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Everything posted by janineerrn

  1. That really stinks. Id send this doc a bill, just like they bill you if you don cancel 24 hrs before your appt. Sorry, hope you have a better night Janine
  2. Hi, If you can get your doc to write out on an order sheet or a rx an order for an electric wheel chair also stating that your upper body strength is insufficient to allow you to perform your ADL's with a munual wheel chair, it should get you pre approval. a PT eval. will help too. Good Luck Janine also call the power chair company and talk to the person who does the insurance and ask him/her what orders worked to get approved with your particular insurance company.
  3. Hi, The reason I take the low dose is for the rhythm problems certain dysrhythmias can let blood pool in your right ventricle and a clot can develop. I dont think its common tho. I havent had any problems with the 81 mg asparin. But you should ask your doc. I didnt think "thin" blood was a POTS symptom, just low blood volume. All my clotting times are normal, but thats just me. Peae Janine
  4. I get a warning, kind of like a rubber band snaps inside of me, then I know to lay down fast. I yawn and yawn, see spots, get tunnel vision, my hearing fades, and I sweat. I stopped fighting it, I just go to sleep. The tight throat and chest pain that lisa mentioned is athe onset of an adrenal storm for me. Janine
  5. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont remind me of my short term mermory loss... nevermind Ill forget in a few minutes anyway. Janine
  6. Wow G/F, I get the psvt, I know the feeling of impending doom well, but Vtach, eeeekkkk. That must have been horrid. That is like my biggest fear... going into vtach. I am glad you are still with us. I am sure it is going to take a while to recover from the exhaustion. And its wonderful you found an ER that has a clue. Feel Better Janine
  7. Hi, My list is very similar. You can have ncs and pots. The rest are just symptoms.... just depends on what your heart is doing at the time they test you. Like Sinoatrial Node Dysfunction, your SA node was prob reacting to a potsy episode when they did the ekg or had you on a monitor. I was on an event moniter for 30 days my heart was very creative in its reactions to my adrenal storms, psvt, sick sinus, sa node dysfunction, pvc', pac's, a flutter..... I also have the diagnoses of depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I wish there was a dignosis called angry and want to smack you becuse you dont understand and arent even trying to. I dont pay much attention to my diagnoses anymore, they are just codes used to get insurance to pay them. Peace Janine
  8. Im sorry..... if its any help at all I spent last night with my pillow and blanket in the bathroom. I get bad diarrhea after having an adrenal storm. I figure there is no sense leaving the bathroom, I take immodium too (then I get constipated). Endless pain in the butt, literally.... I would wear a pad on my way to the docs to avoid a mess. Good Luck Janine
  9. Im 40 and I take a 81mg st joseph chewable everyday. Studies show the 81 mg chewables are sufficient in reducing heart attacks. Janine
  10. Hi, I am having the start of a POTSy episode right now. Chest pain, tight throat, sweating, dizzy, tachy.... joy joy Im sure the next day or two will be fun but, not quite as fun as tonight will be (eating klonopin right now). My mind is clear, I think anyway. So I am having physical symptoms. Then there are days where I have mental symptoms... foggy, forgetful, ....... Does this happen to anyone else? Will I get mental POTS tomorrow after my physical? Does this make sense? Anyone notice this. I feel like Im gonna drop dead, I HATE this. SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Janine
  11. In general with all my docs, I go in armed with info: Why I need the test, a copy of what the test is from a lab book or from online, journal articles on why I need the test and how it related to my condition, the name of the lab that does it (I call and ask and see if they take my insurance, I ask them to fax me instructions on how to draw, process, and ship the blood/plasma/serum....) Once I talk my doc into doing the test, the lab lady at my docs office is great, she finds it interesting and even mkes slides of my blood and looks at it under a microscope. I do the same with meds... armed with info. I made it very clear that I am tired of playing games..... It has gotten easier since. My doc told me she didnt know anything about POTS but would learn, and she has. Thank GOD!! Its almost 3 years later, its not perfect but its not bad either. Yack Yack My point... find that doc that is willing to learn and educate them :-) Peace Janine
  12. Hi, I used clonodine and it made me worse and it also made me so sleepy. I will take it now but only if my BP goes really high (rarely these days thank God). I take propranolol, brand name Innopran XL (it works better than the other forms for me). Sometmes I think the additives in medications make us non tolorent of some meds so, I try to take all brands/generic before I give up on a med. How does it mke you feel? Are you gonna try it? Good Luck Janine
  13. Nina, Both Tylenol and Motrin are available over the counter in suppository form, normally in childrens dosages. I have not seen naproxen in that for but a compounding pharmacist should be able to make it for you. Janine
  14. I am sorry to hear about your back. I know your pain, I blew L4 L5 last week. I cant take narcotics or nsaids, they just cause more problems as you know. I hop you get some relief soon. I wonder why we seem to have one ailment happen after another. It never ends. Feel Beter Soon Janine
  15. Hi, I have to have my tonsils out soon (putting it off) My ENT who is doing the surgery is in contact with my cardio. I know I have to go off miodrine before he surgery and i will be getting IV fluids before surgery. Bad enough to have your tonsils out at 40 yet alone with POTS. I m not real woried about the surgery, its the recovery that I think I will have a hard time with. I wish you luck and just take good care of yourself. Peace Janine
  16. Hi, It really depends on which strain(s) of flu is going around. The incubation period can be up to 10 days (no symptoms but contagious). Children and people with weakened immune systems can carry it longer and contract it easier. Wash hands often, door knobs, bedding, wear a mask. It freatly reduces your chanced of contracting a flu. Peace Janine
  17. Normally a viral infection has an incubation period of 10 days. Definately contagious if fever is present. And is in the mucous. Wash your hands a lot, wear a mask or have her wear a mask. The flu is nastly. i had it while I have had POTS and wound up in the hospital, I was soooooo dehydrated. Be careful Peace Janine
  18. I hope your bronchitis goes away soon. But seriously read the study info on the drugs your taking its really interesting. And it can explain things too. I take some meds for thier side effects. Feel Better Janine
  19. My most peculiar symptom? I am still sane! I hope.... am I....... muahhahahahaha Peace Janine
  20. I have really dark brown eyes. My pupils are more dialated than the norm and I am light sensitive. My hubby says I look like I have complete black eyes sometimes. My vision is fine. Peace Janine
  21. remember with the drug info and the side effects of any medication ALL side effects must be reported. So read the pharm or doc info not the patient info. Frequently you will find that out of the 5000 (example) people who trialed the med 1 had heart palpations, I did not look up zithromax but if your going to be worried about its side effects you need to look at the actual study and take into account the numbers, legally the pharm companies have to report any side effect. Also compare the numbers and types of side effects with the people who actually took the med and those who had the placebo during the trial. You have to look at the big picture, educate yourself. I also believe staring at the med bottle on my desk for 2 weeks before I take it helps, j/k LOL. BTW I have taken z pacs many times and I am on beta blocker, necer had a problem. Other than Levaquin, its the least amount of actual pills to take for an infection therefore reducing GI effects. Peace Janine
  22. Hi 12string, I hope you havent gone off into the wild blue yonder yet. I find your take on the theory very interesting. I hope you do not leave us. The moderators here run the forum and I thank them for it. They know what they know and just like the rest of us they dont know everything. Their job is to run the forum and sometimes they direct questions to internet links they work very hard to provide and verify as legit. I think your theory (as foggy as your brain was while trying to get your point across) is very interesting. Some of us even responded in posts that we would research more. I know for a fact that my symptoms are cause by my ANS inappropriately reacting to gravity. I also believe a persons health has to do with the physical, emotional, biological, and spiritual, all equally important. I believe If one part of a person is ill- it has its effects on the other parts of a person- the whole person is affected. For some of us, coping day to day is all we can manage yet alone delve into heavy theories. For some of us it is interesting. For me it its both depending on the day. There is good support here. I think your imput helps make this forum what it is. A community of people with a similar problem and different point of views, theories and ideas. Stick around. Peace Janine
  23. saline for volume, miodrine or proanamine (sp) to vasoconstrict to keep more blood to the vital organs. Good luck getting enough saline. Miodrine has its share of side effects. Some tolerate it well some dont. Peace Janine
  24. In my experience with antiarrhythmmic drugs.... they all caused adrenal storms... bad ones. I think the key is prevention not immediate relief. peace Jainie
  25. Hi, Off topic? Right on topic? I blow light bulbs like crazy, at home, stores, street lights. Interesting... Peace Janine
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