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Hi Everyone,

I was reading a thread on another site that I found very interesting, and haven't seen it mentioned here.

How many of you were born prematurely? It seemed from the size of the forum and the amount of people who were, that there may be a connection. I may have missed something and this is common knowledge....but now I'm very curious.

Thanks for any input

Peace to all.


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Two weeks premature, jaundiced.

Here are links to some related research:




It seemed from the size of the forum and the amount of people who were, that there may be a connection.

I don't understand the connection you are trying to establish. Are you saying that this forum is so large, that all or most of the people born prematurely in the world have a tendency towards this condition? Are you saying that you saw a lot of posts regarding prematurity and the forum is so large that you think everyone born prematurely may well have a tendency towards autonomic dysfunction?

Some people on here have had some symptoms since childhood and others seemed to develop problems after infection or pregnancy. Others have genetic conditions which may predispose them to ANS dysfunction. You probably mostly want to know about people who have always had symptoms and who don't have, e.g., EDS (or alternatively, it may be worth knowing if everyone with EDS was born prematurely -- because then, people born prematurely and with ANS dysfunction may have undiagnosed EDS)

I think there was another thread on this by the way.

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Thanks for your input everyone, I guess that blows that theory.

Tachy P.- Thanks for the links.

I wasn't referring to this forum, a small discussion group I found, had such a high incidence of this , I was curious if this was typical of great number of those suffering autonomic conditions of any kind. With this diagnosis I'm always on the look out for a reason. Not that it would change my situation at all, but then I could at least make some sense of it.

Again, I thank you for your input.


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I'm not convinced that your theory is blown quite yet (so maybe people should keep reporting!!).

It's just that if we see a pattern, it has to be interpreted carefully, we may have to account for some reporting bias, and we have to look at other research to see the significance of anything we find.

So far, we have a fair amount of jaundice and some incidence of premature birth.

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I wasn't born early, I was healthy, fat, happy, and curious about the world. The only odd things about baby-me, was that I slept through night, never cried, was never unhappy, always full of lots of energy. I slept a lot though, like a good baby....or perhaps a really exhausted baby =p

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My daughter who has POTS was born at 26 weeks or 3 and a half months early. We have asked every doctor if they think there was a link between the two things and they didn't think so but couldn't tell us for sure. Besides, when she was born early, 2 of our doctors had 2 separate opinions on why she was born early. My OB thought it was my cervix and the neonatologist thought it was because my daughter was born with congenital hypothyroidism which aids in brain devopment. She thought our daughter would have been a stillborn if she wouldn't have been born at 26 weeks!

I'm more prone to think that her make-up and her hypothyroidism are what brought on the POTS, not the prematurity. All I know is that having her in the hospital as a baby for 3 and a half months was a walk in the park compared to dealing with POTS and she doesn't remember anything from that time as well!


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full term, full 10 pts on Apgar, no jaundice, and although my birth weight was only about 5lbs, that's a very health, normal size in my family... My mom is petite at 4'10" and my full height before I lost a little was just a smidge under 5'0" (I think it was something like 4 foot 11 and 3/4 inches).

I don't think there is any relationship between prematurity and dysautonomia across the board--however, certainly, prematuraty itself is related to all sorts of health problems so there is likely a subgroup that has a link.

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I was born 9 weeks early at around 2 lbs. I have recently been diagnosed with POTS, went to Mayo clinic in JAX and Dr Kusumoto treated my VT issues that I had upon ER admit. in April..did ablation for SA node reentry tachy and AV node reentry tachy. it is thought that these issues were birth defects caught now at the age of 37!

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I was born exactly on my due date. I think being born late or early is pretty common one way or another - and is also affected by whether you're the oldest child. I think it'd be hard to tell whether it made a difference in POTS. Tho I agree being very premature can make you vulnerable to all sorts of things.

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