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Everything posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. Rita I take 25mg of Metoprolol 2x a day. I actually take it for migraines. I think I'll cut back to 25 a day and see if that helps. Dayna
  2. Well the first few days I was doing good on BetaBlocker (metoprolol) no side effects that I couldn't handle and had extra energy. That lasted till day 4. I am now on day 11 and my main side effect is my eyes feel so tired they are burning. I'm not physically exhausted but because my eyes are tired feeling I feel real tired. Do you know what I mean? Anyways it's a real crappy feeling as I don't even feel like doing anything. And am just real spacey. Is it possible this will go away as my body adjusts? If so how long does it take to be on a med before you know whether side effects will stay? I don't see my doc till 8/08 so I need to stick it out till then because if I stop the med she feels I'm not wanting to try to get better and it is helping my migrianes(so far) any suggestions? I'm on 50 mg. Basically all my rambling I'm asking if anyone had the fatigue pass after a few weeks on BB? Dayna
  3. I take Singular, Zertec and Rhinocort for hay fever season so I don't know if that applies to you since I don't take it regularly. I hope you find something you can tolerate like all meds it's a trial and error thing. Dayna
  4. Thanks for the replies. I am in no position to adopt anytime soon, I was just thinking and hoping the future will be brighter and I'll be healthy enough. I will start doing some research on it and let everyone know what I come up with. A few months ago when I talked to someone at Bethany Adoption they said you would need letters from your doctors saying you could care for a child. I just wonder what affect it would have on the birth parents decision. Like it was mentioned, maybe it would be a benefit! Nina- I like the idea of surragacy but I think that's more expensive than adoption.
  5. When I was healthy my husband and I planned on having 4 or 5 children. We have 3 now and they are such a joy. My pregnancies were good except for first 3 months so I always figured once I get this illness under control we would have more children I'm only 29 and who knows what could happen in the next few years. My husband and family decided for "my health" I shouldn't subject my body to anymore pregnancies. I got sick when my son was 7months so who knows if that has anything to do with it. So I didn't have much choice in the matter since it's not my body but I do know my husband felt bad and angry this illness disrupted our family plans. But he still got a vasectomy. So now their is talk about adoption in the future, I am completely interested but wonder if any of you have adopted once dx with a chronic illness? I told my husband if I get my health back he'll be making an appointment for a very expensive reversal. He wasn't too happy to hear that while he lay with an ice pack on his package Actually I feel maybe this is all part of the plan for my life. I am a wonderful mom who could give a child a loving family and happy life. So if anyone has any experience with this or any stories of anyone with a chronic illness who adopted I'd be interested to hear them. I'm in no position to adopt now but theirs no harm in hoping. Dayna
  6. I have very slow gastroparesis but only feel it as nausea. I am worse on an empty stomach. Alot of people get fullness and pain some have nausea and vomiting. I think it varies from person to person. Dayna
  7. Thanks for the reply but I drink plenty. More than I ever have in my life. Who knows, Dayna
  8. Before I get a bad flare (every couple weeks) my top lip gets chapped and the skin gets real hard. What does chapped lips have to do with POTS? Is my body giving me some clue? Why is this my first sx of a flare? At first I thought this was just a winter thing but it's still happening in the 90 degrees weather and has been going on for 2yrs. Never got chapped lips before. Any ideas? Chapped and Crusty Dayna
  9. I am so sorry your still going through this. My worst sx is nausea so I know how hard it is to deal with. It's been almost 2 yrs of constant nausea..........it's very frustrating. I wish I had some magic advise but I also have tried everything available and haven't had much relief. Promethazine (phenergan) really took the edge off for awhile now for some reason I can't tolerate it. So back to the drawing board. I forgot, do you see a motility specialist? I do and he also knows alot about autonomic dysfunction almost more than my ANS doctor. Even though I have slow gastric emptying (gastroparesis) he feels my nausea is due to the lack of blood in my brain which is causing miscommunication and sending signals of nausea. My ANS doctor don't agree so she won't prescribe modidrine which is what he recommends for it. Sorry for rambling. Dayna
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with friends. Trust me I COMPLETELY understand. I have lost many in the last 2 years and because of that my kids have also lost some real close friends, families we used to get together with. It *****. I have also been able to wean out the people who never really cared about me in the first place, even though it was eye opening it was painful. I truley care about everyone on this board including you, so if you need a friend..........here I am!!!! You can PM me or email me anytime dsm3kidz@yahoo.com. I know when I was in need of a shoulder to lean on some of your messages about parenting and chronic illness really helped me put things in perspective so thanks. I was reading the posts people wrote you and you are blessed with alot of people on this board that really want to reach out to you! Good luck Dayna
  11. I'm on Flornief .1mg a day. I don't know if that's enough to do anything because I haven't had any results positive or negative. I take it with potassium 40 meq (?) I can't tolerate 2x a day because it give me migraines. I will re evaluate in a few months wether I'll will continue it or not. I hope you find the answers you need. My doc thought it would help with the fatigue and increase my volume Dayna
  12. Sunfish I hope you get some really good results from this treatment...........you deserve a break. Hang in there, 5 days in the hospital is alot but at least you have your computer. Your in my thoughts Dayna
  13. Thanks for the imput ladies. It's probally just an adjustment period. So far the benefits out weight the negatives your right I just need to give time for my body to adjust. Thanks Dayna
  14. I am so sorry to hear about your son. I have a 7yr old daughter and I can't imagine what you are going through. I would also try dynakids and see if there are others his age suffering from this horrible illness. My heart goes out to you and I hope you soon find a good doctor that will help your son. Dayna
  15. Has anyone had a feeling of increased anxiety when adjusting to Beta Blockers? I've started on Metoprolol 50mg and noticed my once gone anxiety is now creeping back. If you had an increase in anxiety (not depression) did it calm down once your body got used to the new hr's. I could just have anxiety from trying a new med that's why I'm asking if anyone else experienced this when starting BB's Thank you Dayna
  16. Thanks sunfish. The med is actually making me feel better than worse that's why I am going to ride out the side effects in hope they taper off. It's been 95 degrees here so I hoping the weather is causing the lightheadness and maybe the anxiety is coming from trying a new med in general. I'll cross my fingers. I always get nervous about new meds. As long as the numbers are okay I can stop worrying about that. Thank you Dayna
  17. Since I started betablockers on Monday my hr has been 63 with just standing my bp has been 109/70. My hr used to be about 93 when just standing and bp around 118/79. Is my hr getting to low? I've been feeling alittle lightheaded and have increased anxiety when I have these episodes of feeling "unattached". I'm not going to stop because I want to see if it helps with my migrianes and I can tolerate the sx. I was just wondering if 63 hr sounds alright to you gals. Dayna
  18. Go with your gut. My doctor told me that kids just want to play and have fun so if they sit out or complain about something take it seriously. I followed my gut and possibly saved my son's life. I hope she is not facing this and I can imagine as a mother how scary the thought of that could be. My daughter is 7 and I pray everyday she doesn't have to go through the crap we all have to. Dayna
  19. I haven't tried that medication yet but was really disappointed when I saw your post. I hope you start doing better soon and sorry to hear your having a hard time Hang in there Dayna
  20. My doc prescribed Metoprolol for migraines and said it might also help my autonomic issues. I pray it does!!!! Is this same as Toprol? She wants me to take 25mg for 3 days than up it to 50mg Today is my first day and so far I feel alright. I took it a few hours ago. If I was going to have negative side effects would I know already? I only have dry mouth. My hr is usually 90+ when I stand up and I just took it and it's 118/78 and 64 hr. Is that pretty good? How low is too low besides 0 for a hr? I'm sooo nervous about starting new drugs that I don't want to do too much research and read alot of negatives. I want to focus on the positives so if any one has any success with this med please let me know. Thanks all Dayna
  21. I actually have a really bad migraine today so I can only take a moment. I feel your pain. I've been getting migrianes 2/3 x a week for a few weeks now. My doc just prescribed Toprol. I hope it works. I don't know my triggers either so I think it's a POTS thing. Good luck I hope you can find something that helps you. I let you know if I ever figure these out!!!! Hang in there Sunglasses in the house and an ice pack help alittle Dayna
  22. Good luck on Thursday. Hopefully you are now headed in the right direction. I hope you get some answers (and treatment)
  23. I've been real happy with Olympus (sp?). What kind did you have before?
  24. For the past 22mo. my husband has been switching his schedule so he can help me out with the kids (7,4 &2) and driving them to school etc. So he only works 48 hr from Sat to Mon. On the weekends when I'm real sick most days my mom would come and help me care for my kids. Usually 2 weekends a month sometimes less and sometimes more. I never abuse the help and push myself to help her and only have her come when I feel unbearable. Anyways I think she is starting to resent me even though I have no control over this illness and I only wanted help so the kids wouldn't be affected by my illness. I want to keep their lives as normal as possible. Long story short..............I'm letting her off the hook. I'm not going to ask her to care for my kids anymore but I am scared to death that when I'm in the middle of a horrible migraine or dry heaving because I'm so nauseated that I will not be able to handle the kids the way they deserve. I'm scared their will be an accident or something because I won't be as attentive as I need to be. I can't afford to hire help and unfortuantly I have only one friend who is kind enough to help but she's going through a divorce and has 3 young kids of her own. The rest of my family and what's left of my friends are too self involved to call I know they wouldn't be any help. I love my kids more than anything. I can suffer but I don't want them to pay the price for my suffering. I'm thinking about moving to a smaller house-ranch, with a fence. Our house is too hard to up keep and our neighborhood kids are way to wild. They will walk in my house even after I say no. Their is about 20 kids in my subdivision and we have no privacy. If I just want to throw the ball to my kids about 5 others will come and want to play. If I was healthy that would be great but my kids take up all my energy I don't have any left for the neighborhood kids. (we can't have fences in my subdivision). Also I want side walks so my kids could play out of the streets. I think that stuff would help me have alittle more personal space and make things more manageable. Sorry this is sooo long I'm just really anxious about being alone. Has anyone else gone through this and how did you handle it? Thanks for understanding ALWAYS Dayna
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