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Everything posted by artluvr09

  1. I was on Celexa as well. I was on 40 mgs on it for a couple years. In those years the Celexa caused me to have hypoglycemia which I never had before and it made my dizziness much much worse. When on the Celexa I could not lay flat on my back or I would get dizzy which made MRI's very difficult. It also made my anxiety much worse. I went off it almost 2 years ago and I do not have hypoglycemia anymore, my dizziness improved, and my anxiety improved. I am still on Buspar which is an SSRI and that seems to stop my panic attacks I used to have. When I was younger and my anxiety was really bad I took Luvox which helped. But I had to switch off the med because after so many years my body got used to it. Another suggestion is Vistaril. its like hydroxyzine but for anxiety. It seems to help. I hope you find something that helps you
  2. I had a long weekend. Friday night I had an activitiy with the young adult group from my church called reindeer games from 7 to 9 pm. then Saturday my parents made me go couch searching with them to help them pick one out so we searched from 1 pm and didn't get home until 930 at night. Then sunday I was so overtired I did not go to church. then this morning I had to wake up at 415 am for my stepdad to drop me off at my grandmas for the week which is on his way to work. then I fell back asleep around 6 am at my grandmas. The thing that bothers me is when I fell back asleep at my grandmas I kept waking up feeling like I couldn't breath. I would toss and turn then fall back asleep then kept waking up feeling like I couldn't breath. its uncomfortable and weird. don't know what causes it. I don't have sleep apnea. does anyone else get like that? It seems like this happens when I am really overtired. Then today my brain fog is really bad. I am just in a fog and a daze all day not wanting to do anything. its frustrating. I really hate my brain fog. does anyone know any foods that help fight brain fog?
  3. also for salt you can use salt tablets. Or what I do I try to drink two gatorades every day and add extra salt to your food.
  4. I've been checking mine everyday this week as well. I have noticed lately which is new that my heartrate when I wake up is in the 100-105. Now this morning it was okay it was 88. My lowest recorded on a halter monitor was when I was sleeping it went down to 41.
  5. Does anyone know any good non isometric ab workout? I can't do isometric exercises my cardiologist said that is not good for me. I also cant do sit ups or anything that makes me strain. So my question is what other exercises are there that would help get a flat stomach that are not isometric or straining?
  6. maybe. In the mornings my blood pressure isn't as low because I haven't taken my morning meds ye t and the beta blocker I am on makes it run in the 90s/60s. This morning I took my blood pressure because I felt my heart beating fast again and my bp was normal but my pulse was high. my bp was 109/63 but my pulse was 100 and I am upright with these high pulses. I know the 88/89s aren't too high for a resting rate but today was highest of all with a heart rate of 100!
  7. It seems like ever since Wednesday I have been more tired. It seems like I am having trouble waking up in the morning where I just feel weak, tired, and my pulse has been higher when I first wake up too. yesterday and the day before my pulse has been 88 and 89 which is fast for a morning resting heart rate. Today is the worst tiredness. I have been sleeping well I get 8 to 9 hrs a night. I am just so tired I don't even have the energy to work out. I started my vitamin b2 400 mg yesterday for my migraine prevention and that should be giving me energy so I have no idea why I feel blah!
  8. I have raynauds phenomenon, and chilblains. My feet and toes get so purple! When its cold my fingers turn white then purple then red! When my toes are hot they turn red and get itchy bumps which is the chilblains. Also we have no idea why but my ears and nose get really hot and red sometimes. Doesn't hurt just gets hot and makes me lightheaded.
  9. I went to church and felt fine. Just tired after not sleeping well last night. Then we came home had crab legs. Then I started not feeling good. Weak lightheaded foggy brain trouble thinking. I was worrying that I was getting a migraine. Thankfully that was not the case. I then checked my blood pressure and it was 88/53 and my pulse was 75. Now an hour later at 3:30 I still feel crappy and I checked my bp again and it is 87/61 and my pulse was 77. I don't know if it is lower or not since the bottom number is higher than before. I don't know how to raise my blood pressure. I am trying to drink more and I have been eating a lot of salt this week I even had saltines today. Also another weird thing happened. I could not sleep last night. I didn't get to sleep until 2 am and I woke up at 8 to get ready for church but as I was trying to fall asleep I kept feeling my heart beat fast in my chest and it felt weird. I usually don't get tachycardia at night unless I have a fever which im not sick. I've been on a beta blocker for a year now and that makes my bp lower but its usually fine in the 90s/60s. But today its lower :/. Is my blood pressure considered low? what do you guys do to help your low bp?
  10. My neurologist suggested I go on Vitamin b2 400 mg to prevent migraines. Does anyone that get migraines try this? if so does it help? What are the bad side effects of this medication. What are the good side effects of this medication? I always like to know a lot about the medication before I take it
  11. Anxiety in itself can make you feel foggy disoriented and zombie like. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and OCD my whole life. I noticed that after starting Atenolol in October 2013 It has helped the physical parts of anxiety like the heart racing, sweating and what not. But I still get brain foggy and not thinking straight. It seems like the side effects I get from atenolol is lack of energy and more tiredness and a little more brain fog. I don't have energy to work out anymore so I just do 10 minute videos. I also have noticed I have been getting a lot more vivid dreams and nightmares since starting atenolol. And you said about propranolol making your anxiety worse. I used to be on a anxiety med celexa and that made mine worse too even though it is supposed to help. Now I take Vistaril for my anxiety. Vistaril is a form of hydroxyzine and is used more for anxiety without all the side effects of SSRI's. I hope you feel better and get everything figured out!!!! and I so know what it feels like to feel surreal. It has been better but I still get it sometimes. It used to be so bad I would feel disoriented like a zombie and just plain out of it like I was afraid I was going to go crazy. I get like that when I have migraines as well.. I had a migraine today and I felt so out of it.
  12. I am having a really weird migraine right now. Uusually I get where I don't speak straight or think straight. But the one im having now started differently. It started with me feeling suddenly severely lightheaded I thought I was going to pass out. Then I couldn't see straight. Then I kept seeing blue flashes in the corner of my eye. Then my left hand went numb and the left side of my face went numb then the tip of my tongue tingled. That lasted about 30 minutes now I just feel disoriented, and getting the headache part. I feel disoriented and weak. I have noticed that with my migraines, if my left hand goes numb I get the severe lightheadedness and blurred vision. If my right hand goes numb I get the slurred speech and trouble thinking and typing and nausea. I hate getting these migraines so much. I have been trying to avoid a lot of food that could cause it. I have been avoiding anything with aspartame, trying to avoid msg, and I don't eat canned soups anymore. I don't know what I am doing that is causing this migraine now. I have been eating low fat yogurts every morning this week and for dinner a couple times this week I have had the smart ones tv dinners but I don't know what could be causing this migraine.. I also avoid sodium nitrate. What else should I be avoiding? I avoid chocolate and caffeine as well. What do you guys avoid that trigger migraines?
  13. I am lucky that my severe sore throat only lasted one day on Friday. Friday was the first day I got sick. Yesterday oddly enough I seemed fine and almost back to normal like I wasn't even sick. Now today I have brain fog, a slightly scratchy throat and I keep coughing. I don't have nasal congestion. I did wake up in the middle of the night with a little nasal congestion but it went away when I got up this morning. I felt okay this morning just brain fog and coughing so I went to church and during church it was weird my ear popped and it made everything seem too loud. It didn't last long though. My ears feel clogged off and on. not right now though. My main concerns right now are worsening brain fog as the day goes on, feeling weak and lightheaded and cant think straight. Also another thing that was weird, When I had the slight fever Friday night of 100.5 when I was trying to sleep my heart kept racing and I could feel it pound. It seems like when I have fevers my heart races a lot. Anyone else get this? Fever only lasted one night thankfully. My brain fog is really bad and if any of you have suggestions on how to help brain fog please let me know I know I complained about brain fog before but its a lot worse when sick.
  14. I started not feeling well this morning. I woke up with a sore throat. Then it keeps getting worse. It hurts bad to swallow and now not only my throat hurts but my ears hurt when I swallow! I have been freezing and getting chills all day when usually I am hot. I keep shaking. My chest aches but I haven't been coughing. And I have been having more palpitations the past couple days. My body aches a little. I hate this! It even hurts my throat and ears to yawn! The thing that ***** is I don't have a dr because in August was my last day with my pediatrician and the dr she referred us to is not taking new patients and its hard to find one that takes my insurance!!
  15. Many years ago my cardiologist told me I should not do isometric exercises and weight lifting that they make my heart work too hard and actually damage it. I never really knew what they were but I never had to worry about them because all my life I never really exercised. Then I left my boarding school august 23rd 2013 and after 2 weeks of not being busy I was feeling depressed. I was over weight 146 pounds and I am 4 foot 10. I started exercising. I felt better after exercising and I started losing weight too. I started working out by playing the biggest loser workout on the wii which I would do planks and yoga and stuff like that For a few months. Then I started doing the drop 10 workout which was 100 sit ups, 90 jumping jacks, 80 lunges, 70 squats, 60 seconds running in place, 50 second plank, 40 more jumping jacks, 30 more squats, 20 high knees and 10 push ups. I had enough energy to do them. Then this june 2014 I had a cardiology appointment and my cardiologist doesn't talk to me long his assistant usually does. and the assistant said I shouldn't do anything that makes me grunt or strain. But my actual cardiologist is not being clear on what I cant do. It seems like when I do the planks and different things I get more palpitations. Then In June after the assistant said I shouldn't be doing those I stopped and started some tae bo which I am allowed to do aerobics. I did my own test with the plank. I wanted to see what happens. So I took my blood pressure before the plank and it was in the 90s/60s. I went in the plank position from 30 to 50 seconds then I took my blood pressure while still in the plank position and my blood pressure shot up to 145/102! That's insane! So now after working out and dieting I am finally down to 110 pounds! I want to be 105 pounds but I don't know what toning exercises I can do that are not isometric for the abs. Denise Austin is one of the videos I use to workout. Hers aren't too hard. My question is what is isometric exercises exactly? What are some toning exercises that are not isometric? I don't have energy to do tae bo anymore though.
  16. I have chilblains where if I am hot and my feet get hot they get real red and my toes get bumps and itch like crazy. I also have raynauds so they are sensitive to cold and when they are cold the turn white to purple then as they warm up they turn red. When I get hot I don't feel good. I get where my face gets red and my hands get red and puffy, then I get lightheaded and anxious. When I am really cold my fingers and toes go numb and change colors and I feel sleepy but other than that I feel fine with cold. Well my asthma acts up sometimes if I try to work out and tis cold. But I would prefer cold to heat anyday! Maybe keep a portable desk fan with you so when you are hot you can cool yourself withiout getting too cold. and when your cold maybe try putting the heat up a little and wearing layers.
  17. I might just try going gluten free! I don't think I can go total gluten free though. There are some foods I can't pass up!
  18. Lately the past three days I have been depressed for no reason. My anxiety has been higher my brain fog has been bad. I just feel depressed and I don't know why. I also have a weird rash the past couple of weeks. It is not getting any better it just keeps getting worse. It is dry red circles not scaly. It gets worse after my shower then fades. But some are still there. Some are nickel sized dime sized and pea sized and dot sized. A whole lot of them pop out after the shower. all up and down my arms. Has anyone gotten a rash like this before? I have also been tired since Saturday. Friday night I only had 2 hrs of sleep but I should be caught up by now. I just feel like a mess. I don't have a job I cant seem to find one. I want an office job so I will be able to have a fan at my desk for when the heat is on in the winter. My brain fog is driving me crazy! I just want to get more energy and not feel depressed! Has anyone felt like this? How do you guys get over depression? I don't have friends in my neighborhood but I am part of an adult autism group where we get together once a month for fun activities. Anyone else get like this?
  19. Have you been bitten by a tick recently? When I had lyme disease a couple years ago I had no idea I was bitten. I had a headache for 3 days knee pain and achiness. I had a high fever as well then the rash showed. lyme disease can be tricky to spot if you don't see the tick.
  20. I might just try going gluten free! That is interesting you say that hope. I eat peanut butter a lot. every night for the past couple of years I have had either a slice of wheat bread with peanut butter and milk before bed everynight and then when I started dieting I switched the sandwhich to a peanut granola bar and milk. And Thanks xRobin! I will check out the low FODMAPS diet. and Pink1975 I I have noticed that sometimes salt helps me as well. Has anyone else noticed that certain foods worsen anxiety? I can't eat jelly or sugary foods, soda and different thins or I get anxious and cranky.
  21. I am really sensitive to heat where I just don't feel well when im out in the summer or if the heats on inside and that bothers me. I get weak shaky and just not feeling well when I am hot. I also tend to overheat when I am outside in the cold. I can't shovel snow because I get overheated so fast and start sweating outside. I love building snow creatures in winter but I have to take breaks to avoid getting overheated.
  22. I am so sick of being out of it a lot! I notice different times is worse than others. Right now brain fog and super tiredness came out of know where. Maybe side effects from my migraine yesterday. I can't think clearly now and it just came on suddenly. Has anyone noticed if it is from foods they have eaten with gluten? does gluten make brain fog worse? I feel like I need answers on brain fog but all my doctor keeps telling me to do is drink water which today I drank two and a half water bottles today. Have any of you noticed any foods that helped your brain fog? It is frustrating me that it seems like my doctors all they keep saying is drink water but ive tried that and Gatorade. Also do any of you take atenolol? Have you noticed being more tired and less energy after taking it? I noticed that I have had less energy after being on atenolol for a little over a year now. Its frustrating.
  23. Thanks! Its weird how Migraines come with a wide variety of symptoms!
  24. Having a bad migraine :/. It started at 12:30ish and I started not being able to see straight or speak straight. Then the right side of my head went numb and the right side of my tongue and throat went numb and it felt weird to talk and swallow. Then the right hand went numb and then my right wrist. Then the aura went away and the headache started but then its weird the aura never comes a second time but my hand and face went numb a second time. Then after a little bit that went a way now I have headache and a slight stomach ache right now. I don't know if its from only getting 2 and a half hrs of sleep. another weird thing I have noticed that this whole week since Friday before my migraine I felt cranky and agitated. it was strange.
  25. Yes! the pounding gets annoying! I will try the water thing when it happens next and corina: thanks for the watch tip! I am looking at polars and they all have great reviews
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