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Everything posted by Evie

  1. I have been wondering about this question too In my wisdom teeth thread i ask the similar questions. When i get blood tests or teeth out etc i tend to get really dizzy and cry and shake. They tend to assume its like an anxiety reaction, while i tend to assume its just my ANS system wigging out. I get similar reactions when i get migranes or randomly too when i faint. I use to just assume it was triggerd by pain. Now im wondering if it is just anxiety. Sorry to semi hijack a thread Kim, its just that nobody has responded in my wisdom tooth thread. I hope you find some treatment and it helps you, anxiety is really annoying. Especially on top of a illness that creates similar states.
  2. At least the court date is soon rather than later so hopefully you will get some closure to that aspect of your life. Violent crimes make people feel so vulerenable, as does illness, so you are having to deal with a double whammy there. I hope the psychologist is able to help and support you. Im really sorry that you have to go through this. We are here for you if you ever need to get your thoughts out!
  3. Hi Daniel, Dont stress or feel bad for not telling us the whole story. Its the internet, you tell us whatever you feel comfortable with. Im really sorry about your bad experiences with people acting violent towards you, if you have a clean record and paper work to prove you were trying to keep yourself safe im pretty sure no magistrate would charge you for protecting yourself. Good luck with the case and let us know how it goes
  4. I just got two out It was ok, i think the dentist was pretty freaked though. I am confused to if my response is pure anxiety or panic or if its that my system is really sensitive to any pain and just reacts in a crazy way. The anasthetic (local) went in my heart starts pumping and my body starts shaking and i feel like passing out, so i start to cry. I always cry when my body goes a bit haywire, its embarrasing. The top tooth came out no trouble, but the bottom was a bit painful. I get pins and needles and usually its a sign im going to faint. My hands get pins and needles but its a strange form ... its like they are kind of under a heater or something, burning but not burning. The dentist meant well and was saying how i was making it worse and i needed to calm down. I hate how people think that you intend or are choosing to react in such a way. He put the chair down so my head was down towards the ground and said it was impossible for people to faint in that position (he was trying to calm me down.. he said it in a nice way). In my head i kind of laughed as i knew i had fainted even with my head towards the ground before. Well at least i had one of those fit like shake faints with my head towards the ground. Does my response to pain sound common to you guys? or should i put it down to anxiety.
  5. Hi Hayley, I had severe fatigue for about 4 years. Its the worst symptom of the lot I use to fall asleep in class and have to have my head laying on the desk. New teachers use to think i just had a big weekend so i always had to explain i was not being rude i just didnt have the energy to sit with my head up. Do you mind me asking what you are doing atm? Are you having to juggle work or study or family? I had to take time off and do one term on one term off (part time study when studying). Have you always been tired or is it a new symptom? Maybe tailor your diet and avoid gluggy food or gluten/dairy. Some people find that they get bloated and this makes them feel sluggish. If its muscle pain that makes you tired then i use to have hot baths with epsim salts in the bath. The magnesium helps relive the tension/pain. I realise alot of people on this forum cant handle the hot water, so thats a highly personal suggestion. For me it wakes up the muscles and gets them working. Massage also does wonders for me. It helps wake my body up so i dont feel so fatigued. It makes some people more tired so you would have to tailor it again to your body. I need a really hard massage to get into my knots yet some people with CFS find its too much stimulation and they need a softer massage. Being tired is really horrible. I hope you find some good advice from somoene on this forum and it helps you feel even just a little bit better
  6. Does Prof Esler need more paitients to test on? I have been diagnosed with POTS and am in australia. I am recovering with bed tilt, florinef and knowing what to avoid. A dr is also helping me calm down my nervous system so im not quite so sensitive to sound/stress/touch etc. I sometimes get confused as other people have stated about the 'different' types of POTS. Since i assume that Prof Esler seems to take it that we are all similar (or mostly) at least that brings some hope of a universal treatment. My drs didnt want me to go on the other medications unless i truely had to as they said they can have some not so nice side effects. I didnt realise the medications were toxic though? I suppose a lot of things in life are yet we still eat/drink them for pleasure. Thankyou for this information ramakentesh! Its lovely to bring hope into this field. Sometimes i seriously consider becomming a dr myself just so i can try to treat the ignored paitients. Shame about the reality of the medicical field and the extreme stress you have to go through to graduate. I think i may be more of a liability than a help heh.
  7. Wow thats wonderful finnette! thanks so much for offering help if i need it. Hopefully it will all go well and i wont need it, but its nice to know i have support/advice if needed Im feeling much better now too, thank you everyone!
  8. it came back! two hours before the exam i was running to the loo's again. florinef and gatorade and some food got me through. Im now wondering if it was just that my bp was crashing, however i have never had to run to the loo for that before (except if i felt like i was going to vomit). Poohbear you were right gatorade does work wonders thank you for the kind words! Thanks for the advice leah I already get to use computers, have extra time and am able to have water etc. I also move my assesments around so i dont have two days in a row. They are really good about it here but if i go to the states to study next year i was worried they may not be so flexible? Given from what i have seen they tend to have exam periods all in one or two weeks. Here we have it over about four so its easier to spread things out.
  9. Happy Birthday Jessica
  10. Thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions guys Luckily im not running to the toilet anymore and i feel much better. I have no idea what it was, i dont know if there was such a thing as a 6 hour bug. I drank gastrolyte and i think it worked wonders! i had not used it before so its my new wonder drug. I think i was just dehyrated from losing so much fluid. Kirstin whats Kaopectate? i will look it up when i get back from my exam. These sorts of hints may sound obvious but they arent for everyone so i really appreciate everyones ideas... i didnt know about adding saltanas! I will drink some gingerale today (i had heard that before but completely forgot about it yesterday).
  11. Thank goodness its gone a bit... i dont get our bodies at all ... so prone to being up and down ... gah hope it lasts. at least my eyesight is better so i can read my study notes now
  12. Thats a good idea Most of my records are around somewhere .. its so hard to know what is relevent.
  13. Hey everyone I have my final exam tomorrow and i am all ready for it except today i started feeling naseaus and have had dioreha its got worse as the day went on. Now migranes are starting and body is shakey... I just took some glucose power to help with electrolites etc for any lost. Sorry to be graphic. Hope this post makes sense i find spelling hard when unwell. I really want to do this exam, i realise that there is no wonder drug but any advice about how to fight this feeling even for a hour or two so i can get the exam out of the way would be greatly aprriceated. At least its multiple choice so i dont have to worry about spelling heh. I know how to fight normal pots symptoms but unsure of how to handle the bug.
  14. My bp was very low in the morning (from about 3am -11am) and it still helped me alot. It stoped me fainting on the loo if i went to the toilet in the night. Ask your dr about it to see if they think it would make your better or worse.
  15. Jacquie finette explained it quite well. She understands the mechanisms better than i do. My dr just said something about the head needing to be higher than the splien (i think its the splien) to try to reset autonomic system so it could handle standing. As aparantly our bodies come to find laying down normal and dont cope with standing. So if we get the body to be use to a more upright position while laying down its less of a shock on our body when standing so it can adjust much more easily.
  16. Hi Finette, thanks for the info yeh i tried moving it that way but for some strange reason it didnt seem to matter when i went to bed i would always feel quite sick in the morning. I found it all a bit confusing.
  17. Yes im worse in the Am too I use to wake up at 11:30 but in the last few months have managed to move to 9:40 and then time change caused that to go to 10:40 and now ive managed to move it back to 9:40-10. My dr was so excited when i told her. One dr told me to get out of bed before 9 and stick my head out of a window to get sun.... great idea in theory but usually if i tried to do that id faint and/or feel car sick. I use to try to sleep through that feeling as it would tend to go at about 11ish. Im not certain what helped me but i think having my bed raised at the head has helped alot. Given i had spent 5 years trying to move my clock back so i could wake earlier and then i put my bed up and now 3 months later i can wake up 2 hours earlier. If you have not tried that it may be worth a shot for you!
  18. wow thats huge! CONGRATULATIONS! Do you mind me asking what the book is about/type of book? like is it fiction or self help etc?
  19. Thanks for being happy for me guys i really appreciate the support. Im getting wisdom teeth out in two weeks and i have my final exam on tuesday ... so after tuesday i will make sure i go to the gym and try different routines each day or second day and then after the wisdom teeth i am having my fingers crossed that i wont get CFS back (eek scary). It feels so good to be able to do things without fainting ... heh ... im glad that you are all going well! swimming is great melissa, i cant handle the cholorine and its really annoying as i use to be a really good swimmer... i will have to go to the surf (beach) this summer i think so swim for me in the meantime! hehe Sorry that you have to dodge ear infections
  20. Thanks for the support guys Do healthy people get the same thumping? does it just mean im unfit? Since i have had it most of my life i was just wondering if it was a sign that something was not right way back when.
  21. Gosh so sorry that you you are having such a tough time at the moment... we all break occasionally and sometimes it just helps release all the anger and frustration that has been building up for years. I dont know how i coped either .... i think its not bravery as much as having no choice ... you have to deal with what you have got. (that sounds really negative doesnt it? i appologise i dont mean to give you negative responses). Just please dont ever blame yourself ... its not your fault and you are doing your best under bad circumstances. For some reason i think alot of sick people have alot of anger at themselves for not fighting harder or being able to 'fix themselves' .. i know i have that anger and it pops up from time to time, along with feeling helpless... a strange combination. Maybe as Poohbeart suggested, a councellor or someone not emotionally attached to you to talk to and work through your emotions. Its really hard and the emotions can be brutal ... im so sorry that you have to go through this ... just know you are not alone in this experience *big hugs*
  22. Hi there For me the best thing is massage. I need a massage at least once a week or the pain gets much tougher to deal with. Deep sleep also does wonders (as poohbear said) and also magnesium suppliments help or hot baths with epsom salts (has magnesium in it too). Magnesium can be tough on the stomach, its a bit of a juggle finding the tablet that suits you the best sometimes.
  23. I am so excited I just wanted to share my excitement with people who understand how big the small things can be The exercise has made me a little sore today (but thats completely normal) and i slept in a extra hour (thats normal for me). I admit i only did about 40 steps on the stairs and 10 mins of jogging with a slight incline ... but its still a big deal for me. I tried a few years back but it use to make me too dizzy. Plus i walked about 2.5k to get to appointments (i admit i stopped half way along for juice and tea breaks). I got a bit of a heavy heartbeat but i tried to make sure it didnt go too haywire and was lucky that this time it calmed down. Just a question is it completely normal when you exercise to get the large banging heartbeat through your body and mostly feeling it in your chest and head? Im just wondering as all my life i thought everyone got this when they exercised .... yet only this week i have thought maybe they dont. I only tend to get it if i exercise over longer time periods ... i can run 100m but not 200 kind of thing. but yes i hope to become a regular gym buff now i dont have classes to save my energy for. Nina and the rest of you have inspired me! hehe *big gold star and thank you to you all*
  24. Good on you Rita! Its great that they give awards for the effort volunteers put in... they do so much to help the community. I hope you have a great night and dont have to stress to much about finding a new outfit!
  25. Thats great that your feeling a bit better now! Sorry that you have crashed but im really glad oxford is being supportive of your break and return. Hopefully having a rest should do your body the world of good! (sounds like its working already). Yeh online isnt the same, i can understand that. (especially since you actually are with top people in your field of interest) Rest up and happy dreaming while your resting
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