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Everything posted by icesktr189

  1. zoloft i HATED. if it wasnt for my klonopin i would have jumped out of my skin from all the anxiety i was having. lexapro worked best for me.. never tried paxil. However i should mention i didnt know i had POTS when i started zoloft and they gave me 50 mg. it might have not been as bad for me if i would have started at a much lower dose
  2. Hi! im going to Dr. Mizra.. well i tried but they said because i was pregnant i am too high risk till after birth.. but i really hope he understand somewhat about POTS.. does your neuro seem pretty good?? basically i need a dx of why i have POTS.. i am going to see the geneticist next week for EDS. but if that comes back negative, then im hoping the neuro can help me. also i wanted to have some meds on hand for after, but it seem like im just going to have to go to my cardio for that haha
  3. oh yes i have had that happen a lot.. especially feeling like im going to pass out when lying down. i dont know why it happens but the only thing that works for me is to get up, shift my position, and try laying down again high blood pressure with my POTS is usually cause when my bp already dropped really low. i then get the tachy and adreneline surges ( could be why you felt hot) basically its your body responding to almost passing out
  4. are you on an SSRI? i know when i took zoloft and lexapro i have a horrible time getting sleep. the lexapro especially made me wired. also i find that my POTS is better when i get only 5 to six hours of sleep. its really weird because most of you need 8 to 12. BUT i do take naps during the day.
  5. what questions should i ask him? i want to write everything down before the appointment tomorrow before i go .. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  6. oh so if it is EDS is not progressive? but at the same time would that mean that POTS probably wont go away either? oh yeah i get the echo every year just in case
  7. im seeing one too, hopefully in a couple weeks. if it comes back that i do have EDS, does that mean its what caused me to have POTS?
  8. i know how you feel.. i went to see my high risk ob yesterday and she looked at me like i was crazy. also because they had no clue what POTS was, they took my blood pressure after i was laying down for over 45 mins. i told them that i would of course have okay blood pressure because i have been laying down. so they sat me up, not even for two seconds and took it again. UGH frustrating! then the nurse says.. "oh its not that bad!" yeah okay, thats why i passed out yesterday? haha. they just dont understand. and of course i had horrible brain fog while talking with the specialist. it didnt help she talk a hundred words per minute either.
  9. MommytoSJEA have you tried hydration therapy? my cardiologist said it was a "last resort" but i have heard that it can do wonders. from hearing your experiences a PICC line seems worth it. Not everyone gets infections.. i think my mom has had hers for over a year now.. and she has a back pack so she does not have to sit at home with her fluids all day long just a suggestion
  10. thanks for the replies.. i really need the encouragement i think i just have a lot of anxiety too because im also 20 and really nervous about being a parent! i will definitely ask my ob about the fish oil! did he say how that works? i mean if that could take a ounce of brain fog away that would be a miracle! please let me know how you respond to it
  11. ericka, i know how you feel with metoprolol. it did me worse than better. have you tried any other bb? i am nervous to because the metoprolol made me ten times worse.
  12. i was like that but my POTS changed and i have REALLY bad days and some good days. It seems to switch for me every year.. ugh so annoying! i would love to be consistent.. well consistent good days haha
  13. for the past couple weeks i have had severe brain fog and dizziness with the POTS attacks. i am a wreck and feel like im going to be like this forever. I know that being 8 months pregnant is making it worse, but i heard most of you saying that after birth it gets even worse. im just feeling horrible and feel even worse because im not looking forward to birth because of this. i cant enjoy the pregnancy and i just want to stop feeling like this. i feel like im going crazy and nothing is helping.. any ideas
  14. hi! thank you all for the replies! klonopin REALLY calms my nerves down, but i can tell i fell really drugged up on it. i wish i could have that calming effect without the drugged up part. during the attack my bp really ranges.. a lot of the time my blood pressure cuff wont even read and that only happens during this attack. so im guessing it must be pretty messed up.. i totally know about the vein thing! its pretty crazy to watch the ones in my hands have any of you noticed that when you get this panicky POTS attack that your brain fog gets worse? mine gets really bad and that makes me panic even more. so i probably contribute to it even more.. its just really hard to calm myself down and relax. ughh. good luck to all of you that experience this.. i know how much it stinks. i would LOVE to get rid of this symptom out of all of them because for me its the most disabling.
  15. yeah my mom is starting it in a couple days so ill let you guys know how it goes!
  16. i have tried a couple herbs for POTS in the past. basically either made me more anxious or did nothing at all. BUT it couldn't hurt for you to try.. they are not the normal meds handed out by doctors, so most of them also dont have lingering side effects. but i saw you put garlic tablets.. my cardiologist told me to stay away from garlic because it lowers your bp (please correct me if i am wrong) good luck!
  17. okay thank you! ill definitely mention this to my neuro when i see him next week. i just know i am going to need something soon!
  18. hi wareagle! is that a type of benzo? i have tried ativan (way too strong for me) and of course the klonopin.. helped out a lot but i could not drive on it. i was pretty loopy at even half a pill
  19. yeah i have not tried those kind of cigarettes, i mainly smoked camel lights and i did smoke at least a half a pack a day. but ill try those kind when im not pregnant . my problem is is that smoking almost cleared those horrid symptoms of "anxiety" related to POTS. its been a long time since stopping lexapro.. probably about a year and a half or so.. this past year i have only been on salt pills, lots of liquid, and of course smoking. its quite amazing how much the smoking helped me out. i really noticed when i quit. i just want to find a healthier habit, but it is a really quick fix for me an im worried after birth im going to go straight back to them again oh and i weaned of VERY slowly on lexapro. i think it was six months.. i just cut the pill back until there was basically nothing left to take lol. had no side effects, but i did start smoking a lot more.
  20. thank you for looking all that up! its just so frustrating because i dont want to hurt my baby, but i cannot take this feeling for much longer.. that is what i am worried about is that they are just going to say its all in my head and from anxiety disorder. but i am going to point out that i have not felt this way in 2 years until i quit smoking. and i know quitting can cause anxiety feelings, but its been over 8 months since i have so that should not be an issue anymore. and i also do not have any reason for anxiety.. it just comes on and off and really it is based on my symptoms of POTS. ughh so frustrating but thank you for listening!
  21. this is a far strech here but i thought i would put it out just in case. My mom had colitis about ten years ago, had her colon removed, and now just diagnosed with crohns. she has been to mayo for this with little help. she started searching for a med that would not lower her immune system (she took one and came down with valley fever). she found this med, i forget the name, but basically its given to alcoholics at 50 mg to help get them off. but tons of studys have shown at taking it at 4.5 mg people with AIDS, crohns, colitis, and many other illnesses have gone into COMPLETE recovery. it is not FDA approved at this small of a dose because no one will put out the funding for it. also many pharmaceutical companies dont want it known because it would get rid of the need of many medications. her doctor at mayo has given her a prescription for 50 mg which is added to water, and she is going to start at 2.5. i started to really wonder if this would help with our condition. there are NO side effects, except for more vivid dreams the first week. im sorry i forgot the name but i will update with it.
  22. i was really worried like you are, when i was scheduled to get my tonsils/adenoids removed. i was put under general, and actually that was the best part. they said my bp and pulse did well. before hand i had my compression hoes on. after in recovery my bp did drop a bit because i was put on morphine, but the lowest was 80/50. ( not too bad). the worst was when i went home because the pain meds did drop my bp for the week i was on them. but i also didnt get nearly enough fluids because my throat hurt so bad! it took about 3 weeks till my POTS was stable again. however i did push myself. i walked around my house a lot and forced myself to get up at least on the sofa so i was not laying flat the whole time. good luck! im sure you will do fine!
  23. I have been pretty upset because a symptom of mine has came back with full vengance when i first came down with POTS i had what felt like panic attacks. where im shaking on the inside, cant concentrate, and feel like i have been injected with shots of adrenaline. i felt like this for 6 months straight and lost over 30 pounds and was very sick. finally i was put on meds like klonopin and lexapro also midodrine and so forth. when i was feeling almost back to normal i started smoking again. i know how dumb i am! haha. then i started to get off the lexapro and klonopin because i felt really numb and surprisingly had very little side effects. i have not had that "POTS panic attack" since then. however i had to quit smoking, and now i have that feeling 24/7. im loosing weight again, and feel like i have lost total control. yesterday i was on a verge of a breakdown, so i had four puffs of a cigg. and literally all that feeilngs went away. i feel horrible because i should not smoke even four puffs when im prego, but this feeling is taking me over. i just lay in bed shaking all the time, feeling like im loosing my mind. unless i am smoking or drugged up, i feel this way. i have heard some of you mention this feeling, but i feel it ALL the time now. is this normal? i cant live like this at all.. i can handle dizziness, fatigue, you name it but not this symptom. i dont want to get back on klonopin, but i will if i have to. i just really need some help and i have no clue how to explain this to my neuro because they will just think that i have anxiety disorder.
  24. hi! i am 5'9 and was a slim build before i was 8 months pregnant haha.. would that work?
  25. thats really great! i just feel super low because I have been let down by so many doctors and i just feel that this is going to be another one. i was just upset with my cardio because i felt like i was being "handed off", like he doesnt want to deal with me anymore. he really is a good doctor, but i think he just doesnt know what to do anymore with me. im just so frustrated being this pregnancy has been awful with my POTS symptoms and especially this third trimester. even if this neuro is good, i doubt he can do anything right now so im kinda reluctant to go. i wasnt trying to say seeing a neurologist was a dumb idea, i just think for me right now its going to be
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