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pooling in hands too


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do any of you get blood pooling in your hands too? when your hands feel so hot, like they are burning up and feel so heavy, and the veins bulge and get swollen and sometimes you get the pins pricking in tips of fingers too? i get this after eating, but was wondering if any of get these feelings in your hands, i know alot of you get pooling in legs and feet, thanks, and raising the arms does help, but cant keep them up long enough! thanks


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Yep, I can't wear rings either for the same reason. I've always had pooling in my legs and hands, and used to think it was normal when my hands bulged and hurt on hot days. It wasn't until I got sick and my doctor saw my hands and legs that I realized I was abnormal.

Too bad they don't make support arm hose! Although that may be a idea! :P

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Hi. I too have blood pooling in my hands.. my hands get dark redish purple... and my fingers will get "big" and swoolen.. and they will feel skwooshie.... does anybody else have skwooshie feeling fingers?

When i see Dr. Grubb next week I am going to ask him if there are compression things for the hands and arms... I for some reason am thinking that there are... I remmerb reading something about it some time ago...

my hands and arms will feel really weird... and get cold or clammy and sweaty...

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i have had my hands/arms swell a few times but i tend to have more of a problem with them going numb & tingling.

re: the compression garmets for arms/hands though, i have used a glove of sorts to help with warmth & it has some compression. i'm at my parents and don't recall the name of it...i bought it online for pretty cheap so will check when i'm back at my own place. bug me if i forget:-)

there are also compression "stockings" for arms but i have never heard of anyone using them for circulation issues. they are generally used for lymphedema (sp?). the person i know who used one used it after masectomy wherein her lymph nodes were removed & thus couldn't drain properly on their own. so something does exist...wouldn't hurt to ask the docs...

hope this helps,

:P melissa

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My blood pools especially after eating and while standing in bothe my hands and legs. The hands and arms drive me nuts because my lose rings end up getting stuck and my whole hand gets so hot and sweaty. THen when it goes away my hands are cold and thin but my veins are always promonent. An old doc had me cut back on salt and increase water but now the standard for pots is increase fluids and salt...So what's a girl to do??? MODERATION, MODERATION. ha ha!!

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I get blood pooling in my hands that causes them to feel hot, and I also get swelling -- or maybe it's blood pooling -- when I wake up in the morning after a night of lying flat.


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I get that too at times. Mostly when I am standing-more so when it is warm or hot(even in a room), I can wake up with it also,,forget about taking rings off. When I walk or exercise they will almost definately swell, turn red can see little white pinpricks throughout my hands and are hard to close my hands too.

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