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Everything posted by pat57

  1. I was 4 years without a license so I understand somewhat. Regardless of the hassle try to remember how much worse it would have been if you hit another car head on. The truth is, this is far superior. I want to add that I am driving now and thanks to an effective med I live a normal life. Things could change for you too. Try to tackle one day at a time. good luck!..............
  2. sounds horrible dizzy. Don't forget about Dr. Qi near Quakertown, how far is that for you?
  3. I know I need compression at the ankles. Also 30mg or greater. good luck........
  4. I doubt that spanx are firm enough. I wear them. The thing is that they are comfortable. The only suggestion I have for you is ask if spanks are returnable and get the Higher Power pants , something above the waist.
  5. We'll take "slightly optimistic". May it increase over time.
  6. what I do sometimes is set aside an hour or two to think only about what's bothering me. Then I set it aside until the next day and the appointed time. Its literally an "I'll worry about that later" situation. Sometimes we cannot escape our emotions but we can manage them. good luck.........
  7. I have one, its not defined tho. I test positive for RA but its not RA. Presents somewhat like Raynalds, but its not Raynalds. Mine is secondary to Hep C.
  8. I think being able to talk about it is a step toward healing. I also think denial is a normal first response- sunfish. Certainly, along with other possible responses. I have been through the healing of trauma and a want to let you know that I experienced the full pain of the matter at first in very small doses, a few seconds. After I understood that I would not die from the trauma - and with gradually increasing doses - I am free of "the pain". I absolutely positively can say that I am a better person for the experience. I have walked through the trauma of other women with them and they were so thankful. I believe it was my place at that time to be there for them as their Higher Power was providing care to them. I would not have changed anything because I loved those women and my life was so full of meaning to be there for them. I'm sure you understand this because of your dedication to your family. I don't know about you Ernie but I went numb and felt nothing- during, which I welcomed and even meant to bring about. Later in life I found myself "going numb" involuntarily, and my life was very flat. It came about that flashes of the events forced themselves into my consciousness and I "had" to seek help. It was my mind opening the door just a tiny bit because I was ready for the healing process. All this is to say that you are in the process your mind and body want to heal . You can trust the wisdom in your being. Sadly you will not be excused from the pain. "We" certainly do not want to go there. However the way to healing is though the pain not around. When I say through I mean like the doorway. You step into it and then you are out of it. If it gets too hard, back off. Don't rush. And I do not advise going alone. You may be a very strong person, but some things are not meant to be borne alone. Much love and some tears- for you...........
  9. The Serenity Prayer Path God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr
  10. Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Fainting may occur if the vagus nerve, which supplies the neck, chest, and intestine, is stimulated. When stimulated, the vagus nerve slows the heart. Such stimulation also causes nausea and cool, clammy skin. This type of fainting is called vasovagal (vasomotor) syncope. The vagus nerve is stimulated by pain, fear, other distress (such as that due to the sight of blood), vomiting, a large bowel movement, and urination. Fainting during or immediately after urination is called micturition syncope. Rarely, vigorous swallowing causes fainting due to stimulation of the vagus nerve. http://www.merck.com/mmhe/print/sec03/ch023/ch023b.html
  11. I have NCS, what would you like advise on? I will tell you how I manage. First of all I would be disabled without my Norpace. I was 4 years without a drivers license, because of frequent seizures and fainting. I now, do not stand still or sit still, if I feel any symptoms. This means I do not drive if I have symptoms. I can lay down and rid myself of symptoms usually in less that a minute. From TTT's its documented that my BP recovers in 15 seconds. However that may not be a 100 percent certainty and I have learned that I must act when I have symptoms or pass out or seize. I ONLY seize when I'm late with my Norpace- now. I may pass out when its 2 hours til regular dosing time. I can double dose if I'm not feeling right and I carry immediate acting Norpace if I feel the need. second I manually regulate my BP, this means at the first sign of trouble I walk............. I have Drs. Note which state I must be free to move during meetings and I refuse to stand still- shall we say on command. In others words I will if I can. I also cannot sit still very long. SOOOO I can only do certain jobs. But that's ok- its working out. thirdly and lastly- thank god for graduated compression stockings, I could not work without them. As to driving my Dr. said to me its safe to drive if you drive less then 20 minutes and are not having BP swings when you get in the car. The point being its the change of position that starts the event OR the result of blood pooling which takes 20 minutes to manifest -sitting. Also there has been a clinical trial with drivers on Norpace and none fainted while driving.
  12. My bad............ I'm very happy for you too, sorry I waited so long to say so!!!!!!
  13. I didn't read all the replies so this may be a repeat. But suggest to the police that an investigation of all patients he bathed be undertaken. I think they will find others. Failure to do so will enable him to continue. And for you, seek out a support group of people who know what your going through and how to find healing. XXOO
  14. That was nice tearose. good luck kanasgirl.............
  15. I hear you! I think that's what we are all looking for someone to HEAR us. I appreciate your thoughtfull and gentle approach...........
  16. yep, I think sleep is key. You might try ambien a couple times and see how you feel.
  17. Thanks........ is she currently on antibiotics?
  18. a good nights rest, compression stockings and light meals, never-the-less it has to run its course
  19. I love Spanks higher power pants. Not designed for medical use. BTW, sophia the crotch allows peeing.
  20. I feel a certain amount of fear whether I can get through something without causeing a scene. At a certain point (sometimes)I have to excuse myself or pass out. If I fail to act appropriatly (meaning get my BP up) when I'm not feeling well I'll make a big scene. The fear is appropriate tho. FYI I have OH and NCS, not POTS.
  21. My Boss said- and he was joking- No laying down, on the job, clock out first.
  22. Hope you feel better soon! {{{{more-hugs}}}}}
  23. I got out of it twice. I wrote that I cannot sit without either being in a daze or fainting. I do have a Drs note not to sit more than 1 hour. But I am of no use because I would not be able to pay attention. Don't have POTS- have OH and NCS.
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