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How Long Have You Had Pots?


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The first time I fainted was 18 years, 6 months and 1 week ago (it was my 16th birthday, so it's easy to remember!!). Things have pretty much been up and down since then. I have good stretches (for months even) when I don't even think that I'm sick, but it always come back to remind me that something isn't quite right in my body.

Good question, though. I've been curious, too.


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I had my first real problem with POTS on Aug. 1, 2003. I turned 19 the next day, what a B-day present!! I wonder if I had POTS longer though, because I always missed alot of school due to fatigue and just not feeling good...


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Six years and four months.... Thanks for starting this topic, I've kind of wondered it myself. I always think I'll die from this stuff and how long can it go on before it kills me, but sounds like it doesn't really decrease life span only quality of life.


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I've had mine for 35 years and 8 months now , :angry: but my doctor thinks I first had it at about age of 5 which makes it 45 years 8 months + but which ever way you look at it a long, long time.

Blimey .............. :) only real harden criminals get that long a sentence ...........roll on parole.


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I was diagnosed November 2002. The first time I fainted I was about a year old according to my mother. I am now 33. I have the genetic type, my aunt has it. I am terrified I passed it on to the kids, every time they have a seizure I freak that it is the beginning of their problems. The neuro just said to keep an eye on them, since there is no way to diagnose them unless there are symptoms. Seizures are bad enough!!

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I was diagnosed Oct 2005...Wow one year anniversary coming up.


I had gone to the ER for dehydration and the ER doctor did a orthostatic test and fould I had it. I then followed up with my PD and then to the Cardio.

It took a while to figure it out because I had so many other health issues going on. Looking back I know I've had it at least 3 years.


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I thought I had been symptomatic for 20 years, but it turns out my mother knew there was something wrong as early as kindergarten, which would be 26 years.

I don't actually faint, I'm just tired all the time and see stars at the drop of a hat, and since neither of those is visible from the outside, it took me a while to figure out it wasn't normal.

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