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Hurricane Charley is Heading Straight for me!


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Hey guys! I just wanted to make one last post before our power goes out...some of you know we JUST moved to Tampa bay, FL and now Hurricane Charley is coming through this afternoon- we actually had a mandatory evacuation at our house yesterday, so I'm at my mom's which is slightly northeast of Tampa...still in the hurricane's path though.

I am sooo scared!! Lat year in DC we had a tropical storm that scared the crap out of me, and this is going to be a category 3 full-fledged hurricane that is going to take this entire state a while to recover from.

They have told us we WILL lose power, and water, so I am terrified about surviving without heat down here for possibly several days. Does anyone have any ideas? I am going to hunt down a battery powered fan today, but what else can I do, having no water as well? We stocked up on the bottled stuff, but it won't be cold- and I have my powedered electrolyte drink.

Wish us luck...I will post probably in a few days when we get power back..as long as everything is ok. I am scared!!

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:blink: Hi Best of luck in the storm. make sure you have lots of bottled water available, flashlight w/ extra batterys, jar candles & matches, food such as peanut butter etc. I would probably also have a cooler handy and tons of ice for it to put some food into incase the power goes out so you don't have to keep opening your fridge. that way maybe you won't lose food if the power goes out for a short time. I saw some people buying small generators etc to use on the news. Good luck and be safe.
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I'm sure you remember when Isabel hit us in September. The eye went directly over my house in Virginia. We lost power and everything for 8 days. Luckily we had the generator so we were able to keep the fridge going for me and to use the shower every once in a while.

My advice is get a generator if you can. If not the battery powered fan is a GREAT idea. Lots of water, even if it isn't cold will still help you. It not being cold doesn't change how much it helps you. Plus your other drink. Keep quantities of that mixed up already if it's one of those that has to be mixed. I slept straight through Isabel. My family COULDN'T wake me up. It was like I was comatose almost. Make sure your mom or someone else is watching Ethan when it actually hits, because if you're like me you'll be out of it totally at that point. Just try to stay calm. I looked at it as an adventure and that helped. We all sat in the living room at night and one person had a flashlight and we played "spot the light." We played board games during the day. It was actaully pretty fun, except for the no showers part. :P:blink: Make sure you have at least one flashlight for each person, including Ethan, if nothing else he will have fun playing with the flashlight. Try to find a propane camping stove. That's what we used to cook on.

Hope this helps some. Just try to stay calm. Things will work out.

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i would be freaking out too! i freak out about lightening and thunder or tornado warnings!

i really do hope that you survive the power outtage...that would be really tough with how hot it is down there.

unicornisis sounds like a pro on this topic...i don't have any other tips!

we lost power in a thunderstorm just for a couple of hours the other day, and i was in a major flare, and kept thinking...wait a minute...there is nothing i can do/use that i use constantly during the day...it was pathetic when i realized how dependent i was on power.

anyway, please post again as soon as you can and let us know that you are okay...until then, i will keep you in my thoughts!


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Oh boy, Jessica. I am saying a prayer that you and your family stay safe. I don't have much for ideas; I do know that I could easily live on a jar of peanut butter. It's one of my favorite foods. I know you're not much for sugar, but try Clif bars or Odwalla bars or something ... high-protein energy bars. They're calorie-dense and small.


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Hope that Tampa fares better than Cape Coral (Ft. Meyers) where my mother and brother live. I can't reach them. On the weather channel it said they were expecting a Category 2 there and got a Category 4 storm. My brother called my sister in California to say that they were llive but my mother had water coming in all her windows and doors. My brother was trying to get back to his house to assess the damage. This storm is not doing what it was expected to do. It must have dysautonomia.

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Wow, how scarey. I have family in Naples, and an aunt who just moved there literally right before the storm was supposed to hit. I'm glad that you are at your mom's with other family members. Take care of yourself and do all of the usual stuff and stay safe. At least Ethan is young enough that you can turn it into a game. Like a big campout. Giving him a flashlight sounds like a good idea. If he's like most little boys that will occupy him for a little while. I'll remember you as well as my family and everyone else in the path of the storm, in my prayers.

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Whew! We TOTALLY escaped this storm and we are breathing huge sighs of relief this morning as we watch the news and the aftermath where the storm did hit in South Florida up through Orlando...it literally scathed the edge of Tampa without causing any damage and we didn't get so much as a breeze or drop of wind here at my parents house.

The meteorologists can't always be right, but sometimes that's a good thing...although I am keeping the less fortunate people in my thoughts today. Thanks everyone for your good wishes :P

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