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Everything posted by gertie

  1. That's a great idea. I have all this info already saved in a file & when I go to a new dr I take a copy of it for their records. Thanks.
  2. The only thing I have been able to tolerate is Allegra. I started with 30 mg & eventually 60 mg. I make a pint of salt water with 2 or 3 drops of oregano oil in it for a nasal wash. Good luck!
  3. I'm trying to summarize my allergy list for my cell phone inf. I'm basically allergic to everything except my seizure meds but I don't know how to put that in writing. Should I say, multiple chemical sensitivity? I listed dysautonomia and hypoglycemia so if EMT's were ever called they would have a clue why I was passed out. I now realize that if the dr's here don't know what dysa. is the EMT's don't either. I appreciate any suggestions.
  4. Sometimes Ativan helps if I take it about an hour b/4 travel.
  5. Everything is worse with POTS. I started with strep throat & sinus infection 6 weeks ago & I still am not well. I was told I should be better in 7 days & I still am dizzy & lethargic most of the time. There has been a viral inf (or that's what the dr's are calling it) going around here but I don't know if body aches are symptoms. Your symptoms do sound more like a flu. Hope you're better soon.
  6. My blood sugar drops fast & I have passed out several times. Sometimes after I eat my gucose levels do not go up. I feel mine is related to adrenals. The thing that worries me most is what will happen to us when we have a virus & can't eat. If I can't eat every 2 or 3 hours I'm on the floor. I hope you find out what your problem is & get help.
  7. What you say makes sense. I've tried antibiotics & had bad reaction to all of them. I have been irrigating sinus a few times a day for almost 2 months but it hasn't helped. Ent put med in my sinus but it didn't help. My TMJ is probably the reason sinus won't drain. I need a good cranial osteopath but not one available here. Thanks.
  8. I'm sorry you had to go thru that. I thought I was the only one that lived in an area where most of the medical profession is incompetent especially concerning POTS. I live in fear of having to go to the hospital. I hope you feel better soon.
  9. Has anyone taken this? How did it effect you? I'm considering trying it to get rid of a sinus inf that nothing else has helped. I'm afraid it will cause me to retain fluid & start my vertigo again. thanks.
  10. I reacted to an anesthetic my ENT put up my nose. He said there was no EPI in it but my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. I had a headache & felt drugged for a few hours after. Even tho I can't normally have epi I carry an epi pen jr. in case of allergic reaction. I figure if I'm dying what difference does it make.
  11. I have no choice but to be alone most of the time & when someone is here I don't really feel any better. I should be used to it since I also faint from low blood sugar sometimes. I hope the dr's prove me wrong eventually, but so far they have been useless. Since I'm allergic to most everything they've prescribed there's not much they can do. I feel sure this last episode was triggered by yet another antibiotic I was prescribed for sinus inf because I'm still having IBS symptoms. I tried nadolol several years ago & had bad side effects. I think I've tried everything that I've read might help. Thanks for your replies.
  12. For those of you that faint with vasovagal syncope or NCS how do you cope mentally? I've been doing this for years but I still panic when I feel it is about to happen. I feel very insecure & like I am a weak person, which I suppose I must be or I wouldn't pass out. Are you alone when this happens? I'm usually alone. This a.m. I barely made it to the bathroom with colon cramps before I knew I was going to pass out. I fell over on my table. My legs were getting numb & so wet with sweat I felt like I was going to slide off the commode. If I wasn't the one experiencing this I would think it almost comical. I could not get conscious enough to get back to the bed for about 15 - 20 min. Without being graphic I had to be conscious enough to clean myself up before going back to bed. Hours later I'm still weak & BP still not back to normal. Sorry if I've asked this b/4 but I still panic occ. Thanks.
  13. I have a lot of blurred vision. Have you seen a neurologist? If you are experiencing a fixed stare could it be a type of partial seizure? I have seizures but don't always lose consciousness. I would see a neuro.
  14. I've been very sensitive to odors for years. Smells of fragrance, gas, paint etc can trigger a seizure for me. Any chance you have a sinus inf? That always makes it worse for me. I have been so sensitive since my sinus inf I can't tolerate the smell of my humidifier. It's been cleaned & uses distilled water. No one else can smell it but to me it smells like new tires.
  15. It sounds like you may have had inner ear fluid build up from skipping the Singulair causing the vertigo & migraine.
  16. I know how you feel. I'm always very appreciative to those that take time to respond to my questions.
  17. I've been much worse during the cold weather. Even in No Ga the temp has been down to 11. I can't seem to get warm & I always feel like I'm going to pass out. I have a dr's app't today & I'm going to wear panty hose & socks & a long coat. If I hadn't had the app't for a month I would cancel it.
  18. I started with strep throat & sinus inf 6 weeks ago & I'm still not well. My BP goes from high to low, my pulse from high to low. I don't want food. I've passed out from low blood sugar etc. Something that takes most people a week to get over I've still got 6 weeks later. I've tried antibiotics which did not seem to help. Altho I did not feel like getting out of bed for the first month I was not sleeping at night. I started taking a Neurontin every night which seemed to help some. I hope you feel better soon.
  19. Could you possibly have a sinus inf? I have migraines also but when I get a headache that will not go away it's usually related to allergy or sinus. Have you tried an antihistamine to see if that helps? I hope you find relief soon.
  20. My inner ear problems & BP causes me problems at night. I always turn on a light. I have also passed out from low blood sugar so you might want to check that also.
  21. Bleach makes me very sick. It is an irritant & poison. I can't remember the details but I've read that it was used in war & not in a good way. Don't breathe the fumes.
  22. That happens to me sometimes & it's also happened when I blow my nose.
  23. I have tried several medications & the side effects were worse than another disease. The only thing I have found that helps at all is Neurontin for migraines & an occ 1/2 of lowest dose Ativan when I get the shakes & an Allegra if I get sinus inf.
  24. I am going thru the same thing. My fear of med's is because I have had so many life threatening reactions to them. Antibiotics being my worst. I have had everything from analyplatic (sp?) shock, seizures, break out in whelps etc. I start with 1/4 of an adult dose to see how I react to a new med & if I don't have a bad reaction I up the next dose.
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