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Everything posted by Derek1987

  1. I'm feeling better at the moment. Thank you. I know I'm not getting sick. At first I thought man I'm coming down with something. Then it goes away. It's very low grade fever. I don't know the actual temp but I have always been hyper aware of when I have a fever. And it always comes with aches. So it's happened a few times in the past few months. I think my body just can't do much activity at all and sometimes gives me a fever for some weird reason. I'm still recovering from Mondays doctor appointment. I'm feeling a lot better but those first 2 days after were brutal. Not just with the fever and aches which actually wasn't that bad but a sickness I can't describe. A sickness I've never felt until my body completely broke down this past September. I was just sitting here talking to my wife how I miss my teen years. I was always working out and playing basketball. Full of energy and strength. Sigh.
  2. I still feel a fever. It's like it comes and goes. It's back.
  3. I will bring up the autoimmune stuff to my specialist. What autoimmune disease were you diagnosed with if you don't mind me asking? Meds I currently take. Carvedilol, alpha lipoic acid, Lisinopril hctz, midodrine, Xanax. I think that's it.
  4. I felt feverish and achy and body pain. Then my wife just woke me up because the car tire was flat. So I inflated it. Now I'm sleep deprived and nauseated lol. But yeah I get random fevers. Low fevers, nothing bad but I can tell I have a fever, aches. I can't remember if being out of the house for awhile is triggering this or it's random. I've felt horrible since my doctor appointment. Not just in the fever department. Feel like I'm recovering in the hospital somewhere.
  5. I was out for 2 hours Monday because I had a doctor's appointment. And I am feeling tortured in recovering. It comes in waves. I have a small fever. I notice I get small fevers here and there. Sort of feels like the flu is coming on but never does. It's hard to sleep feeling so ill. Any idea on what this means? or am I just screwed up and nobody knows and it's part of the game? lol.
  6. I struggle with heat intolerance so bad i ride in 30 degree weather with no heat on. I want to turn it on but when I do, I get Ill and adrenaline overload. Feel like throwing up. I have central heating and air, I also have a window unit. I run the window unit year around. When the heat comes on, the heat makes me so sick. The air conditioner makes it manageable. I'm pretty new to all of this so I don't know what helps heat intolerance if anything. Not looking forward to Summer.
  7. I think some people have a misunderstanding of what I'm saying. I could be wrong but I thought the burn you feel when exercising is lactic acid. I'm not talking about muscles being sore. I'm talking about the burn you feel when you are working a muscle out. My legs/arms were burning for 2-3 days straight as If I were right in the middle of a exercise. Not sore. And it was brought on by a minor task or what use to be a minor task to me. I was just fixing a couple pieces on a bed frame. I felt sick throughout because I was doing it. Then the burning came on and lasted a long time. This happens whenever I do anything almost. Sometimes it comes in waves of intensity. As if you are in the middle of doing situps and can't do anymore because the burn is so strong and my legs feel like giving out.
  8. Thanks for supporting my thoughts. Totally didn't mean to offend anyone. Trust me I know I'm screwed up in the head. I can't talk about anyone lol.
  9. It is not to be taken offensively. We both have brains but different hormones. And that's why women are better at things than men and the other way around. There is a difference between men and women. Men, we struggle with pride. So yes, that could be why it took so long. And that's the same reason I didn't get taken seriously for a long time. And sometimes people are working in the wrong field. Men and women aren't the same gender. There's differences and that's okay. It wasn't mean to be offensive so I apologize for offending you.
  10. It's funny because after I made my post last night I took 2 things out of the refrigerator and left them on the counter. If it weren't for me going back for water, I would have forgotten them. I do this number all the time.
  11. I'm 31. Not sure when it officially started. But I'm suspecting the major symptoms started hitting me early 20s or maybe even 19. At least fatigue and heart palpitations. Then 2017 was the first time I fainted. 2018 is when I've become basically useless and still basically can't do much and suffer daily. We are suspecting mine is genetic and passed down. My dad has mild symptoms of what I go through. He can still function normally.
  12. No expert on this period talk but can't you take birth control pills to help reduce the symptoms? Anyways don't feel bad. I'm 31 and get scared that I'm getting dementia. I forget stuff everyday. I say ok after I wash my hands I'm gonna go get some more toilet paper to stock up in the bathroom. Then I forget. I do that type of stuff all the time or basically everyday. My memory is awful. I forget things that are told to me. I forget stuff that happened. I even downloaded a phone recorder app to help me remember important stuff. I re ask questions over and over to people. I'm telling you my wife has been mad at me our whole marriage because she thought I wasn't listening to her. Now we know why I can't remember a lot of stuff. She's backed off about 95 percent lol. The other 5 percent is she's still a woman and sometimes still uses emotion over logic. No offense ladies lol.
  13. It's the same burn u feel when u do any exercise long enough and u start to "feel the burn". At times it's made me feel like woah I gotta sit down asap before I collapse (non fainting). It's been 48 hours and my legs are still burning as if I'm working out.
  14. I mentioned this to my specialist back in February. She didn't even really comment on it. But it's happening any time I do much of anything. I still feel it in my legs. Not as extreme but it's there. And I don't mean my legs are sore I mean they are burning as if your stomach would while doing 50 situps. My job required me to walk all day. No sitting. 8-12 hours. So I was definitely in walking shape but ever since the collapse at work back in September, I've been experiencing all these weird extra symptoms and my body just broke down since then. Just trying to find answers to put me on the path to a better quality of life. Thanks for the information.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, lactic acid is the burn you feel when exercising. I've been feeling this burn for over 24 hours in my arms and legs since I fixed one of our bed frames yesterday. It feels like I'm constantly exercising. My pupils are dilated so I know my adrenaline is flowing and I feel so bad I'm about to take pills to make me sleep because I'm suffering. I was wondering if there is a connection between adrenaline and lactic acid.
  16. I've had this symptom for quite awhile but I wasn't sure if it's related to this disease. It happens more when im lying down on my Back. My head feels like it's floating in water and there's a gentle wave or something. Is this a common symptom? If so what is going on?
  17. I've been getting on @Pistol's nerves. Thanks for putting up with me. More from me to come lol.
  18. I was on mestinon for about 3 months. No positive effects. My specialist took me off and put me on carvedilol. Only slows my heart rate if I do nothing. It's helped my palpitations I feel like. I mean i still get them but thus far that's the only positive thing so far in my treatment of this disease. Pretty depressing so far. I can take a hint of caffeine here and there. Otherwise I'm shaking and feeling Ill. Funny because 10 years ago I'd throw down energy shots and feel amazing. I think I actually drank a bit of coffee and a 12 oz Coke when I made this thread. My wife had a shingles outbreak plus she has other health issues so I've been going overboard this week. And the way I felt scared me. I've rested today so I feel better.
  19. Whenever i do a small tasks such as go to the doctor im overwhelmingly fatigued. Today I dropped my kid off to school. Dropped my 24 hour urine test off. I went and got gas. Picked up my kid from school and then went to the store. That's way more than I usually do. My wife is sick so I'm picking up some slack. I battled through the fight or flight feelings all day. As usual. The adrenaline surges and shaking etc. When I got home and sat down, this overwhelming fatigue hit me after about 5 minutes of sitting down. It's actually scaring me. It's not like I'm sleepy. It's like my body wants to give out. Is this something to be concerned about or just another part of this disease?
  20. I'm 31 now. I believe I've had symptoms at least since my early 20s. I started having heart palpitations then. I looked it up and it said there was nothing to be afraid of. This was back then. So I was like whatever. But I was so exhausted all the time. My heart rate was probably super high then as well. My heart rate skyrockets upon standing. Fast fwd to 30. I faint in olive garden. Fast fwd to 31 I have 2 fainting spells but I didn't black out this time within a week. After that I haven't been the same since. I get extremely Ill.my adrenaline is through the roof. So many symptoms. I'm pretty much tortured most of the day. I can't do much or I get so sick and fainting episodes want to happen. I think I was surviving on my youth. Now my body hit the 30s and is like nope not gonna hold up anymore. Hopefully you just have a mild case and it won't effect you much. I'm connecting the dots and my dad seems to have this condition but way milder. He functions normal and takes meds to slow his heart down. I know he has adrenaline issues because he has tremors. His hands have shaken all his life and so have mine. Just keep an eye out on things!
  21. Thanks guys for easing my mind in that regard.
  22. Well hopefully this bed ridden life doesn't cause blood clots. I take aspirin one to 3 times a week for headaches. I read aspirin keeps your blood less sticky for 7 days after consumption. I know taking that much aspirin isn't good for you either. What a mess. I was curious because my right calf muscle mysteriously gets really sore every few weeks. Always my right calf muscle. No swelling though.
  23. What symptoms did you have that helped you find out you have blood clots?
  24. I'm still waiting for my long term disability to be approved through my now ex employer. They called me today and asked for an extension. They are going to have a meeting with a nurse and vocational expert I think he said to determine if i can work. They already have the evidence they need to show I'm screwed up. Now I gotta wait up to 30 more days for a decision. I love how they work. When I was on short term disability they told me someone with my condition should be healed by now and that since my specialist is a nurse practitioner, she is not credible enough. I was referred to her by a cardiologist. After threatening legal action, they approved me. But now a nurse can determine if I'm eligible for long term disability. These past few months have been h***. If they don't approve me, I'm screwed.
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