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Everything posted by gertie

  1. I'm still having heart palps or arrythmias. This has been going on for a week now. I tried to see my cardiologist but because I'm on Medicare I must have a referral & my PCP has been out of the office. Cardiologist office said it would be last of March or first of Apr before I could get an app't. I keep putting off going to the local ER because they know nothing of dys & I feel like they might do more harm than good. My question, why does eating or drinking make the palps increase? As many years as I've had this I should know this but I'm puzzled. Thanks.
  2. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I know these syncopal episodes also take awhile to get over, at least they do for me. You sound like a tough cookie.
  3. Thanks everyone. I think it's time for a monitor.
  4. What do you do for irregular HB? Mine has been beating irregularly for 2 or 3 days now almost constantly. I don't notice it so much when I'm sitting or laying down but when I'm moving around it's very disturbing I can feel it beating. I thought it was caused from taking flax oil but that was 2 days ago. I've been to cardiologist over the years for this & by the time I go it's always normal. He thinks it's caused by allergies. Thanks.
  5. I experience that a lot, even more since menopause. Most days I'm not comfortable driving because I feel like my brain is scrambled. I make lists for everything or I would never get anything done. I'm curious if you take vit supplements? Some vit's make me worse especially vit D. Hope you're back to normal soon.
  6. Thanks for your reply. I can't imagine why it would do us this way. It is supposed to be for inflammation & other things.
  7. I started taking organic flax oil today & my heart has flopped like a fish out of water all day. There are no other additives in the oil. Has anyone had this problem with FO? I want to give it a chance but I can't take this. I've noticed magnesium supplements do me the same way. What could be in flax that would cause these symptoms? thanks.
  8. I have the teeth chattering but my body also shakes. I feel like I am chilling & can't stop shaking. It usually last until I get something warm to drink or if it's real bad I have to take Ativan before I stop.
  9. Thanks Erik, I'm researching all your suggestions.
  10. I get this in my arms & legs. I've taken my blood sugar during & it was not hypoglycemia. My PCP tells me mine is adrenal insufficiency.
  11. I don't know what I would do without your support. I thought the Midodrine would be worth trying but I see it raises the BP by constricting the blood vessels. The problem I have had with that type med is it triggers migraines. The meds that cause fluid retention cause migraines & meniere's so it seems every way I turn I hit a brick wall. Erythromycin in very low dose still causes me to faint or seizure. My Gi suggested miralax & metamucil. The metamucil had me so compacted I got a fissure & the miralax caused worst headache I ever had. It's been a nightmare. My only hope is to use a natural product like the fig or aloe. I can't talk to anyone in the family about this because no one has heard of anyone passing out during a BM. I can tell it embarrasses my DH. If someone calls for me & I'm recovering from an episode rather than telling them I'm sick he just says I'm "out" for awhile, which I am. ha! ha! Thanks again!
  12. Thanks everyone for your replies. Very helpful explanations of the VV. I have IBS so Erythromycin ,or usually any antibiotic, causes me severe colon distress. The last time I had Erythromycin I passed out just from taking it. I am very sensitive to meds. I have been using warm prune juice & it looks like I may have to stay with a natural product. Someone suggested mineral oil with metamucil but I'm not sure MO is safe to use. I'll keep trying.
  13. Thanks Flop! I am going to order one right away.
  14. I'm still trying to figure what treatment might help me. My BP avg is 140/70 until I have a painful BM & pass out & then of course my BP drops. I don't want anything that will lower BP because that will just cause me more syncope. I've been researching but I don't know what to do. My PCP has heard of Dys but he doesn't know much more but he is willing to listen to any suggestions I have. Does anyone have any suggestions on what will calm the vasovagal nerve? I was on high doses of Neurontin for years for seizures & that seemed to help but I felt very sluggish all the time. I'm sorry if I've asked this b/4 but I'm feeling desperate again. thanks.
  15. Thanks for sharing this info. I'm in a small town where the dr's haven't heard of Dys. Do you think it would be simpler to use autonomic dysfunction or autonomic nervous system dysfunction? thanks.
  16. Thanks for your comments. I'm not taking any med's but I have experienced nystagmus before but it was in both eyes. I'm noticing my eye is doing this when at rest also. Maybe it is a muscle. Thanks again!
  17. I completely understand how you feel. Just taking care of a grandchild after school for a few hours is a stressor for me. If they're sick I know I will catch it & because I can't take med's that make me more stressed. I've been mostly home bound for years but if I feel well enough one day to go shopping the next day I'm exhausted. I feel over whelmed by what I think everyone else expects me to do. Hope you feel better soon.
  18. I am trying my best to exercise to try to get some strength back. I noticed if I exert myself very much the vision in my left eye is jumping. I don't know how else to describe it. Even after I stop exercising it continues for a few min. This has been happening for a long time. It may be a nerve twitching but it feels like things are actually moving. Why would this happen? Thanks.
  19. I had bad reaction to it & others in the mycin family. I started with 1/4 tab the first day & tried to increase the dose but after a few days I started having stomach cramps & passing out.
  20. I don't know if it's related to dysautonomia but I have Meniere's disease & I understand how it can ruin your life. I can't ride at all now if it's night or just cloudy outside. If I don't have light I have no balance. My last car trip trying to go with someone to the dr before daylight was a nightmare. I got so sick I couldn't get out of the car after we got to the dr office. It was very embarrassing for me. I was supposed to be taking care of them & I couldn't function. When I have to ride I take Ativan about an hour before time to go & sometimes it helps. Others say Valium helps them more. The problem with sedatives is I feel so bad from them I still don't feel like going anywhere. Hope you find answers.
  21. I'm no authority on anti freeze but if you Google "what is polyethylene glycol" you will find it is a petroleum derivative & used in AF. I hope the info is wrong because a lot of people swear by it for a laxative. The dr that told me that is an environmental allergist & no reason for him to give false info.
  22. Linda, I had the same reaction you did + one of the worst headaches I've ever had. I mentioned that to my allergist & he told enlightened me on polyethylene glycol. He asked me, "why would I want to take anti freeze". I was shocked. You might want to do some research before taking anymore of it.
  23. Does anyone have any problems with parotid glands? If I eat even a tiny amount of anything that is acidic such as OJ, lemon, tomato etc, I immediately get slight swelling in my glands but only on one side & it is very uncomfortable. This has been going on for months. I've eliminated foods with salicylates & that doesn't leave much to eat. I can't understand if it is an allergy why both sides wouldn't be effected. I've been to my PCP & ENT more than once & they don't know what it is. Could it be a nerve damage or something caused from Dys? I'm tired of everything I eat causing my face to swell. I've probably asked this before but I'm hoping someone will eventually have an answer. Thanks.
  24. That's a great idea. I have all this info already saved in a file & when I go to a new dr I take a copy of it for their records. Thanks.
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