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Everything posted by Bigskyfam

  1. Our rental flooded last month in the basement and my son has newfound allergies to whatever is down there. We are moving to a newer rental home with ac. Working and moving with pots what a challenge. I remember the day I crashed and often think what happened that triggered this? It hit me last night. The night before my family and I were cleaning up outside and winterizing our place. Everything went downstairs in the basement as did I for a long time organizing. Correlation? My doc suspects mild type3 eds with me. My son dislocated and broke his arm last month and is starting to show flexibility in his joints. Lots of random things in my post but I had to type it out otherwise I'd lose it due to the lovely waves of fog. Prayers please during our big move
  2. I'm not the first. But isn't it mind boggling to feel almost normal one minute then not so good the next? Heart rate has been lower today and less symptomatic. Hmmm
  3. I only have to add my experience with bb. I had an episode of general feeling unwell and lost vision in my right eye for a few hours. Since then I've done no meds. Focused on exercise , fluids, salt elevated head of bed. I hope that I don't have a severe crash again. I'm on the mend. I told my hubby I'd try something new if that happens but still a little shy. I started iv therapy once a week. Not sure how I feel about it
  4. All our best! I'm taking the plunge myself. Working three days on my feet to working 4 days primarily sitting. Starting august.Same employer. Different position.lonher hours per day than you. Jealous of that keep us posted.
  5. As silly as it sounds I debate wearing a bra. Ya gotta take it off for an EKG
  6. I was happy to see a pots specialist who saw beyond my clothes hair makeup to mention how I sat like a pots patient. Knees to chest. She asks feels better doesn't it?
  7. After heat, headache and general unwell feeling I've decided to try my rx for iv saline at least once a week. 1 bag two hours. First thing I noticed was my head felt weird and my vision is blurry almost like my body doesn't know how to handle the fluids. Sound familiar anyone?
  8. Interesting. I have pots. My girls ages 16,17,18 have all had the vaccine. One daughter has lupus
  9. My sweet daughter picked out a floating lantern. I came out for that and some small displays and went in for the big boomers
  10. I've never been a fan of loud fireworks... Dx last fall with pots. Kinda makes sense. You guys too?
  11. Hi guys. Appt is done. Informative. I felt listened to. Gameplan set and now to go home and regroup. Not looking forward to the drive but glad I've made it this far. On the upside.. Trader joes was good to me for Himalayan salt and coconut water. We will see how this goes Thought process is that I've had pots for a lot longer than I've thought
  12. Volunteering is great. Paid position even better. Few hours... However, could you sit and can you keep hydrated. I think that we have to try these things. No one is the same and we won't know unless we try. No one can really tell us what to expect. With this being said, I wouldn't go to the other end of the spectrum and be a daredevil. The job fits with your passion and sink think it'll be beneficial in that way. Keep us posted
  13. Thanks guys. My hope is to be seen by a doc who is familiar with pots patients and treatment plans and who can give me guidance on what next?
  14. Stopped halfway. After 5 hr trip and feeling like I was on the carnival ride gravitron with the changes in altitude.. Happy to be halfway. Not sure what to expect for the rest of the trip. What else do you guys do on long car rides. My poor hubby has to stop every hour for me to go to the bathroom.
  15. I'm in the same boat on the other end of the country. Pending a trip to a specialist.10hrs there. Nervous. I don't have any answers but just wanted you to know you arent alone
  16. Prayers are yours. Thanks for sharing. We are there with you.
  17. I'm newly dx with no history however ive often wondered about my mom who had "vertigo attacks "and was bed bound for weeks at a time. I'm also keeping an eye in my oldest daughter who at tines has tachy and dizziness and nausea.heres hoping for more definitive testing and treatment for our loved ones sakes
  18. Fluorescent lights get me and surround sound... And watching my kids play the wii
  19. Nice. Comforting to hear. Sounds like a good plan and that you are pleased with it. Only up from here....
  20. MT- I've printed it out and I'm going to see if my PCM will sign off. I think it'd be great for the days I'm alone and trying to keep up with life without crashing... Thanks guys for posting. I didn't apply when I was first dx because someone was with me constantly
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