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Everything posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. I, too, have had many episodes of chest pain. Before I was diagnosed with POTS, I had been to the ER for chest pain many times over an 8 year span thinking I was having a heart attack. I've had tons of ekg's done as well as echocardiograms, a stress test, and holter tests. Now, instead of panicking, I try to remind myself that none of my chest pain episodes have been anything significant and I am still here. I don't have any solutions, just wanted you to know that I have been there many a time.
  2. You guys are too funny!! I do NOT want to do the colonoscopy - I'm scheduled for the endoscopy at the same time. Yes, rotisserie style! I was also tested for Celiac, but my bloodwork came back within normal limits. I am doubtful that the colonoscopy will find anything because I don't have ANY GI symptoms. None. I just hate to have to go through the prep and possible POTSY symptoms when my anemia could possibly be due to heavy periods.
  3. Just wondering the reasons that there are so many on this board who have had colonoscopies. Usually it is reserved for folks older than 40. GI issues, anemia, other?
  4. Glad you are official now. Not great that you have POTS, but at least you know now!
  5. Thank you all so much for your advice and tips!! Now, I just have to call back the nurse to schedule - she called me Monday morning to schedule and I told her I would have to call her back - I'm such a chicken!
  6. Okay, I will ask for fluids when I get there. Has anyone tried Miralax?
  7. Any advice for Colonoscopy prep? Any specific prep that I should ask for (that might be better than another)? I had to do a prep before a pelvic diagnostic lap 2 years ago. I ended up as an inpatient for 2 days because I kept having adrenaline rushes...heart rate going from 70-130 in a matter of seconds...wasn't diagnosed with POTS yet. I don't know if my problems stemmed from the prep or the anesthesia. Anyway, any advice would be so nice!!
  8. Deucykub - Thanks for clearing that up - you are right. I was confusing OH and OI. Actually, I was thinking they were the same thing!! Dr. Fouad said that I had POTS and OH based on my TTT.
  9. Really? I thought OI referred to the blood pressure part and POTS referred to the tachycardia part??
  10. You sound like me. However, my blood pressure did drop after 25-30 minutes of a tilt test. During everyday activities, my heart rate is high but my blood pressure seems to be fine. In addition to POTS, I do have SVT at times as well as panic attacks/anxiety. I am proof that you can have all 3 and I can tell the difference between all 3.
  11. I feel like I'm exercising when I clean my house. Does that count? I know my heart rate is up as high as someone doing aerobic exercise.
  12. I can't stand in one place for long. I'd say 10-15 minutes if I'm standing in place. If I'm up walking around, at the mall, shopping I can go for a couple of hours. That is weird, isn't it?
  13. I feel for you. I don't have a doctor either, well, I do but he is an EP and during my last visit he was surprised I still had POTS...he thinks I should have recovered by now I don't have anyone either Anyway, I hope you find someone!!
  14. I don't take baths - I like them to be hot and it causes my legs to feel tingly and well, just not right. I take hot showers before I go to bed. I don't wear stockings.
  15. Thank you for all of your honest responses - it helps to know that I am not alone. After reaching for the "goal" the last time we had sex, I did not feel well - like I had run a race or something. I should have just let the "goal" go by I suppose.
  16. Carmen - afternoon would be wonderful - that was "our time" before we had kids. I keep telling him to come home for lunch and we will put a movie on for the kids Unfortunately, he can't come home in the middle of the day That would solve most of our problems.
  17. Could you call your doctor and ask about a way to get help - he/she might know of some sort of service. How about a church family?
  18. I hope this is okay to talk about...I'm just wondering if I'm alone here. My hubby and I don't have relations very often much to his dismay. He takes it personally, but it has nothing to do with him. I am always so tired in the evenings. With 2 young children, it is hard to find time alone except for 10:00 pm and by that time I am wiped out. Physically, I am able to have relations...it is just the tiredness that gets me all the time. Between that and an 8-day period, my hubby gets very frustrated. Am I alone? Do I need to just fight the fatigue and do it anyway to make him happy? If I do it anyway, I feel resentful towards him. We are "together" 1-2 times per month. It is the most common thing we fight about. Can anyone offer any insight or advice?? Thanks!
  19. I have sweats and a clammy feeling the day before I start my period. Just an all-over very weird feeling in my body.
  20. That is so great! I wish I had a personal trainer. I just can't get with it...so nice that he/she comes to your home.
  21. I'm not sure. I wake up tired everyday too. I had anemia this summer, so I blamed my tiredness on that. But, now that I'm not anemic anymore, I'm still tired when I wake up...so, maybe it's just POTS. I feel less tired as the day goes on.
  22. Thanks for your replies. As far as I know, the doctors don't know anything...that is why they are doing the ep study. Shortness of breath and the one episode of fainting. I don't think anything showed up on ekg, echo or halter. I also thought it was kind of evasive, but what do I know?
  23. I am hoping I can get some quick ideas, suggestions or whatever... A family friend is in the hospital. He is 29 years old, thin, otherwise in good health. His mom called me tonight with some questions because she knew I have "heart problems." In the past few weeks he has been almost gasping for breath at times...especially out of sleep. He can usually get out of it by taking a few deep breaths. The other day, he fainted and was taken to the hospital. Is this something that happens to you? The doctors want to do an ep study on him and possible ablation. They are not thinking heart failure or blockage at this point. I told her that an ep and ablation would be contraindicated if he had orthostatic intolerance. Am I right? Any experiences with fainting and catching your breath would be welcome!! They don't know what is wrong. He had a normal ekg and echo.
  24. Thinking about you Melissa. I hope that you get stronger each and everyday.
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