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Dawg Tired

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Everything posted by Dawg Tired

  1. I sympathize..... I applied the Monday after hubby had to come to work to get me because I could not sit up anymore.... that was sept 12, 2002..... I got my first check January 2005!
  2. So, were you ever on the BCBS??? If so, they should have given you another COI - to give to whoever you have now.
  3. I took this picture through my back window. I seem to do a lot of "window photography!" My birdbath, bird feeders and now the birdhouse is out here.
  4. The COI's are issued to the employee - not to the new insurance company! They usually arrive kind of hidden among a lot of other paperwork and it usually isn't obvious what it is.... It is up to you to present them to your new insurance company and your time to do that is limited - not sure now just what it is. Unfortunately, insurance that is not part of a group policy can deny certain things. Considering the age of both of you - it may behoove you to check into your state's Medicaid system. I know you might have to somehow present yourself as not living with parents. Also - insurance considerations are the #1 reason we shouls all file as early as possible for SSDI and keep up with the appeals - Trying to get coverage is almost impossible!
  5. Okay... here is what you need to do - when your dad went from being self-employed to the BCBS PPO, Cigna had to issue a "Certificate of Insurability" for each of you covered under the policy - Sometimes they are issued at the time you take up COBRA coverage and sometimes they are issued after it is dropped - but - under ERISA, they have to issue them. So, the next insurance company - because of the COI, cannot claim a pre-existing condition..... But they will TRY!! In my past life I was an insurance nurse!
  6. How horrible! I know what you mean about the alarm... It would have set me off even without the heat! So sorry!
  7. Okay.... Now, do I understand that your insurance is with the same employer all along? And - have they switched TYPES of insurance - now, I'm not talking about insurance companies - actual insurance... as in, did they go from an indemnity policy to a Third-Party Administrator? (TPA)?? Also, look at your policy - see what coverage is. The bills that have been not covered - file an appeal.... first they have to go back over it themselves, if they still deny it - file the second appeal - then it has to go higher.... the third appeal it actually has to be reviewed by an independant board to decide if they should cover it or not. Like everything else we go through...... appeal, appeal, appeal!
  8. Bacterial vaginosis - a bacterial infection instead of a yeast infection.
  9. Hey! Same with me on the deodorant.... weird.... but then, aren't we all????
  10. Well.... I have to shower absolutely EVERY day - as we all know, a shower is difficult to do. And sometimes I have to shower twice a day! I had a hysterectomy - ovaries out and the whole nine yards..... I have found that Dial (Gold) soap seems to help as much as anything - and when I have tried the femenine hygeine sprays - it got worse! But then, my expectations were not too high there to begin with.... But, we always grasp for answers!
  11. I love it! I have been on it since 2003. It makes me sleepy, but if you take it consistently for a few days the sleepy factor gets better. Some people get nauseated if they take it on an empty tummy so watch out for that. It comes as suppositories as well as tablets and I keep both on hand!
  12. It was a she..... I never went back to her! But yes, I WOULD have loved to pick up my princess dress and pea on her shoes! I was in a state of shock - I thought at first it was my imagination - I mean, NO doctor would say that to a patient - would they????? But she repeated it several times. I am so glad Rick went with me - he heard it too! So, I feel that doctors are a source of anxiety for me!
  13. I never had a problem with anxiety before having the problems with NCS/POTS.... but, as months went by with doctors telling me it was all in my head - I began to be anxious that I would just DIE of this "psychosomatic" condition. One doctor told me I was a "princess on a pea".... and charged me $386 for that diagnosis... So, all in all, I think my anxiety has been doctor induced!
  14. I use it quite a bit, and if I haven't been able to eat for a day or so I go to regular Coca-Cola. The generic does not do as well - gotta have the name brand - gingel ale is good. I can't tolerate any artificial sweetners so no diet. But I have days when I live on Coke and soda crackers!
  15. I really know what you are talikng about. You might point out the security feature of having a dog - even a small dog makes enough noise to scare away most intruders. Then there is the affection - the TLC your dog is there for on the bad days. I. too am a "dog person", and we talked about a dog - but a lost dog came to stay with us for about a week while his parents were located and it wore me out terribly. So, I got a cat! But I hope you get your doggie - they are SO sweet!
  16. Actually, they can take 17 - 20 days to dissolve. I remember one patient from back when I was still a nurse in the "working world".... her stitches hadn't dissolved after 3 weeks and she came back in to have them removed. It turned out she had been so careful about keeping them dry that they didn't have enough moisture to dissolve!
  17. Sorry, nothing has helped me. I, too, have a pacemaker - dual chamber. It did not help.
  18. 13 years ago.... when I was at 170lbs... (I'm 5'4")... I went to an orthopedic surgeon due to a work-related shoulder injury. When I got a copy of his report I notice he had described me as "obese"! Needless to say, now days, with me at 280, I would not go in there! He was a poor excuse for a doctor all around...
  19. I am glad we were successful - a wonderful result for the first time around! We had many beautiful things - we really are a talented bunch! Might we come up with an additional auction for this holiday season? Or are we going to wait until next year? Thank you, every one for the work that went into this, I do a lot of my shopping on e-bay since I don't get "out" to shop anymore, and I do some selling, so I know the scope of the work that went into this.
  20. I don't do any yard work. Hubby has to scoop the cat's litter box and feed kitty - bending over to get a cup of cat food and putting it in the bowl sends me into a dizzy spell. Someone has to come in and vacuum and mop for me. We live on TV dinners - but if I am up to cooking I try to make enough that we can freeze/microwave later. I get out once a week to church. Today, after church we will be going to Branson for an overnight trip - we will go directly to the motel, take a nap, go to a show, back to the motel for a nap, in the morning - when I will sleep as long as possible - we will go eat then come home. It will take me a week or so to recover from it. I have no garden this year - hubby planted a couple of tomato plants but I cannot even drag a hose around to water them. I only get a bath 2-3 times a week - what a luxury daily showers would be!
  21. A sun visor - and I wear it low on my forehead. Yeah, light bothers me. One reason we moved to another state was to get out of the "We have 360 days of sun a year!!" stuff.... And here we have shade trees! I can do sunglasses - but for some reason, they disorient me. I just try to stay inside all I can!
  22. I think that what got me was they implied that only children get it - and then they outgrow it! It was like they ignored a whole section of the population. And this came from MAYO!!!! Shame on them!
  23. Congratulations! Isn't it amazing how much we treasure the raer, symptom-free, "regular" days when we get them?
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