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Everything posted by AJVDK

  1. Hello All, Hope all is going good for all of you. Well today was a big day. I had my appointment with my cardio. This went well. My husband, my doctor, and I all talked, and by the end of the appointment I was off to the Hospital. I had a PICC line place today. I was in the hospital most of the day as they had problems placing the line. I am going to my doing IV fluids at home now. I am hoping this will help, as the dizziness, and heart racing has gotten worse. Plus now I am ready, when I need to go to IV drugs for lymes if needed. Also I talked to my social worker at SSDI, and I should be hearing next week a answer. Let?s hope for good news!! Talk to you all soon!
  2. I had my gallbaladder removed in 98. I am still not sure if it was related, but I would keep after it if you think you are having problems!
  3. Kexia, I would talk to your doctor, and see it that could be the problem. One other thing I was going to add is, I did alot better on the clonodine patch. Plus you only have to change it once a week! Hope you are feeling better!
  4. Congrats on the lap top, its sooo nice on the bad days, when getting out of bed is so hard for me. Happy Anniversary!!!!
  5. Just wanted to drop a line and say welcome, and hello!
  6. I agree It is very hard to deal with, but FACE TO FACE counseling it the way to go, venting once a week does so much good. I can handle more that comes my way at I have gotten everything off my chest that week. Also I have found by doing somthing for myself when I feel up to it makes things better to! Hang in there!
  7. I am glad to here things are going better for you this year. As for the procrit, I have had my does changed to help. I am not sure if that helps. How much are you taking now if i can ask?
  8. Well Things are going slow here. I am still getting these headaches/ migraines. I am hoping that they will go away but it is not looking like it. Well I did some good news, my doctor called the hospital, and asked them to pull my old CT scans, and they found that on one of my old ones when they looked at it also showed a mass. Since it was on the last one they are not as worried about it, and believe it to be move like a cist. So they are just going to keep an eye on things. I can?t have the MRI the radiologist wanted due to the pacemaker. My heart doctor said it would destroy the circuit boar on the pacer. So I am ok with waiting. (You know some days I hate that pacer) So at least it sounds better then it did last week! Thank you for all you kind words, and thoughts, and prayers. It means a lot to have you all here.
  9. There is Hope. I know it doesn't seem like it, But 4 months ago I was in a wheel chair. Now I am able to move around. I still have really bad days I don't get out of bed. But I remind keep reminding myself how far I have really come. Focus on the small things. It what keeps me going. When you look at the whole picture it's easy to get depressed. Never give up, keep going. I know I can beat this! I think alot of it has to do with staying positive! I hope you start having some good days soon! Amy
  10. I wanted to thankyou all for you posts, it nice to all know you care so much. Today is going so slow!!! I just want it to be monday, and be able to find out more, and find out what's next! Again Thank you for all the support! Lori- I have been on the doxy now for almost 3 months. The headaches started about 6 months ago, so I don't think it is it. Plus I gone off the doxy for a week before and still had the headaches. ( It would be nice though if it was the casue, as ot would be easier the the other things)
  11. Sophia, That's what I thought. My id band even says pacemaker no MRI. I asked the ER doctor, and he said it should not be a problem. I really think he just wanted me out of there. I wouldn't even take the time to tell up want the small mass or object could be, just follow up with your doctor. Who knows??? I will talk to my family doctor on monday. Hopfully the CT report shows more then they said, and that will be enough for my doctor to read. Let's hope!!! Thanks for your input!
  12. Well today was the third day of my migraine. It hurt so bad that I could even lay my head on the pillow on my bed as it hurt so much. I got it on Tuesday, and took pain pills on Tuesday, on Wednesday I want and of a shot which, allowed me to sleep, but still had the pain when I woke up. Finally, after fighting it and just breaking down. I went to the ER. I got to the ER at 12:15 pm, and didn?t get back to a room until 3:45 pm. The waiting room was full of people talking, and TV in the waiting room was on and seemed so loud. I finally got called back to the room, and as the nurse came in to to get what meds I was on and so on the doctor walked in, before he even knew what was going on. So he sat down and listens to me. I begin to talk about how I had this headache for the last 6 months. I told him that I came the the ER a few months ago and they said it was due to the procrit, and gave me IV fluids and IV pain meds and sent me on my way, I told him, yeah it works for 24 hours or so, and then I am back to feeling bad again. I said I am not trying to sound dumb, but I would like to see if we can find what?s causing them, and treat that. I told him I am tried of taking pain pills and getting pain shots and that I would rather find out what?s causing the pain. He seemed put out. He seemed upset; I didn?t want an IV, and IV pain meds, right there. He said he would get me medical information, and come back. So he comes back a little bit latter, and says well you?re really young to have so many problems. I didn?t say anything. Then he says well, you are going to be a hard case, I guess lets get a CT of you head. I was like OK. So I had to wait another hour for the CT scan. I was pretty sure it showed somthing as before we started the women said it going to be three time in and out, and then down. I was like ok, but it when though the three times, and nothing for a while, and then started again. Finally it stopped but just left me on the table and I could see 4 or 5 people pointing at a computer and talking. Then I was back to the room. A little but later the doctor walked and said we didn?t find anything on the CT to be causing the headaches, but it did show a small mass, or object. You need to have an out paintent MRI done one day next week. I tried to ask more about what it showed, he just said my doctor will have the reports Monday, and I could follow up with him. Then get this one, after all this he goes what would you like for the pain? I finally gave in and said can I get a shot, but I don?t want very much as I don?t want to feel out of it. I hate that feeling. (I been clean for over three years and I don?t want to feel high, I can?t stand it!) So here I am still am in pain, and now have to wait till Monday to find anything out about thw CT report, and finding out when I need to go for the MRI. Hopefully it will be nothing, but it does get you thinking. ( Plus I am not sure if I can have a MRI with my pacemaker?, I guess I will find out) Hope you all have a great weekend!
  13. I applied back on 1/6/06, and I was also turned down, in June 2006, I am not at the reconsideration. I am hoping it will go though, but I am not holding my breath! I wish it could go faster! Lets hope we all get good news soon!
  14. Wow that great about getting help around the house. That would be nice. I am hoping you foot gets better soon!
  15. I wanted to say I hope you are feeling better and wish you a happy B-day!
  16. I wanted to let you know I been where you are. I quit working about 10 months ago. Its was the hardest thing I have ever done. I can say little by little I am getting better. I do have set backs, but mostly due to me trying to push myself so much to get my old life back, when if I just focused on my nem life it would be much better. I am slowing learning to cope, and am slowing getting better. I am hoping to one day be able to go back to work fulltime. I am 27, I was lucky as my husband has really step up and taken over things. He runs his own bussiness plus, works fulltime, to make up for when I worked. I also now get to stay home with my son, I love this as we have really gotten to bold with each other. I hope, and wish you the best. I hope by you slowing down you will be able to have the POTS get better, and have a better quailty of life!
  17. Here is some information I thought might help, I know when I first was told I had SVT, I wanted to know more. I hope it helps! Amy How are arrhythmias treated?- http://www.clevelandclinic.org/heartcenter...iatreatment.htm http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec03/ch027/ch02...h027-ch027a-477 Heart Palpitations: http://www.clevelandclinic.org/heartcenter...alpitations.htm http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec03/ch027/ch027a.html This one I thought was great it shows what an EKG looks with SVT, Atrial Fibrillation, Bradycardia, Ventricular Tachycardia, and Ventricular Fibrillation: http://a1977.g.akamai.net/f/1977/1448/1d/w.../Heart_Tool.swf
  18. Nina, Sorry to hear about your week. I hope you get back to feeling better soon, and are able to get the house back to nomral before the hubby comes home. I been there, the days where, I can't do anything, and my house looks like a bomb went off in it. Then it's like you play caught up for days. I am still doing that from my two weeks of being down. I am finally making progress! Take care, Amy
  19. I am so happy for you! Have fun working out!
  20. I have had a burning feeling in my chest before. I wouls talk to the doctor next time you seem them and let them know whats been going on. If it get worse you may want to call the doctor. The hard part about all this is the not knowing what is casuing the symtoms. I hope the burning goes way, and you are able to start feeling better soon!
  21. Welcome! I am glad you found us! I hope you are able to find some answers. I wish you the best along you journy of trying to find out whats going on. Again Welcome!
  22. I have gone to when the fatigue comes on I sleep some days I sleep 10-12 hours at night and then turn around and take to naps, but when I finally feel good I am rested up and ready to go. I am trying to learn to listen to my body when I am fatigue I just try to sleep now, I have found its my body saying it need a break and need to sleep. I am not sure if that helps. I wish I had a magic pill for Fatigue.
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