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Omega 3 Fatty Acids


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in my experience, i have found one needs to be wary of the brand you buy....needlesstosay & unfortunately, ever so true w/supplements, as you all have experienced in the dysautonomia world of intolerance and heightened sensitivity.

i was told Carlson...was the best....but found even that brand...made me have nausea.

wasn't until i came off them for 2 months--and a recommended brand called INNATE CHOICE....OMEGA SUFFICIENCY , made by innate choice, inc., Victoria,BC, Canada

www.innatechoice.com ---------came into my life---and it does not bother me :0)

i also have read that omega 3's need to find vitamin E in the body---to be effective, and not have negative effects.

has something to do w/ production of prostagladins [ i remember there are good and bad prostagladins.... ]--is all i remember.

so, after much reading---years ago--it was indicated that we need tocotrienols form of vitamin E.

after much trial & error --I now take SOURCE NATURALS "TOCOTRIENOLS".

take one w/my omega 3's per day.

they are expensive, but great price at www.vitacost.com

hope this helps

God's blessings to all of you!


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I just started taking them a couple of weeks ago due to high triglycerides. I think it takes a few weeks to kick in, but I haven't noticed any difference so far. I store my fish oil in the freezer - that is the trick to prevent them from upsetting your stomach. My big concern was mercury, but many brands are purified to eliminate mercury.

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always refrigerate omega 3's and vitamin E's

.......and take them w/ food--not liquid.

try to isolate from liquid for as long as you can, which in my case...is at best--a 1/2 hour--due to consumption of H2O all day

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Anyway, I find that they tend to make me feel less 'jittery' at the end of the day. Apparewntly they have been shown to dminish the sympathetic response to standing - helpful for hyper patients in theory,

I take fish oil. Not sure if they help, but I'm taking them more for brain, stress, and for the reason you stated above.

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Funny you should ask. I took Fish Oil for years, then stopped for a little while to see if it made a difference. During the time I stopped, hubby and I went out for dinner. I ordered shrimp. Yummy! Been eating it all my life, but this time I had a horrible allergic reaction. Tried it again a few weeks later in a small dose, and the same thing happened. So I can't eat shellfish, and when I tried to get back to the Fish Oil, had a similar horrible allergic reaction.

Yesterday when I got groceries, I bought some ground flax seed. I sprinkled 1/2 tsp into herbed rice that we eat frequently. Guess who had a horrible allergic reaction and a horrible night?

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I started flax/fish stuff a while back to conform to "good fat" efforts while dieting (ensuring enough good fats while restricting regular ones as best I could). I continue to take fish oil, usually as a good fat supplement to a high protein and controlled carb mini-meal. I've tried varied doses over the last few years and haven't noticed a profound difference in POTS symptoms. Some studies giving credit to these fatty acids for addressing various illnesses do involve high doses which gets expensive. I continue to take fish oil pretty consistently since it is often on sale! I tend to feel better when I do, but that is partly because it means I am following my diet/exercise goals better at those times!

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Hi Ram,

I've been taking these for several months now and haven't noticed any change in my OI but I'm going to continue with them anyways. The literature on the benefits of omegas is enough to convince me that they're necessary.

I'm beginning to think that my body has been so nutritionally deprived all these years that it's going to take a variety of nutritional supplements to get me over this. A healthy diet alone isn't working for me ... IMHO, the interaction of different nutrients is more complicated than anyone understands at this point so my objective is make sure my body has them all while being careful not to od on any one of them. Too much of anything isn't good either.

I have an obvious problem with processing aminos and recently read that the aminos acetylcholine and glycine were found to be deficient in those with OI/dysautonomia so those are on my list to try next ...

HTH ... Marcia

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