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Everything posted by nadine

  1. I don't blame you for being frustrated. It seems that many of the numbers are just a bit over or under the high and low values, so maybe they weren't as concerned. The exception being the two you mentioned. I think if my bloodwork did have comments as yours did on every reading- I would ask the nurse to have the physician call me for more details and more specific adivice. Maybe you need dietary changes? Regardless if you talk to the physician, it may put your mind at ease. Does your physician's office have a nutritionist- they may also be of help. They are often very informed on many areas. Just a thought.
  2. Wishing you a wonderful, healthy day!!
  3. Wow- congrats on just making the trip and getting through the wait time. I can't imagine doing either one right now. I find it very helpful when poeple have posted suggested treatments, education and information they have received-especially from an informed physician. Keeping in mind, that not all treatments work for everyone and have to be designed for that individual, unfortunately due to med sensitivities. I also think you gave a very informative explaination of the exercise philosophy- I am sure you will be a wonderful mother someday- remain positive thanks
  4. I hope you find this helpful. I had purchased a wrist one and loved the convenience of it, could take it with me quite easily-unfortunately it did not last long before it broke. I know have a table top one, still very convenient and self inflates. I may have just picked a poor model.
  5. My abilities change day to day, minute to minute. It is rare to have a day where I can stand long enough to make dinner- so this is typical for me. Hope you feel better soon.
  6. Sunfish- thank you so much for posting that link, helpful information. I had one doctor tell me just treat the symptoms and go on with your life! I wish it was that simple-
  7. Just curious as to what your physician has stated about your results? I wasn't clear by the posting if they just gave you results without comments?
  8. continued prayers and thoughts for your family-enjoy your time together.
  9. Continued prayers to you and your family. I understand the feeling about the wheelchair, but if it allows you to be with your mom - use it and enjoy your time together. Wishing you the best
  10. hey, i do hear you. I have great admiration for your strength and I have no idea how you have managed, being in the military. You must have incredible strength within you
  11. I am not anemic, but my count is lower than usual. I was also very low on Vit. D., but also lactose intolerant, yet never an issue before. I wonder if part of this may be due to poor diet, or at least not as healthy diet? I know I eat what ever is quick and easy, micro or sandwich, toaster, etc. unless someone has made the meal. Just a thought.
  12. I agree with Ernie or you could request that your fomer physician send only the BP readings and other specific info you want sent. They do not need to send entire notes. Anything in relation to the implied psych hx would be considered sensitive information, so you would have to send it yourself or sign to specifically have that info sent to another provider. That is my understanding anyway. I have found many errors in my chart regarding hx, from saying I drink- haven't in over 13 years, had a c-section-think I would have remembered that, and also have experienced the implied anxiety, psych questions. I am sure most of us have with this illness. Yes, I have also requested that letter of my disagreement with diagnosis be included in records.
  13. Congrats for your accomplishment!! I am not experienced enough myself regarding this, but wonder if you haven't walked in awhile, if you should start out with shorter walks? I am not at a point to even consider this yet, but I treasure the day when I can. I am also not able to stand up more than 10- 15 mins. and can't walk my driveway, so this is a ways off for me. I hope you are able to continue and make progress. I have also gained a great deal of weight, which is depressing on top of everything else we are dealing with. My cardio had encouraged me to try and increase my walking before the nightmare of this past year. When I tried to do this, I was very symptomatic and would literally have to sit down on the ground. My husband was walking with me and we would take water and cell phone, just in case.
  14. I did see this and it was quite scary for the reason you stated-that pharmicists were unaware! I am still somewhat new here and noticed that many talk about Procrit shots, not sure what the treatment association is with POTS or used for other health problems?? I know the use for cancer pts.
  15. Happy birthday- wishing you a healthy and fun day!!!
  16. No times are good times this past year for me, but the extreme temps make it worse in summer or winter. My duaghter has CFIDS also and is much worse as soon as fall comes, then gets better in spring, summer. She tends to have more infections during the fall/winter months, which will bring about severe setbacks for her.
  17. prayers to all of you, take care-
  18. Jacquie- Just wondering if you could print of any of the information from the website to share with your friends? I don't know, maybe it would help. I am considering this, although my friends are very understanding, I still have a hard to explaining exactly how I am affected by all of this. I also get tired of repeating it over and over. I was thinking of having something printed up to show them and the medical providers who also don't have understanding. Just a thought. Maybe sharing some of the stories that are on the website and being able to start the communication with them as to how you relate and how devastating this has been in your life.
  19. I have been tested several times and they keep insisting that I don't have it. Last test I was told by a nurse who called that she thought initial report was positive, but western blot was negative. Only two of the bands were positive?? I keep pushing this as my area is verrrrrrrrrry tic infested and one of my dogs is positive, and her numbers keep going up. It is not unusual for us to find 20+ tics on her at a time, with the Frontline. I have had several tics on me and two were deep in skin and I had to go in for removal as I did not get the whole thing out. I hear all kinds of things about testing not always being accurate. I may be seeing a rheumatologist and will ask them about this again.
  20. Well I decided right after the last post to order the Loretta Laroche tapes- cheaper than most of the meds I have taken and money well spent and the only side affect maybe from laughing too hard!!
  21. I am not sure where your friend was and did she ever call you back to see why you left? I think if she is a good friend, you should tell her exactly what you are feeling. I have found even with the long hx of CFIDS, before all the recent probs. , people just someitmes don't get it. It is hard to explain what we worry about on a daily basis. My friends are very understanding, will plan events at my home for me, pick me up, whatever I want to do. It is usually me who is hesitant because I never know how bad I will feel. So the arrangement we just made is -I explain that I may feel very badly and need to a) lay down b- )go home, if not home c) may need asst. with walking and can't walk far or the ultimate- d)faint . I have now realized- I can't isolate myself because of this. They want to take me to a new place to eat and I am concerned, because like you it takes so much energy just to shower and get ready, but I will give it a shot. Whatever will be, will be. Hope you get another opportunity soon. It doesn't hurt that two of them are nurses and would be of assist. if needed-LOL
  22. There are many articles and books on this subject and without question it has helped many people, including myself. It is what keeps me going," when the going gets tough." I will watch anything that makes me laugh, last night was Steve Martin movie, tonight watching some SNL. I wish I owned some PBS tapes of Loretta Larouche, who many of you may know does stress management with humor. I laugh so hard I can't breathe, maybe not such a good thing but I love her!! Robin Williams can do it for me too, he did play Patch Adams ---which goes along with this topic. Yup, part of my therapy. I am thankful that I also have many friends who are absolute nuts and will rally for me when needed. LOL
  23. I have lots of gastro problems and discomfort that makes me feel faint, but I think if you are having pain that is returning in one area- I would consult physician.
  24. I am so glad you brought this discussion up. I can relate to what you are describing, as odd as it seems. I have felt like there is nothing but skin at times, bones randomly feel like they snap and crack as well. I haven't had paralysis, but very close to it. I will get numbness and odd sensations, I will lose feeling. Some of my problems is deconditioning from being in bed so much for sure, but I have also been worried that something more neurological is going on- so far no other new diagnosis. Continue to followup with my physiatrist. I was not able to tolerate the most simple PT programs, so I was discharged. When I tried using weights of 1 pound and resistance bands for leg exercises, it made me much worse. I agree with Tea's comments, in that I had to force myself to do whatever I could and try to get my body, brain going. I just focus on movement and doing just as she stated a couple leg lifts if that is all I can do, also moving arms and walking as much as I can. Stretching. I am trying to build up my standing time, this is a challenge. My coordination and balance is horrible, esp. when fatigued. I am always dropping things!! I really try to just move in my house as much as possible. Every now and then I get some days that are much better, which gives me hope. I would mention this to your doc though. Wishing you better days.
  25. My symptoms are the same. When this happens, I lay down with wet cloths, fans and fluids asap. I have this when bp goes up or down and when low on fluids. I am also having a hard time finding the right medication treatments due to sensitivities. Some days are worse than others. I am also learning about all this. Welcome
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