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Anyone Else Hate Winter??


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I know we all cant tolerate heat, but my body always freaks out during winter time. I actually do better in summer because I stay cool in my 75 degree house, but even with the heat on now, I feel absolutely terrible.

My brain fog increases and bp drops. I have no clue why this happens EVERY single winter for the past 4 years. It stinks. I know exactly when I will flair just by looking at the weather decrease. Its more than weather changes, because this will happen all the way until March.

The only thing I can think of is that my body is putting out so much energy to get warm... but I am in my heated house a lot, so that theory does not always work.

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I've thought about the same thing. It is so cold outside and church can get pretty hot (you never know what to expect there), and when DH cranks heat up to shower in morn and then again when he gets home at night I feel like I can't breathe and get lightheaded as I feel the BP dropping. Plus the cold is a killer on my fibro and arthritis. I was at least able to shovel walk and drive last year but that's off my list of things 'too do'. I don't think winter or summer are my friends.

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I'm newly diagnosed with POTS but find this discussion interesting. For whatever reason my own BP has been consistently even lower than usual (and I run low all the time anyway) and my brain fog has gotten way worse in the last few weeks (as the weather has also gotten more and more "wintery"). I've been dreading the winter. It makes me never want to leave my house. And it's so hard to go anywhere because I'm extremely cold sensitive yet obviously heat makes me really bad so it's rough trying to figure out the right amount of layers to keep warm but not overheat once I get inside some place.

On the other hand, summer wasn't bad for me at all... but then I was also battling major weight loss and severe malnutrition from my Gastroparesis so I was constantly cold all the time. I remember sitting outside wrapped in a blanket on an 80 degree day. I was always cold. No that my nutrition is better though I get night sweats a lot and have been having a lot of heat issues. Seems like we just can't win! I dream of moving to some place with an utterly perfect climate where it's one mild temperature all year round!

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I'm not sure if my dizziness is worse during the cold months, but I absolutely hate that I can't get myself warmed up no matter what! My hands and feet are always like blocks of ice, and I have major trouble moving my hands when it's so cold. (I don't know if it's a circulation thing or if I have something else going on with my hands.) Then if I wear gloves or warm socks when it's cold, my hands and feet get really burny and itchy (I think from blood pooling?). It's so annoying, so I'm totally with you on hating winter!

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I'm not sure if my dizziness is worse during the cold months, but I absolutely hate that I can't get myself warmed up no matter what! My hands and feet are always like blocks of ice, and I have major trouble moving my hands when it's so cold. (I don't know if it's a circulation thing or if I have something else going on with my hands.) Then if I wear gloves or warm socks when it's cold, my hands and feet get really burny and itchy (I think from blood pooling?). It's so annoying, so I'm totally with you on hating winter!

I think it's part dysautonomia/part Rxs I take to get the BP up/part bleeding disorder but just feels like ice water is running through my veins when the heater isn't running, but when furnace kicks on it's like poof--I can't breath, I get weak (from vasadilitation I suppose). But I'm not outdoors as much in summer so I haven't been in 'situations' as often as in summer that cause the near syncopes or syncopes. Although I must say, it was really, really warm in church this weekend and even though I've been instructed remain seated through services, I still got very warm and lightheaded, tremory. I carry a fan and cold water with me for when spells might hit since I never what to factor in how heavy a coat I need to wait for car to warm up and going out and about and then how warm it may be inside where I go. If I don't go with heavier coat and it's cold out and cool inside where I go, I chill to the bone and shiver. If it is too warm in the place, and I have to rip the coat off fast and lug it around, I usually end up looking for a bench to sit and wait for DH to gather things needed and check out.

This summer before seeing cardiac specialist, I got so debilitated from the super hot days (I love the hummingbirds and flower beds, but the bending and stooping and reaching up--the care needed for those things were sometimes more than my stubborn will could bear). I thought that I would wither and die before ever being seen, honestly. When I had follow-up w/ cardiologist + he'd seen how debilitated I'd become he immediately started me on Midodrine and put call into cardiac specialist who got me in quicker. Now it is scarey for me, too facing this winter with these new problems. I know how I would get very near syncopal in church in summer and in winter but I am more indoors once weather turns cold.

When I was working, with my fibro/osteo, office would be 62 or 63 degrees when I came in. Honestly. My rheume told me to dress in layers--silk, cotton or capalein (sp?) and wool. That really did help, but I don't dress that way when I'm in my home. If I'm trying to do housework, I get hot fast and take many breaks, turn heat down. If I do recumbent stationary bike--heat has to be down as I heat up really fast. I have to keep my legs up as much as I can and in cold weather I get out the electric throw DH got me about 10 years ago for Christmas. At least it makes the joints hurt less. Sometimes I'll have heating pad on hip or neck and the electric throw. But then if I go to get up from the sofa--watch out Sally :o

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Winter is had always been worse on me and I live in Georgia where it doesn't even snow much. But we do have cold damp air all winter long. My husband is great about watching me. He has learned to put extra blankets on my side of the bed and not to expect much from me until Spring. LOL. What is worse is that the most stress filled holidays are right smack in the middle of winter so I know to clear the calendar for at least two weeks after Christmas!

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I love winter too... yes, my hands often turn blue, but my body, overall, enjoys the cold. As for gloves--the only thing I've found to help were ones that are line with polar fleece and covered with goretex.... I got them from Lands End a few years ago. I heat them with my hairdryer inside before I go out. Other than that, my extremities often do turn blue to purple depending on the temp and how long I'm exposed to low temps.


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these are close to what I have, but I didn't pay nearly as much as the gloves on REI --although I have bought plenty of other things from them.


If I had to do it again, I'd get the mittens--these are close to what I got, not exactly though.


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Winter is difficult because I have to wear heavy boots and a heavy coat because it get to -40F here. Then when I sweat I need to change cloth if I go outside otherwise I catch a cold.

The worst seasons for me are the chaging season: spring and fall. But after the temperature has changed my body is fine.

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