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Everything posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. I was in the ER because I couldn't get settled down. I had a panic attack and it had subsided, but I had this horrible burning pain in my back and shoulders and convinced myself I could be having a heart attack. I had to go get checked out for peace of mind. Do you mind me asking what dosage you take of xanax? How does it make you feel? Can you take care of kids, drive, work?
  2. I don't have any advice at all. I often wonder if I'm going into menopause at 32 just because my emotions seem to be all over the place. How do they test for menopause? Have you done that? Is is accurate?
  3. If you like them. I really need someone to listen and help me with the iron-deficiency anemia, hair loss, anxiety and of course POTS.
  4. I get clammy feet and hands often. I feel anxious when this happens. I don't know if the anxiety is caused by my sweaty hands and feet because I know that is a symptoms of my sometimes panic attacks or that the sweaty hands and feet are caused by my anxiety. I am so sick of this. I feel like I can't go anywhere. I am afraid to be around people now because I'm afraid I'll embarrass myself with the anxiety. Klonopin is not really helping. I was in the ER the other day and they gave me a pretty good dose of Xanax. I could barely keep my eyes open. I think I am in a vicious cycle right now of being afraid of another panic attack so I am so anxious all of the time. PS. I feel guilty that I don't respond with a lot of advice, but seem to ask a lot of questions. I just feel like I don't know as much as some of you do about POTS. I'm sorry if my posts sound selfish - I'm really not.
  5. Congratulations!!! Hopefully your POTS symptoms will be somewhat normal soon. Remember, giving birth is very taxing on your body (even though with an epideral it sometimes seems like a breeze).
  6. Hi and welcome! I don't have any advice as I am somewhat new to this...2 years...although I think I had mild symtoms before. It is definitely an adjustment. Hopefully, you will get your meds straightened out and become pretty functional. I am not on meds now - I was on a beta blocker for about a year to keep my heart rate down. I function pretty well. I am able to do most things and people think I'm fine. Symptoms are worse when I am sick, even with a simple cold. I can't run, exercise vigorously or do a lot of things in hot weather, but otherwise, I do pretty well. I play with my kids, take them places, clean my house, do some gardening, walk and sometimes pilates. It took me several months to get to where I am now. I hope this will give you some positive vibes.
  7. My husband occasionally get this and he is healthy as can be. The general population probably does have this occasionally, but I suspect for us POTSY people, it happens a lot more frequently if not everytime we bend over.
  8. Thanks for all the support and kind pm's. I went to the doctor today and he prescribe .5mg of klonopin. I am hoping just having it in the house will help my mind chill out. Thanks again
  9. Outside, I look like your normal, healthy 32 year old woman. Inside, I am a mess. Ever since my panic attack last week, I have been having mini panic/anxiety episodes because I am afraid of having another panic attack. How ironic is that? Why can't my mind/body calm down? It is so frustrating. I think my husband thinks I'm nuts. I've been up since 5 am this morning. I woke up really nervous about taking my daughter to preschool today - what is up with that? Lately, it seems like I get nervous if I have something planned for the day (going out). I don't really expect an answer to why I am mentally going downhill, but I just needed to put my thoughts into words...maybe hear someone say, "you are not alone." I am making a doctor's appt. today to discuss anti-anxiety meds. I do not want to take meds, but I think I need them. Thank you to those who answered my post last week about the different meds you take.
  10. Katherine, I had pica (ice chewing) for months and didn't know that was a sign of anemia. Within a few weeks of taking the iron, the ice crunching urge went away...I can't say that I felt a lot better with the fatigue (some), though, because I still have POTS, know what I mean?
  11. Hi Katherine, I take Feosol Ferrous Sulphate...it's a small green pill...very easy to swallow. I take 1 daily now that my iron is normal (to maintain). This past summer when I was anemic, the hemotologist had me on 3 ferrous sulphates per day (taken an hour before eating with a glass of water - they absorb better on an empty stomach). My iron levels were on the high side of normal after taking 3 pills every day for 2 months.
  12. That would be SO scary. I hope it never happens to me and I hope it won't happen to you again.
  13. lina - it was definitely panic, not POTS attack. I have POTS symptoms on a daily basis. Panic attacks very rarely. I had feeling of doom, feeling like I was losing control, dizzy, nauseous, clammy hands and feet and uncontrollable shaking. I was a mess.
  14. It is time for me to get some meds. I had a panic attack last night and it was full-blown. I started my period today...I was clammy and on the verge of an attack all day. I need something mild to take when I have "that feeling." What do you take?
  15. About an hour after I woke up this morning, my left pinky finger, ring finger and the palm going down from those two fingers have been tingling on and off. It has been going on all day. No spreading up my arm or anything, but the hypochondriac and panic attack inside me are wanting to come out. I think I have read that some of you get tingling from time to time....is it a constant thing, an all-day thing or occasionally?? I feel fine otherwise.
  16. Thanks for your replies. I'm not on florinef, so I wasn't sure. I guess I will be a good girl and take it like my doctor prescribed.
  17. I got some blood work done the other day and my level was 3.6 (with a range of 3.5 - 5.0). My doctor wants to put me on a potassium supplement for 10 days and then get my blood re-drawn. I wasn't able to talk to my doctor, as the nurse called to tell me...but does anyone know why I would need a supplement if my range is within norms? Thanks in advance.
  18. We went to Disney 2 years ago in December so that it was a nice comfortable 70 degrees in FL. There is no way I would be able to go down there in the summer. I took drinks in my backpack, rested frequently, and we always went back to our hotel in the afternoon to give our girls a nap...so I got to rest up then before we went back out.
  19. Hi Katherine, I get those forceful PACs/PVCs every once in a while. Sometimes several in one day. Like you said, they are one big POW. I've had this for a very long time...even before my POTS diagnosis. The cardiologist I went to at the time told me that it is from a buildup of the "premature beat blood" behind a valve and the big beat you feel is the heart getting the blood from the premature beat AND the blood from the next beat out through the valve all at one time. Completely benign, just annoying. I occasionally notice after eating a big meal or maybe a meal that I've inhaled too quickly However, I get them other times too...probably moreso than just after eating. Hope that helps some.
  20. I get this feeling 1-2 days a month - I think I've pinpointed that it happens before my period. I feel cold, yet my feet feel warm and clammy. My hands feel a little clammy. And I have an "off" feeling. Like my body could just go into a panic attack any minute or something like that. I usually start my period a day or two after my day of "weird." Does anyone else feel like this? Is it all the time, sometimes, before your period?
  21. I have very fair skin and also a visible road map. I'm a big 'ole map of blue. Chest, arms, legs.
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