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The Cardiologist


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As many of you now, I have been looking for a cardiologist willing to help and knowing about POTS for a very long time. I am sure you can imagine how frustrated I was feeling, etc.

I did go to some cardiologists before. Not one of them knew about POTS. :lol:

The last one, at a private Hospital, was very expensive and we could not afford all the tests (including the TTT) that he said I had to undergo. Furthermore, he had no idea about POTS (as he admitted that POTS was not known in Spain and I was possibly only having a vasovagal syncope...) We never returned...

After this experience, I applied for an app. with a cardiologist of the National Health System and waited for them to confirm the date. Some days ago, I was told that I was going to have an app. with a cardiologist on Friday 9 (yes, today)

I had not idea who it was or if he/she would know about POTS, but I could not avoid feeling extremely excited about it. Then I got a letter confirming another app. (for another cardiologist at a different Hospital - also under the same Health System). This time for Thursday 22.

B) That was a excellent news. We decided going to both app. to have a better choice...

After sharing this information with you, many gave some excellent ideas and suggestions on how to explain all the symptoms... :) I really appreciate your support.

This morning, my husband and me went to the app. I took everything written down, copies of blood tests, an ECG with me. When the nurse told us to enter, we saw the doctor and :lol:

We could hardly believe it! It was the same Cardiologist of my last app. at a private hospital... :huh:

He recognized us and seemed to be pleased to seeing us. :) I was feeling so embarased... My husband told him we did not returned to him because the Hospital was too expensive and we could not afford it. He answered that he had been thinking about me and that he had realised that we did not return because of the high prices. He smiled admitting he was pleased to have the opportunity to continue with my treatment and help (the Hospital we were this morning is covered by the National Health System so we do not have to pay for it :) )

After asking if I was suffering the same problems, he said I needed a TTT.

Hurra!!! :)

He started talking about POTS :):lol: ( I am sure he has been surfing the net all this time and learning about it, as he did not know about it when we first met). He was very positive. Seemed to know what he was doing and accepted to carry the TTT (instead of another doctor doing it). :)

Isn?t it great?

I am so happy about it. I could not wait to share it with you.

Amby, there is hope. Keep up the faith. You might have the same luck I had this morning. :)

Yes, there is hope. If you are looking for a specialist, do not stop looking for the best one. He/she is out there, for sure. Just try and try... If you persist, you will find the right person.

:) I apologize for such a long post, but I am so happy now. (though I am a little nervous about the TTT)...

The cardiologist has admitted that he is sure that I will have a quickly positive TTT (pass out), adding that we will talk after it to confirm the treatment. He also said that we will have to try the "trial and error", but said it all had a good perspective.

First he said to carry out the test ongoing with the beta blocker, but I suggested to quit it and he accepted. He has told me to stop the beta blocker 48 hours before the TTT and to fast 5 hours before the test.

TTT is on Monday 19 at 1 pm.


Thanks for reading and for your support.



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YES!!! That is such great news, Tessa! Isn't it such a relief to find someone who understands? This person must be a good doctor to have researched POTS on his own following your last appointment. That's the best kind of doctor - the one who knows there is more to medicine than any one person could ever know and is willing to LEARN! Your news just made my day.

Don't be scared of the TTT. As far as medical tests go, it is probably one of the easiest. There's no pain, just lying down for about 15 minutes and then they tilt you up. You're strapped in very securely, and they monitor your heart rate and blood pressure the whole time. If you'd like a detailed description of what happened in mine, I'd be happy to share.

Well, congratulations again! :)

Take care!

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This post made me cry...not really in a bad way.

It does give me hope Tessa and I'm so happy that you finally have your answers!

Well the beginning of them anyhow.

Let us know how your TTT goes.

Sending you the best


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Thank you for sharing my happiness. :angry:

Spike, yes, I agree with you. Who knows? Maybe he will become the first POTS specialist in Spain! In fact, he talked a lot about my symptoms mentioning the word "POTS"

It seems he has been reading and learning about POTS, Rachel. It is really wonderful when you find a kind doctor willing to help.

Oh, yes it is a relief Deucykub. I was so nervous thinking it could be another waste of time... But it turned out well. Searching for POTS on his own shows his attitude towards my health and his willing to help. I agree, that?s the kind of doctors we need.

With regard to the TTT... Yes, please, would you mind sharing your detailed description on a PM with me?

Morgan617, thank you for your support.

Kristen, it could not have turned out better. :)

Amber, I wanted you to feel the way I feel. Crying means you got what I was trying to express. It is the start of a new path to solve my health problems.

I will keep you informed.

Take care and as mentioned before, keep the faith, Amber.

I?ve tried many doctors and specialist since I was a child. I have been from one to another.

My first syncope could have been when I was only 5 years old...

If I had not found the help I did today, I would have gone to another doctor. So, do not give up and keep trying.

I hope you can find your doctor too, Amber, very soon.

Thank you all for your time and posts.

Take care,



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