@Pistoland @yogini - Thank you for your suggestions! This has been one of those weeks! My daughter’s blood pressure has been going up in the late afternoon almost consistently the past couple of weeks, but we’re just now putting it together with the way she feels. She’s got some really strange things going on - very sluggish to where she almost can’t move, severe anxiety, the aforementioned rise in bp, and an extreme inability to tolerate sound, commotion of any type (even the slightest bit elicits her hands on her head or a scream, etc.). I’ve sent messages for her to her cardiologist and neurologist to get their input. Is there a type of Dysautonomia that will do that? I know that Dysautonomia can cause some really wacky symptoms at times, but these just really take the cake! She’s exhausted, I’m exhausted…. Any thoughts?