because we are still upright, energetic and a lovely golden yellow!

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I have a very sensitive mouth and stomach. If you take it as capsules should you take it with food? Doesn't this have like a concentrated mustard flavor for tea???

Has it caused digestive upset for anybody?

I am afraid to buy it in case it makes me sick.

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My pharmacist said to definitely take it with food, and to start with just one capsule a day for about a month, before building up the dose. The capsules I bought were 400 mg.

For those of you who are using tumeric in your cooking for its health properties, I doubt that the amount you're using is anywhere near a capsule's worth; unless you're enjoying the taste, it's probably a waste of time.

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Didn't bother my mouth or my stomach--and my stomach can be very cranky; I take nexium 2x a day (yeah, so much for their commercial that says "one purple pill" can heal your stomach). I didn't taste at all like mustard--I can't really describe the taste, but it wasn't a bad taste with the honey and milk.


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Guest tearose

I too am using a tablet not the powder and have not noticed any flare with my GERD issues. I make sure I eat something when I take it.

Is it suppose to help ALL our symptoms? I think I have two major areas of problems. One is the brain fog the Second the lack of stamina.

Anyone know what it is suppose to help?



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I just took my first pill. I was near a great natural pharmacy yesterday and decided to stop in. They suggested the Nature's Way brand, 500 mg. I was expecting a capsule, but when I opened it, it was a tablet. Can't wait to see what happens. It's cool that many of us are trying it together!

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I'm one of those who is so sensitive to meds or supplements that I have to start out with minute amounts of everything so I'm trying it on my food first. I was thinking that because I'm so sensitive this may be all I need. I'll let you know if I feel more energetic, but right now I'm recovering from going out of town, getting glutenned every day and then catching a nasty cold / congestion. I have to give my body at least 1 more week to get over this but I'll be watching anyways.

If this small amount doesn't work and I don't get sick from it (or start to look like a canary), I'll move on to the capsules too though ...

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Geez, I'm no expert guys, BUT I'll share what I know. I also have awful GERD (hospitalized several times JUST for that) and the turmeric with food hasn't bothered my tum, even a little. I'm embarassed to admit I've never tasted turmeric before and I still haven't. I get NO aftertaste with the GNC capsules. I also have NO yellow staining. I'm just taking a capsule, not using it in cooking- 2 different experiences.

The turmeric has helped me with cognitive fog and fatigue. I really hope it helps someone else too. Please report your experiences!

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I am trying the tea as EM recommended. It doesn't taste very bad until the tea is almost gone although I try to stir it frequently when drinking at the end all the yucky stuff is waiting for me, but it's ok the chinese herbs that i tried were way worse and I still drank it, too bad that it didn't really help me. I drink mine with lemon with no honey or milk, but I used only half of the teaspoon. The taste was not that spicy, it was bitter, but I guess as someone already mentioned the mixture of the spice can be different.

Those with low blood sugar level or taking medicine to reduce it should be carefull, because turmeric may increase the effect of insulin and oral drugs for diabetes as it has blood sugar lowering effect. Not recommended to take it at the same time as aspirin, because turmeric can decrease the ability for blood to clot.

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