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Everything posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. Interesting. I love to hear smart doctor stories!
  2. I am also a little below range in vit D, although my understanding is that it is quite common in the general population.
  3. I always have at least 2 bruises on my legs (on a good day)...sometimes I have several on each leg and I can never remember how I got them. I never attributed to being POTSY.
  4. Melissa, I hope your appt. went well and the fever is not from anything serious.
  5. Without other symptoms? I'd say he's stretching, but what do I know (I've heard of this, but I think it must be rare). I do have the visual aura for 20 minutes and sometimes no headache at all, but I would think you'd have to have at least *some* symptom(s) like lina's husband.
  6. I don't deal with scary stuff well at all, actually. So, I am right there with you. HOWEVER, I am really working hard on not being so scared and worried all the time. It's just not worth it.
  7. No, I don't think it was a panic attack. Sounds like a normal POTSY episode to me.
  8. What is it? What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed?
  9. Interesting doctorguest! I also have arms and legs falling asleep while in bed...
  10. I eat one dark chocolate bar per day. No kidding. I don't have any problems with weight, so why not? I don't do any other caffeine except chocolate.
  11. Thanks Katherine - you are always so reasonable and comforting!
  12. Well, this article certainly didn't make me feel any better. http://apnews.excite.com/article/20071001/D8S0L7K01.html
  13. Yes, all the time. Sometimes because I'm anxious, other times for no reason at all.
  14. Patti ~ how scary for both of you!! I have no experience with that and pray that I never do. However, I have heard of paralyzing migraines like that before. I'm glad Chrissy is speaking okay now. How is her headache?
  15. Yes, I wear sunglasses whenever I am out. If I am outdoors for an afternoon, even with sunglasses, I will end up getting a headache.
  16. I'm sorry. That is a lot of weight on your shoulders.
  17. LindaJoy - I hope the psychologist can help. This condition, I think, has many fearful of being alone. I hope you can overcome your fear. Please let us know how your appt. goes.
  18. Flop - I seem to have the opposite problem. It upsets my stomach and gives me diarrhea.
  19. I took Biotin Forte in February and March (about 60 days) that had B vitamins and folate in it, but nothing past March including multivitamins. Maybe still lingering in my body? Thank you doctorguest - I appreciate another doctor's input. Katherine - what type of iron supplement do you take? The ferrous sulphate (sp?) is so hard on my stomach that I switched to slow fe, but the slow fe is not keeping my levels up.
  20. I never really know what to say. I feel like people don't really want to know, but maybe that's just my perception.
  21. What changes do you see in your POTS for the better or worse during this time? My heart rate is up. Do you think the changes we get during this time is due to hormones or blood loss?
  22. Mine is racing today too - 126 standing. I'm on the 2nd day of my period though so I think that has something to do with it.
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