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Everything posted by songcanary

  1. I had been having transient blurry vision with an 'out of body' feeling for several months along with severe fatigue, cold temps and increasing generalized weakness. In February 2007 I was walking slowly on a treadmill at PT when I felt faint, then started shaking uncontrollably. Like the others said, I haven't been the same since.
  2. Has he been tried on doxepin? It is a godsend for me. I tried weaning off recently and lasted 12 days before the nausea got so increasingly bad I couldn't take it anymore. I resumed it and the nausea went away the very next day. I am on 25 mg at bedtime.
  3. And there, but for the grace of God, go I. Those ignorant slobs are not worth the time it takes to think about them. Alyssa, I am so happy that you were able to go out and feel safe. It was quite an accomplishment! I am also wondering if there is a restaurant near you where people would be kinder. For instance, we have a wonderful health food market with a cafe and it is just full of peaceful, accepting folks that are pleasant to be around. Maybe you have something like that nearby? Just trying to think of how to make your transition a little easier because you really deserve the support for what you are doing. I love the idea of putting a message on your helmet--I would never have thought of that!
  4. Naomi, I understand too. I just had a QSART and an AN reflex test and now the insurance company has stuck me with the cost of one of them because it was apparently 'not medically necessary'. Oh really? Then why did my EP order them? The result was abnormal to boot. May appeal it but that's not the point. This will be my last test for at least a long time. I don't know if I'll ever really know what is wrong in my wacky body. I'm fairly stable right now and I think I'll just let it be for awhile. I have come to terms with the fact that this IS my life. The old me is long gone, and it's not totally a bad thing. I better tolerate stress and am generally calmer and take life more easily. For me, those are big positive changes. I hope your lip and your spirit both heal soon!
  5. I recently stopped omeprazole cold turkey after using 20 mg every day for about a year. I didn't have any type of withdrawal symptoms. So far so good.
  6. I put 1 teaspoon iodized table salt into two liters of water. But I have also used diluted apricot nectar and also pomegranate juice. They both have decent potassium. There is also an natural electrolyte drink called Recharge and it is excellent. Just like Gatorade without all the crap added. I can't tolerate corn in any form--it's horrible.
  7. Yes, Peregrine, it does make sense. Thank you for explaining. And since I posted I have been googling it and found an explanation very similar to yours. Apparently there is something called PPS (paradoxic parasympathetic syndrome) and I am wondering if that's what the doc is referring to. Wow, another wacky thing to understand! But it sure does explain why I have hyper responses to stress. And that's an understatement .
  8. Yes, they mix all 11 extracts together in one little bottle All mine are for foods, but I know I have other allergies, especially to wool, metabisulfate and certain chemicals, but I am not being treated for any of those; I just avoid them. I can't get tested for anything else at this point because I am on doxepin. I need to go off for six weeks before testing. I tried and only lasted 12 days before I got really sick again, and I had to resume it. Thank goodness I have some foods I can eat!
  9. At long last I got written results. It took nearly two months! I had an HRV and QSART done at the Cleveland Clinic. I am wondering if anyone could put these results into lay terms. I don't completely understand them. I don't have the QSART results yet. Thanks! "HRV (ANSAR) and Valsalva procedure showed normal physiologic cardiovascular autonomic reflexes with balanced cardiac sympathovagal modulation of HR in the supine position. ANS dysfunction during sitting due to paradoxical increase of postural parasympathetic response and borderline increase of postural sympathetic response".
  10. The oral form is already here, it just isn't reimbursed by insurance companies. It's called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). I've been on this for a few years now for 11 foods, and this stuff really works. It costs me $44 per month for that number of foods. I am so lucky to have my allergist nearby; he's very knowledgeable in both conventional and alternative therapies.
  11. Naomi, This is a real find. Thank you for posting.
  12. Hi Maggie, That was really cute and I love your dogs BTW. Best wishes for a fun and happy holiday! Marsha
  13. Emma, I take 0.05 mg Florinef every other day. It has made a wonderful difference for me. I'm not hyperpots, though, and I don't take any BBs. Just wanted to say that the Florinef has been a good thing. No side effects at all.
  14. Hi Potsgirl, Gosh, I based my info on the handout Cleveland Clinic gave me. It specifically states that 5 grams salt equals 5,000 mg equals 1 tsp. This appears to be confusing to a lot of us, and it seems like it should be so simple! It also says that the terms salt and sodium are interchangeable on nutrition labels. I've been feeling better on my dose so I just stuck with it. I'm not a whiz at math so when things get too complicated I'm pretty lost. Please help me out here if I'm missing something. Now, ask me about pets and I'm right on board LOL .
  15. I take 1 teaspoon, which is 5 grams, in two liters of water every day. I am also confused about the salt tabs dosage. I bought them last year but never used them because I read they can cause nausea. No thanks to that! The salt water helps me so I get my sodium that way. I also salt my food.
  16. Me too! I have had Reynaud's for decades but I never made a connection to the red nose. Just make it go away please .
  17. It has increased my blood pressure in the morning just enough to alleviate the nausea and lightheadedness. A true godsend, at least for me.
  18. I get this as well. It used to be terrible before diagnosis. It's a little better now. Any sudden change in temperature will bring it on, as will alcohol, stress, certain foods, or sometimes it will just turn bright red for seemingly no reason at all! I can feel the heat and there it is. Very annoying for sure. I do have rosacea so that makes it all the more sensitive.
  19. Hi Potsmama, I've been there and still doing it lol. It sounds like you are doing a good job of trying foods and charting reactions. It can take up to three days to react to a food, that's what drives me nuts. Currently I have a forehead full of hives and I can't trace the culprit. Grrr. Anyhoo, have you tried any coconut based foods like coconut water or yogurt? The water especially is nutritious. Also, dried peas are a decent source of protein and quinoa is terrific. I can't tolerate it but maybe you can. Be very wary of corn, it is a very common allergen and I go nuts with reactions to corn. It's hard to avoid unless you eat organic whole foods only. That's what I do. Have you tried bison? It's very lean and might be worth a try. I really feel your pain. It gets better; two years ago I had the terrible weight loss etc. Through trial and error I have a good diet now but it was really rough in the beginning. Take care.
  20. A pulse ox on a lanyard? I want one! Fiona Jane, as always I have learned something today .
  21. Yes, absolutely. I always thought it was just me. This stupid illness covers everything from head to toe, it's something else .
  22. Kirsti, I am interested to know what exactly is an advanced allergy treatment? Are you referring to applied kinesiology? I am glad your nausea is better. I think that's the worst symptom of all!
  23. Your daughter has every single symptom I had before I finally got diagnosed. My PCP wouldn't even consider hypo because he was only going by the TSH which was WNL, but that by itself is not always diagnostic. I spent YEARS getting worse and worse; the lethargy just finally got so bad I couldn't take it anymore. Not to mention the extreme hair loss. On the advice of a friend I saw an integrative MD who did test my FT3 and FT4; the FT3 was low but still in range. She put me on compounded T3 but I did not respond well (long story) so I stopped it. I got a further second opinion from another GP who said 'I'm not going to go chasing thyroid'. By sheer luck I was telling my symptoms to my allergist's nurse and she told me FYI he prescribes Armour. He is an MD but treats the whole person-a lovely doctor. So I got a second opinion from him and he started me on a trial of Armour. It changed my life. For the first year he monitored my labs every three to six months, now I am on a yearly schedule. You may need to seek out a more integrative doctor for this, but don't hesitate. I am grateful for my tiny little pill every single day!
  24. Annaliese, I had no change in either BP or heart rate. The day after starting it I awoke with a general feeling of well being (I know that sounds nuts but it really happened) and I am much less stiff in the morning. I can actually bend over and put on my slippers .
  25. Hi Dani, I actually put off starting it because the last thing I needed was more insomnia! But for some strange reason, that never happened. I am sleeping better while taking it, and did from the very beginning. I must say that was a surprise, and a welcome one. I WISH it would help my IBS, now that would be truly awesome!
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