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Everything posted by futurehope

  1. Yikes! I hear you. Remember, this will all be a memory at some point. Did you have to do both withdrawals at once?
  2. Well, for me, I know for a fact that on the day prior to my migraine, I had blown up with anger at my husband. He's a Liberal and I'm a Conservative and his comments were insulting. So, I basically let him have it, and then I had a sick headache the next day?! I'm learning not to react to stuff. It isn't worth it to me.
  3. Rama, No wonder you crashed after your flight......22 hours? That's difficult for normal people. Valliali, How long (in duration) is your flight?
  4. Tammy, Sitting on a chair with my legs on a stool, or sitting cross-legged on the floor do nothing for me:I feel badly when doing them. If the blood can "run out of my head", it does. At least that's what I attribute the sick feeling to. My only sure-fire "okay" position is reclining, like when the oral surgeon reclined the entire seat in order to do his surgery. Sitting in a car, or anywhere is stressful on my malfunctioning body.
  5. When you say ,"for no reason", can I take that to mean that your cough has been evaluated by the medical community and nothing has been found as a cause?
  6. Answer to question 1: ????? Answer to question 2: Yes, I am more reactive now. I have been on allergy injections for 7 years. It is possible for a doctor to prescribe an additional "baby" dose of antihistamine the day of the injection to help you through. I did not stick with that because the additional antihistamine made me feel bad. I will get a big red circle at the site, and I will be more fatigued. I try not to get the shot on a day that I need to do other things. I like the results I get from having allergy injections. It helps me. I must add though, that I do not take beta blockers because of my allergy injection regimen, yet Firewatcher is saying she skips her dose on the injections day only? I never thought that was a possibility.
  7. Tachy, When you asked "Why is my heartrate high?" and you were told "It is an improper question.", you have to look beyond the words "It is an improper question." The person said that to you for a reason: I can only guess what it is? The person said that to you in order to: force you to be quiet and ask nothing else make you feel intimidated to keep you quiet keep you from asking anything for which the doctor had no answer keep the doctor from feeling inadequate because he didn't have answers sever the doctor-patient relationship deliberately because they no longer wanted to deal with you and with a symptom they did not understand I could come up with other possible reasons a person said "It is an improper question.", but the point is........ The words "It is an improper question." were used apart from the intrinsic meaning of "it", "is", "an", "improper" "question". The words were used to achieve a desired effect in you. The words were used to make you feel uncomfortable and to make you question your right to have an answer. The doctor chose words that had a desired impact on you......the impact of stifling your questions. He was successful with his intentions, wasn't he? You still remember the encounter and that other people could ask, but you could not. I don't know if I made any sense to you, but sometimes our POTS brains do not work very well. Sometimes a person answers us, but the answer is obscure, and the answer has the effect of confusing us. We don't need confusion. That's for sure.
  8. Thankful, If anything good can be said of this, it is a quick way to lose a few pounds....though I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
  9. My "level of functioning" consisted of pressing my fingertips into my temples and/or the top of my scalp and laying on a bed wishing it were another day while waiting to throw up from the pain. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I was unable to function, really. The confusion about definition for me is that my headache was not one-sided:my entire head, scalp, temples hurt at once.
  10. Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I love success stories.
  11. Man......oh.....man I was experiencing my usual POTsy headache today. Nothing out of the ordinary, but one I frequently get if I've stayed vertical for too long. I tend to ignore this headache because I'm usually in the middle of doing something I want to do and cannot lie down. Well, this afternoon the weather was superb. I was out at the airport with my husband. He pilots gliders. It was a real treat. So, of course I ignored my POTS headache. OMG, all of a sudden the POTS headache turned into: a severe headache - I mean I had to lay down and press the sides of my head because they felt like they would explode. I thought I was going to be sick. Any motion of the car (as my husband drove me home) made me think I was going to hurl. I basically felt like I was in ****. I went to my bed, laid down, covered my head and waited for ???? hopefully relief. I managed to doze off which alleviated some of the severity of the discomfort, but my cat then "parked" outside my bedroom door and meowed loudly for me to feed her. That did it. I awoke out of my temporary respite to a crescendo in headache pain and a resurgence of nausea. I skipped dinner. No appetite and I was afraid to eat. It's been about 5 hours now and I still have a "residual" headache and stomach upset, but not as excessive as this afternoon. So I ate some eggs and oatmeal. Is this a migraine? This is like **** to me. I'm so unused to this stuff. The last time something like this happened to me was about 5 years ago. Thank goodness. I do not have the coping mechanisms to handle this kind of stuff.
  12. Maxine, I have some relatives that had an illness that sounded bad at the beginning, but they all got better quickly. That illness infected 2 grown-ups and a baby. So, maybe even though it seems scary right now, you may get better quickly. I had a virus that "seemed" really bad for about 2 days, and it went away real quickly, even with my POTS! Hoping yours does the same
  13. Now there's an idea. See if your doctor will prescribe Tamiflu or Amantidine. Let us know how you are doing.
  14. I'm similar to Lissy. If I hear one cough or sneeze, or someone says they are sick, I'm out of there. I'm extreme in my reaction because my body is extreme in causing me discomfort when sick. Feel better, soon!
  15. Tearose, You managed to totally tear away your pelvic muscles?! From gardening? Did you ever find out exactly what you did wrong so as to never do that to yourself again? It sounds like a nightmare.
  16. You are so generous. Since I just "survived" my trip to the UK, your invitation sounds wonderful and doable. (I'm in Maryland.) I'll ask my husband. Are there some good places to eat around there, or a kitchen area where we could fix some stuff? God bless you for your offer. ETA: Silly me. I did not see the part about the kitchen. That's even more inviting, since I prefer home-cooked meals as opposed to "eating out".
  17. Thank you Tearose for helping me try to be reasonable. Maybe Intuit is a newbie? (ETA: Yes, Intuit is a newbie.) Unfortunately for me, being vague usually denotes lack of "solid" facts. So, I'll leave it at that, and hope Intuit finds useful answers.
  18. Intuit, I get the feeling you are being intentionally vague and I'm finding it annoying. What are your qualifications to comment about the potential causes of POTS, and which ideas are tantalizingly close to the truth? If you care about people and their problems and POTS people in particular, you would STATE EXACTLY the pathways and the scientific basis of your theories instead of insinuating. Do you want to help us, or not? I cannot feel comfortable with anything you have said so far because I feel like someone has "dangled a carrot" in front of me, and expects me to grab it. I am not playing that game. Please help us if you can. If not, I will ignore your vague comments in order to spare myself the frustration of trying to decipher the meaning. Do you have POTS, BTW? Do you have a reason for being vague? ETA: If there are other forum members who "understand" what Intuit is trying to say, please elaborate. I'm too annoyed to bother with insinuations. TIA
  19. Hi, Whoever is in charge of Facebook membership.....I just "requested membership" by clicking the aforesaid button, but I do NOT want to become a member. I made a mistake. So, To Whom It May Concern , you can ignore my request. Thanks in advance....Futurehope
  20. My mother handed me an article in the health section of the Washington Post. It discussed mitral valve prolapse syndrome and its symptoms. I had many of them. The rest is history. But......... As far as I know, no doctor or cardiologist ever said I have mitral valve prolapse. (My sister has mitral valve regurgitation and needed surgery to fix it.) So, I'm a bit confused about the "mitral valve prolapse" connection?! Do we all have that? Nobody has said that I do.
  21. We had mice as pets for our 2 girls. We had them for about 6 months, I guess. The girls played with them far more than I did. The girls are both fine. If what you are thinking is true, wouldn't we see more laboratory personnel affected?
  22. Olive leaf extract? I know nothing about it. If I had your problems, (and I have SIBO), it would be time to stop the supplements and begin my one-week course of Xifaxin, an antibiotic for SIBO. Let us know what you decide. I am assuming you do not have gastroparesis? This can cause nausea too.
  23. In my area, which is Maryland, I had to get the seasonal flu shot now or never because they were running out with no replenishment to come. Several places were out already. The demand exceeded their expectations. I normally hold off getting this shot until the beginning of December, but I had no choice. As for the H1N1, I won't be taking that injection. I don't want it, not that there is any to be had anyway.
  24. For me, I was in good shape, walking daily and going to the fitness center daily when POTS symptoms started . I push myself to do my pilates stomach DVD or my floor exercises for my abdomen, and walking and minor weight lifting for legs and arms. I probably will be pushing myself for the rest of my life, because if I did not, I would not being doing much. As time goes on (over the years), I can tolerate less physical activity before I crash. We are all different and possibly have different causes for our POTS. In my case, the bodily system that does not work properly is still present, despite exercising. I may be compensating, but it never goes away. I can get worse at the slightest provocation, such as a flu shot, not enough sleep, eating garbage food, etc. BTW, I advocate doing exercise, as much as possible. That has been my motto before I got POTS, and still is.
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