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Everything posted by Bigskyfam

  1. Tremors. Mainly legs but all over at times. Happens randomly and always after... Well...intimacy.
  2. Oh my! You know I wish there was a standard followup for our testing... I.e ... Echo every year, EKG every 6 mos... I worry about what might not be caught. I'm glad that you had the repeat echo.. I'm sorry you have another thing added to your plate. Keep us posted. Prayers and thoughts are yours
  3. I hope it good for us all. I read an article about October slide. Sx worse and dx occurs in autumn so naturally I was concerned. My flare started in oct and dx thereafter
  4. I love the weather, colors and scarves. Pumpkin bread is awesome too
  5. What does fall bring to y'all? I started sx in October. My thoughts are jumbled on what fall has in store for me
  6. I read October is a bad time of year for us and a huge diagnosis time
  7. Totally get this. Sometimes 2 extra minutes on the recumbent did it to me...or a tsp les of salt.
  8. Mine has been super low this week no meds.. Sitting, relaxing, laying in the 50's...
  9. Ironic that you posted today. I started having chest pain and this need to cough sensation... Is this what you experience with vasospasms? Heart rate was super low and I couldn't make sense of it all. I love spending time with the kids for that reason you posted..I took my little guy fishing a few weeks ago made my day... Even though we didn't catch anything. Just time well spent
  10. Thanks guys! My gyn is chatting with my pots doc.. Trying to avoid hyst.
  11. To treat dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia .. Already had a tubal ligation for birth control
  12. Suspect mild eds and pots dx due to TTT results.conflicting docs opinions on bcp. Tried mirena.. No go. Looking at oral birth control. The catch? I'm over 35. Any experiences?
  13. Could've been hard to say I've had symptoms for years but crashed last year here in mt I've lived in many cities most on the coast though. If you can afford a visit first I would test the waters
  14. I'm at 3000 ft and saw a specialist is oregon... I felt better there. Dx last fall. Keep us posted and good luck
  15. Thank you guys. I slept in today. I have three days to pack before work next week. I started a new position. I'm a medical assistant and work primarily standing and moving although I can sit inbetween patients. I'll be going to medical records and work 4 days instead of 3. Packing hasn't been too bad but the stretching and looking up in cabinets makes me swimmy. My hubby and kids will lift and carry I'll organize. I decided to sell a few things as we are moving into a subdivision. Taking some of that money to hire a move out one time cleaner.$130 and she will shampoo carpets. You can't beat it. I've always done it myself but realize when I need help I need help. Only took 36 years and pots to humble myself.
  16. My specialist suspects but didn't order testing. Treatment is the same as what I'm doing now
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