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Everything posted by dizzyallie

  1. Sure will sunshine girl. I just hope I can handle side effects of the tabs. It is absolutely tiring I agree. It overwhelms me even though I'm in my 12th year being sick.
  2. Sorry to hear this. Our pets give us so much don't they. Especially when we are ill. They are a godsend. It would be very hard to lose one so close.
  3. Hi dizzygirls, how frustrating for you. I'm sorry. Gee the genetic testing is dear! I wonder what treatment would be offered if it is that form of eds? Sorry your daughters having migraines. Has she had a current MRI perhaps. Thinking of u all.
  4. Yep mine is high, I have the mthfr gene defect. Currently experimenting with methylation but have some side effects. Going to see a doc who specialises in it next month.
  5. I hear u. Someone mentioned it to me, that perhaps it would help me but ive resisted but like u, I'm that dizzy that my stick doesn't cut it. It only helps marginally to prop me up. I know sitting would help tremendously but I just don't want to start down that path til it becomes unbearable. Mind u, its pretty awful everyday but I'm not ready to make that leap. I'm sure one day I will tho. Especially with vertigo spins like this morn when standing. Like u said,it puts u at risk for falls. I dunno, its hard.
  6. Hey artluvr, ive noticed change in temps throw me, humidity too. But generally very ill all summer and at my best level in winter. Which kinda ***** coz where I live its warmish majority of the year. Heat just wipes me.
  7. Wow becia, drinking it that nite for the next morn? Usually they start it around at lunch. The 4 litre one is rubbish I hear ya.
  8. Hey becia, yeah ive had a few prior to having bowel out and since. I get pretty light headed and dizzier, but at my usual level of yuk a day later. Sometimes knocks me around a few days. Its the dehydration I guess. Good luck, I'm sure u ll be fine.
  9. Can so relate dizzygirls. It is mentally, physically and emotionally draining. My bday last wk was even too much. All because I had 2 phone calls thrown in. I find it so hard to talk most the time and then it flares my head symptoms. Thinking of u and your daughters.
  10. I have tension headaches most days too. I find some relief in applying neck physio cream or hot water bottles or wheat bags around neck. But they never go away really. I see a physio when I need to.
  11. Ta for the advice. I too read that too much vit d can be more dangerous than too little. Our reading here in Aust works a lil different. At present ism 150 which is 90-150 is desirable I think. One doc said he wants it higher at 300. No way I'm upping it even more.
  12. Sorry you're having such a time with docs. Its so hard finding one who gets it. I'm still searching myself. I relate to all your symptoms and I have cfs/me with pots. Trying to find a knowledgeable doc where I am has been very hard. I'm in Aust by the way. I hope u get some answers soon. U aren't making it up, keep pushing your case. U will get some answers.
  13. This has been an interesting thread. My name says it all, constant dizziness with episodic vertigo and debilitating fatigue. They effect my head so much. And completely wipe me out.
  14. Id be getting probably 1.5 litres water in a day. Cant do more makes me feel yuk especially when combined with food.
  15. I just have sweats in general. Not at nite yet...but. This is new to me, sweat n clammy now for past 3 months. Sorry others have tho problem too. Another ans malfunction.
  16. Yes sunshinegirl, I get problems too. Because ive had bowel surgery things now move thru faster but that means salty water mixes move too fast too. I have a lil salt but not a lot. Bowel wise I wad recommended a droplet formula called iberogast for bloating. And for loose bowels donnatab and low dose amitryptaline. Its hard coz u cant just take or eat whatever u want I know. Always consequences.
  17. Couldn't have said it better alwayshoping This site is the best. It doesn't make u feel alone. Dont worry I carry my phone with me everywhere. Even to the line prop and letterbox. I am very grateful this site exists. It does help deal with it.
  18. So true Claire, I can not lay flat. Haven't slept with less than 2 to 3 pillows for yrs! I was warned few yrs back the worst thing is to rest too much. It's hard tho, especially with bad dizzziness, I can't be upright all the time.
  19. Yeah claired, I had it bad last nite, cheeks n ears, general burning up couldn't cool down. Usually its when I feel my worst I find. Or extra stressed.
  20. I couldn't read it all but ive got the gist. Few things to check over with spec in June.
  21. I'm gonna check that article out, thanks! Mines been since pots started I guess but I haven't known why. Its an odd thing.
  22. I think mine is mast cells too but treatment wise? Anti histamines? I took a pic of the right ear the other night. So red. I cant find any links to why its happening, seem to just be generally feeling crap then burning starts.
  23. I just found this post I get this too! Right now my cheeks and right ear are on fire and red. Doc said its vascular all from ANS. Like surges of heat. My sis saw me over Xmas in an episode and said 'whoa hi beetroot" another odd symptom to add to the list. Probably had it the past 4 yrs.
  24. Yeah artluvr I get the same. Right now I'm on my phone to type but thinking of getting an iPad. I have lots of vertigo issues with cfs so bright lights, glare, patterns etc all affect me daily. While its not nice that others have these issues, its nice to be able to relate!
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