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Weird New Treatment Option...


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I saw a new cardio today. He had a weird new treatment option that he insisted would improve my autonomic symptoms:

He had me prop myself in the corner of the room, leaning my back against the corner. Then I crossed my legs and tensed them- HARD- for a full 5 minutes. He wants me to repeat this 3 times a day.

I have heard of something like this being used as a counter-maneuver against a faint, but not as treatment. I searched Google Scholar and he is in good company. Researchers do seem to be experimenting with this. I'm going to give it a try. What have I got to lose but 15 mins? Maybe I'll tighten my abs at the same time & get ready for bikini season :D

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My cardio had me try this when I first got POTS and was extremely dizzy upon standing. He said there were studies on it. At the time it helped me a little with standing, but other than that didn't do much for my symptoms. If you're able to be on your feet a bit (which I think you are?), I'm not sure how much it'll help. But you should definitely try it...not much to lose! :)

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Well for starters......nothing is going to make me look better in a bikini :P I just wanted to add this would be for the orthostatic hypotensive part of our group. Any of us with the hyperadrenergenic form already over constrict and continue to constrict the more we stand. This does look like a form of tilt training which has worked well for many, I wonder if it's been tested on the non-peripheral pooling part of our group? All we can do it try..... :D

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My doctor advised the same. apparently it is the only treatment in Belgium.

basically you stand against a wall will your body straight and your feet (heels)30 cm from the wall and you shoulders resting against the wall.

I was told to stand like this for as long as possible - up to half an hour, every day or even twice a day.

there has been a study about it but it is quite small scale.

Hope this helps.

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My doctor advised the same. apparently it is the only treatment in Belgium.

basically you stand against a wall will your body straight and your feet (heels)30 cm from the wall and you shoulders resting against the wall.

I was told to stand like this for as long as possible - up to half an hour, every day or even twice a day.

there has been a study about it but it is quite small scale.

Hope this helps.

Interesting, the doctor that prescribed this was from Turkey. He said it was commonly used throughout Europe. I have heard offline from 2 members who've had improved TTT's after this therapy.

I feel like I am sending my BP sky high when I squeeze like that, especially for so long. I definitely feel the blood shooting to the upper part of my body. I guess it retrains the venous return mechanism???

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Oh I want to try this when I feel better...I wish someone could post a photo as I'm trying to visualize how to pull this off properly!

I'm with you! It's hard for me to visualize, especially today when it's VERY stormy and flooding like crazy out and I'm in a huge brain fog...

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Just a quick question Julie, you seem to have classic low flow pots. You're already over constricting........everywhere. Is this treatment more for high flow pots or the peripheral poolers? How high is your BP and HR going while you do it? Has it helped at all yet? Also have you been able to start on an angiotensin II blocker? I'm a normal flow person and wonder if we increased ang II while standing. Once again the more we learn, the questions we have. Hope you and Mack are being helped with this. :D

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Just a quick question Julie, you seem to have classic low flow pots. You're already over constricting........everywhere. Is this treatment more for high flow pots or the peripheral poolers? How high is your BP and HR going while you do it? Has it helped at all yet? Also have you been able to start on an angiotensin II blocker? I'm a normal flow person and wonder if we increased ang II while standing. Once again the more we learn, the questions we have. Hope you and Mack are being helped with this. :D

Hi Todd-

I suspect that I am low-flow POTS based on several symptoms- most notably my severe Reynaud's. At times, I feel like I can't get blood to my extremities- severe acrocynosis, etc. The cardiologist that recommended this was NOT familiar with the subtypes; just eager to share the treatment methods used in his country. My guess is that this therapy would be most helpful for the other two categories. When I do it, I feel like my BP is sky high- I haven't actually taken it during the maneuver.

I haven't started an angiotensin II blocker yet, but am eager to do so. I have a rheumy who is currently overseeing my condition. I don't see her until April. I am putting info together for her to buy into this idea. We'll see... In an attempt to treat my Reynauds, I've tried traditional therapies- Procardia & Norvasc with pretty horrific consequences. My hypovolemia was dramatically worsened- as the blood vessels in my peripheries opened up, I lost blood flow to my head :rolleyes: that's the problem with a limited supply. My MCAD symptoms have also dramatically worsened with these therapies. Lorsartan is supposed to treat Reynauds, improve MCAD, and improve low-flow POTS :D Truly a magic bullet for me- Woo hoo!

From what Dr. Stewart has published, it seems like the low-flow category is the only one with the increased angiotensin II. Mine has never been tested. Lenna indicated that her son's was NOT tested prior to starting therapy. From what I've read, the test seems to have intricate refrigeration/freezing requirements AND the patient is supposed to recline for a relatively long period beforehand. I wonder if anyone gets accurate results unless they are tested at a facility that routinely performs this test.

I'll post about my progress once I start. Sigh- I'm still months away. I'd love to hear about Danny, Lenna's son's progress. Last I heard he wasn't worsened by the treatment and it might have been helping. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for checking on me :)


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