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Everything posted by JimL

  1. I find benadryl puts me out. I haven't had to use it in a long time. I use a CPAP as well. Maybe the timing of your supplements matter.
  2. My cardiologist said 20-30, although the vascular doc I went to years ago specified 30-40. You really need to measure your legs so you get the right size and the pressure is in the range specified. 20-30 is a good starting point. If you have a cardiologist or vascular doc, ask them. Maybe your PCP would know. Learn how to put them on right too as you don't want to damage them with runs.
  3. I had to get custom before I lost a lot of weight. Custom are a lot more money.
  4. Oh yeah, open toe is a little easier to put on and more comfortable, at least to me.
  5. I wore compression stockings since 1993 due to DVTs i got then, knee high on my right leg. Mediven makes the best, IMO, but there are others like Jobst and Sigvaris that are supposed to be good. That said, I've had to go thigh high and I got them from Walgreens, online. One place you can look is brightlifedirect.com. The ones from Walgreens are 20-30 and have a silicon band. My medivens have a silicon band too, but they are 30-40 and heavier duty than the walgreens. I also have a pair or full length, 30-40, but they are a pain to put on. Depending on your measurements, you may be able to buy off the shelf or need custom. The stockings help, but they don't cure or make it possible for me to be up on my feet more than 20-30 minutes. When I get to that point, I am up to 120-130bpm and want to lie down or at least sit down. Bright life has everything, fashionable and not.
  6. I have a friend with epilepsy and a strobe light will set him off. Are they sure it's not epilepsy?
  7. Cooling the brain stem can calm one's body down.
  8. Dr Google is either scary or incompetent. Sometimes it seems like a lot of the site copy and paste the same stuff. I try to find unique stuff on pots or anything and it's a chore. Or the data will be general. Like cancer can cause X. Ok. What kind of cancer? It's like I need to go to medical school just to know where to find answers.
  9. Yeah. Have you ever tried an ice pack on your upper neck/base of skull. Try it for a few minutes and see if that helps.
  10. I know there are co-morbidities with certain developmental and other disorders, like Tourettes, ADHD, ADD, Autism, OCD, ODD, etc. Often people will them in pairs.
  11. Did you consult Dr Google? Mine were in normal range a few weeks ago.
  12. Some day. We've made so much progress in some areas, like gene therapy. They can actually splice in gene modifications now, but yet when it comes to some diseases, they are still a long way off, like ALS, Amyloidosis, certain brain tumors, etc, all death sentences. We've wasted trillions on non-sense.
  13. Probably coincidental. There would have to be studies. If there was correlation, why? Then it might justify those that think it's in the head and I mean psychological. If our thoughts brought this on, that's sad.
  14. Have they checked the adrenal levels? Usually they can prescribe meds to tone that down.
  15. I was like that the day after my spine surgery. I had a CSF leak and I felt like my head was in a vise. What happened was the PT people sat me up and my head hurt so bad I would have put a gun in my mouth to stop it. They laid me down head low and turned off the lights and shaded the windows. That was Halloween. One of my kids has autism and when she runs around flapping and yelling, I feel like I am going to jump out of my skin. It never used to bother me. As far as stomach goes, things turn it now. I could watch my own surgery at one time and not be freaked. It's a reversal of a lot of things.
  16. Your resting HR was in the 30's? Wow, that's super low. One thing that might help is cognitive behavioral therapy. It's good to talk to a competent therapist. As far as the neck goes, I've seen a video on how CSF leaks can cause POTS symptoms and problems with cervical spinal cord could cause issues too. That said, if you have adrenal caused pots, I think stress could cause it to flare. A competent doctor familiar with POTS could clarify that. I hope you get better.
  17. Some smells for me, sounds more so. Does light bother you at all or motion? I used to be able to stomach anything and be swung by my feet on a chandelier, but now, lots of stuff sets me off.
  18. Being bedridden is bad for anyone physically and emotionally. Maybe getting some sort of physical therapy would be good.
  19. true, but viruses and bacteria can cause autoimmune responses and I guess that's what I meant. I don't have EDS although my cardiologists was curious about Marfans. While I am tall, I don't have those traits. I think I ate something bad, got H Pylori that wasn't treated right and it triggered a lot of the stuff I have now. On top of it, I've had spine surgery and removal of a lapband in the last 5 months. I am prone to bone spurs and stenosis of vertibrae.
  20. I have to wonder if there is some virus or bacteria that causes this.
  21. I tried going back to keto again. I did it for 16 months and because of the GI symptoms I was having, decided to stop and see if it helped. A couple months later POTS started. My GI tract tends to be slower with keto though, unless I get the fiber up. The other thing is my pulse rate doesn't seem as bad on keto. I just can't believe POTS is responsible for all the symptoms I am having. It's like a bad dream.
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