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Everything posted by blackwolf

  1. Welcome to the site. You sound a lot like me, when I first got sick. I have probably read a dozen or more stories just like it. I would suggest looking at our doc list to see if you are near one, if we know where you are we can suggest a doc. We also have a what helps list and what doesn't help on the left hand side of the home page. My suggestion would be to see an elecrocardiologist and have a tilt table test done. that is the best place to start. again welcome, blackwolf
  2. Dear, dear Morgan, all my prayers for you and your family. strenght and peace to all of you. blackwolf
  3. dear Janine, the only thing that has worked for my nausea is compazine, at 10mgs a dose, i get a little sleepy sometimes, but it beats getting sick. blackwolf
  4. I am only really aware of one downside to low bp. blood clots, rare, but they happen, so it is important to move, at least a little. blackwolf
  5. Welcome to the site. Feel fre to ask about anything, might help us to know what you have and haven't tried, and where you are, mabey we can suggest docs to see. Standing and walking can be alot of trouble, I'm have the same stuff right now. Does your blood pressure drop? There are tons of things to try on the what helps page, just look to the left on the home page. There are what helps, what harms, doc listings and basic info for you, and I copy alot for my docs too, they(most of them)like the info. best of luck, and again welcome, blackwolf
  6. Moragn, please get some rest, you need it. blackwolf
  7. after all this, mabey an air purifier isn't the way to go for me, i was going to get one, but mabey, i'll just wait and see. at least the air here isn't to bad. just the allergies in the summer. we change our fitlers every month and have a second filter that is washable, done once a month also. blackwolf
  8. All my best for you and Jake as you tackle one more thing. all my prayers====good vibes also blackwolf
  9. Thanks Tearose, I needed the boost. blackwolf
  10. I finally had the guts, and ability to get thru all of this thread. I laughed, I cried, and I MISS MY CNA JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen some awful docs and nurses, and some really good ones too. The thing I miss the most about being a CNA/Med aid, is the patients and staff I worked with, I worked nites and we were just plain nuts. It was great. I am struggling with the state to get some classes payed for. I want desperately to stay in the medical field, but.... If I was in a wheelchair, it would be easy, but since I can walk and I might fall down and hurt myself, like that stops my from doing the things I can. Ok all better. Karyn, It is nice to have you here. Please ignot my typos-my brain is gone bye-bye. black-still in the hole and to stubbron to just rest-wolf time for tea and mabey sleep.
  11. Best of luck and try to take it as easy as possible. blackwolf
  12. Best of luck and hope it goes smoothly. blackwolf
  13. TeaRose- I just had that feeling that everything was going to be ok. Now get your rest and be a good girl. blackwolf
  14. All my prayers for you today and as long as needed, I'm sending some healing vibes your way. blackwolf
  15. Sugar Twin is my prefered choice of art. sweetener. I use very little of it because of the sweetness and love the brown sugar on my daily bowl of oatmeal. I bought some splenda and didn't like the way my stomach reacted to it. I know use very little splenda and hope to have it gone soon. Oh, you can bake with sugar twin, but I use a mix of sugar/sugar twin. I also like the one to one replacement ratio. my best, black-in the hole, and getting tired of it-wolf
  16. I had gotten a little better, then worse again tonite. Thanks, mom4cem, as sad as it is to say, I'm sssoooo glad not to be alone on this one. Just about everything is going wrong today and I'm all done in-or out, whatever. Still slipping a little down, but not so bad- tons of physical stuff now also, trouble with walking and muscle spasms. NASTY muscle spasms- lots of ouch! Hope everyone is doing ok-thanks for your support-even if you don't think you are!! blackwolf
  17. Dear Frank and Christine, This is one of my worst problems and one of the most undertreated. The pain and agony of just breathing is nasty, nasty business. I reciently started neurontin and this has helped take the edge off the pain, thou I still have flare ups(like the last few days). I also do deep breathing excercises about 10 times a day-don't get me wrong, they are NOT comfortable, but they do help. I take 3-5 breaths,deep as I can, hold for a few seconds and release, all done slowly. Another chest stretch I do is, with your arm straigt out, reach across your chest and hold for a few seconds. As to the shortness of breath(sob), it is a common problem. I almost feel like I'm choking and have to "gulp" a few times before catching my breath. One of the things I have found out is that I will not die from the experance, but it is one of the most frightening things to go through. The panic is natural and for me, now expected. Has her doc said anything, or is it the old "you just have some anxiety" type of thing. Has she seen a respiratory therapist, they can teach her how to handle those monents when it happens and how to avoid them if possible. there may be some type of spasm going on, and a possible swallow study may help to identify it. That is all I can think of. Please remember, she is not alone and there are more out there how understand. PS-please ignor my typing, I'm just to worn out to correct today. blackwolf
  18. How are you doing today? Just thinking of you. blackwolf
  19. Boy, am I dumb!!!!! Not even out of one potshole and trying to make it deeper again. I went shopping with the whole family, it turned into a 4 1/2 hour trip with supper in the middle. I was already worn out, then I decided to do "just a little pruning" out back, another hour of being up when I should be resting. And now I can barely wolk. My hubby and kids will have to make do for the rest of the day. I don't know how I'll make it thru church tomorrow and I have to go, the kids are singing. the are both so good, ok, I'm bias. When will I ever learn!!! Gee, where did I here that before-oh yah, Nina. blackwolf
  20. You rock girl!!!! I would love to help, mabey I'll talk to our old senator that just reetired, he loves those kind of projects. blackwolf
  21. Ernie, about going where you want to. Do you have a church that you belong to, can anyone of them take you? Here in Sioux Falls, we have a part of the city transit(buses) that is called "parptransit" that takes people with special needs to where they need to. They come right to your door, pick you up(they have wheelchair access) and drops you off. Only down side you must call 24 hours in advance to make the pickups. We also have an independant group that runs a "paratransit taxi" that are on call 24/7, and can pick up and drop off at your convience. Both are very reasonalbe and very helpful. I like just getting out and about-even to the park. It makes so much of a difference. And I use a cane 24/7, sometimes even in the house. Black-still in the hole-wolf
  22. Welcome Cordela, I hope that you get as much out of this site as I have. Black-still in the potshole-wolf
  23. Dear Blackbirdsings, Welcome to the site. First I must say how I love name you chose. Second the swelling, sounds like your lymphs have stopped pumping out the extra fluids in your legs, have you tried massage(very painful, but helpful). I have some extra swelling in my right arm(not as bad as you) that I have managed to keep it down by massage. Start at the foot/hand and slowly work up the limb. My hubby does this for me every few days, sometimes every day. The other thing I can think of is compression bandages. They are like extra long wraps, but usually only available in medical supply stores, and often you need a script from you doc, and you will need to learn how to put them on. And of course, the elevation, keeping them level with your heart for several hours a day. As to the pain, have you tried neurontin, it has given me so much back to my life since starting it. Most docs seem to think that Advil and even Aleve are so great, but.. do they really work for us? Ah, the wonderful world of nausea. Very common, and most people are underweight. A few(like me) are over weight, excercise intolerance. Have you tried the food allergy test, ie. stopping everything but a few choice foods and slowly start adding times? Many of us have at least one, if not more food allergies. Check with an allergiy doc /nutritionist can help also. What have you tried for the upset stomach? Compazine is the only thing I can take, like most I am very sensitive to medication. There are some over the counter stuff to try to, peppermint, dramamine, if you can take it. There are several people here with the same trouble and can give you some suggestions. Most people don't do well on decogestants and antihistamines so be aware of the side-effects, especially if you use a beta-blocker. I also am a fainter so avoid them both like the plague, even before the beta-blacker was added. And now my favorite subject(NOT!! ) doctors, or the lack there of. Poor to terrible treatment seems to be our lot. It takes a long time to find the good ones, and when you do, harder to let them slip away. If you would like to share your whereabouts, someone might be able to point you in the direction of a good doc in your area. Some people here also seem to be on a rollercoaster of illness, just can't seem to shake it myself. We refer to it as being in the POTSHOLE. best of luck to you and my prayers, balckwolf
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