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Everything posted by Jacquie802

  1. Any one have any questions for me to ask my neuro. I'll check before I go to my apptmt at 330pm!
  2. Gracie I have gotten the same reaction!!!!!
  3. Hey, I just wanted to wish you luck with your tests and I hope you find out what is going on exactly. I hope you dont have Parkinson's, l ike you already dont have enough to deal with. Take care. You are in my thoughts. Jacquie
  4. Hi, I don't know what more I could add to what others have said. However, I do know that I want you to wake up after every goodnight's sleep. Your family needs you and we need you here! Holidays are very hard for me too, esp this year since I don't have the money to get gifts, etc. I love to give presents, but you know what I always have next year. As for me feeling sad, I know that no matter what I have my family and everyone here. Feel free to send me a PM, I hope you feel better soon, and if you need to talk out your feelings come back here and we'll all be here for you. Take care, and things will get better. Jacquie
  5. Lauren we are going to miss you! I hope the move goes very smoothly and you love your new home. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. Hopefully this new year will be a good one for all of us! Take care *Goodluck at Vandy. Jacquie
  6. Congrats!!! I too had more than 1 ablation. However, with mine I was fine for a bout 3-4 months then my heart would find a way to go tachy again. I hope this is a cure for you though and you have better luck!
  7. Hi, I am just wondering what everyones first few symptoms of POTS were before they got a diagnoses. My doctors believe that in July 2003 I came down with a viral infection and that is how I "got" POTS. However, before that even happened all throught high school I would sleep for hours and missed alot of school because everyone thought I was being lazy. Some still do to this day I think. I don't remember having heart problems then though, I just know my bp was low. My symptoms starting in June 2003 (when Dr.'s think I got a viral infection that caused POTS ) were Tachycardia/arrhythmia Blood pressure problems Tingling in extremities Lightheadedness Black Vision It seems like I am suffering from more symptoms now though, such as the blurred vision, vertigo, and many more. Is this a cycle that occurs before a person gets better?? Or is this just the beginning of getting worse?
  8. Hi guys, I am in a situation similar to yours. I took EMT classes because after my 2nd ablation in Jan of this year, I thought I was cured. Wishful thinking So everything was okay, however I began to get worse in May of this year. I stuck out my EMT classes because it is my dream to help people and something about being the first on the scene gives me a great feeling of being able to help people. However, with only 4 weeks left of class I began to miss class alot due to the hot humid weather here. I could no longer sit in an unairconditioned room during 85 plus degrees of heat for 8 hours. I literally would feel very faint and many timmes barely made it home. To make a long story short I am currently waiting to hear back about getting some sort of refund. I do not believe it's fair that there was no air conditioning available due to the size of our class. If there was air conditioning I could have finished those classes and became certified. Not that there is much now I could do with it, but just knowing that I finished something even if it took every last ounce of energy I had. Of course I still haven't heard back anything from the course director. Now I am trying to see if I can take some online classes, might as well feel like I am doing something with my time since I can't do too much these days. I hope you find some sort of loop hole in the system. It's not like we have asked for this.
  9. Hi, last night I actually felt like I was not getting in enough oxygen when I breath. Is this the same thing as air hunger???
  10. Lately I have been getting a funny feeling in my head. It's hard to explain, it's not vertigo and or dizziness...atleast the type I am used to getting. It's kind of like feeling lightheaded, but sometimes, not all the time, when I get it I have pressure near my eyes. Sometimmes the pressure is near the right side of my head and other times it isn't. I'm really confused about what it is or even how to describe it. I have had a brain MRI so I know it's nothing serious, but I'm just curious if it is POTS related. Thanks
  11. Hey Lauren, sorry you had a crappy night. I'm not sure if you posted before about why you are moving, is there family in Maryland? Please be sure to pack along your computer with you!! I always look forward to your posts and you give really great advice, and I believe I speak for all of us when I say that you are our friend. So don't ever think that you have no friends left, because you have plenty of friends here I hope the flight goes smoothly for you and you like your new place in MD. Keep us updated. Goodluck!
  12. Hi, I'm not sure if this was posted before, for some reason I think it may have been. Has anyone noticed that when they get out of the shower their legs and feet have little white dots. They aren't bumps just little circles. I'm wondering what this is caused from. If anyone have any ideas....
  13. Hi Lois, I am fairly new to the board. I just read your post and wanted to wish you the best of luck during the following weeks. Take care. Jacquie
  14. Ernie, thanks for sharing your secret with us. Please know that there is no need to keep secrets from us, you shouldn't have to go through anything alone. I hope they find some good answers for you and a great treatment for you to be on. Stay stong
  15. I am so very sorry for you and your family. Your in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better, don't forget to take care of yourself. Stress definately makes POTS alot worse than it already is.
  16. Hi, I'm sorry you have been having a crappy day. Try to drink extra fluids to bring your bp up. I know it stinks when your eye sight is crappy, mine is like that alot, mostly when I first get up. Hopefully it will get better as the day goes on. I am just watching the rain outside, in some weird way it's relaxing, but I will be back lata to check on you so keep updating us on your condition! Feel better.
  17. Happy Birthday! Hope all your bday wishes come true!
  18. Does anyone here have "overactive taste buds?" It seems like anything I eat including katsup and stuff makes me cringe my face...
  19. I'm sorry you are feeling crappy. The heat does a number on me. I either have to be in AC or in a pool to be okay. I actually had to leave my EMT classes cuz we would have class for 8 hours in 85 plus degrees and it was too much for me. I am trying to get my money back, who knows though. Also, if you are ever really hot w/O AC or a pool around you could put lil bag of ice or something to that affect under your armpits and around ur neck...that is how ppl with heat exhaust temp is lowered. Take care and STAY COOL!
  20. I think this should just be a venting week, lol. I can relate with the numbness, etc. The other day I was paranoid becuase when I woke up my right arm felt like it had been shot up with lots of novacaine, weird part was that I wasn't even laying on it or anything...hmm?? It took me a while to get the feeling back in it, to be honest I was very scared. I have a hard time feeling my arms and legs most of the time. If it's cold out I def. won't feel them. Even in the warm heated house I am in now with thick socks on I can't feel anything in my feet. I won't try the "it can only get better from here," because for the time being it doesn't do much. I had an aweful day if you had seen my post earlier. What really does help is thinking about the ppl who are worse off. I don't mean to sound insincere, but that is what made me feel better and decided that atleast for the rest of today I was not going to let POTS kick my butt. I hope you have a better day tomorrow and keep us updated! Good night
  21. Hey, there is only one way to go from there now and that is UP!!! Just remember that things are going to get better, hopefully sooner than later.
  22. Sorry to be so depressing, but it seems like nothing is working out. I sent out some disability reports to my doctors to fill out, I called a few back and they said that they sent them. However, the lady I talked to today about getting insurance said that they never received anything. I can't even explain how I feel right now. I've done everything on my part. I can't work but if I don't get money soon I'm gonna have my car taken away. I can't afford my medicine so I'm gonna have to skip it on some days I guess. Have no clue where I am going to live, I really don't see how things can get worse......
  23. Does POTS cause a person to have shortness of breath??? For a while now I have found that I can barely catch my breath even when I am in bed, as well as doing simple activities. I really feel like I am falling apart and I hate the fact that I have no control over it. Forget about walking up a flight of stairs, I can barely do it. Since I am having ear problems my neurologist prob won't give me anything to help since he wants to separate which problem is causing which symptoms. I won't find out the exact cause of my disequilibrium and vertigo until March, since that is the next avail. aptmt. ( I am on the cancellation list). I'm still waiting on a decision for SSDI as well as any type of insurance I can get. I hate the fact that my friends no longer call me to hang out, and I hate that I am complaining to everyone, because I know you all are/have gone through the same thing. How does everyone deal with family and friends, as well as this whole illness?? I know I should be taking a closer look at what I CAN do and be thankful, that's actually what I am thinking about now....I guess this is it for tonight just needed to vent. Goodnight guys.
  24. I know everyone here has some GI problems, but do some of them include your heart rate to go up when you have to use the bathroom. I noticed that when I have to use the bathrooom for urination, etc. (I'm sure you get the idea!) my heart rate spikes up and I get very dizzy and faint. Then other times I feeel dizzy and when I use the bathroom I feel better....Just wondering what it is! Thanks for any input. Take care guys!
  25. Tan is something I will never be, LOL. I am stuck with the pale Irish skin. But on a serious note, I only have the maroon discoloration, it even happens when I am sitting in the shower. I'm not sure what would cause your skin discoloration. Has it been there for a long time?
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