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To Whom it may concern:

I have POTS. And I no longer want it.

So I have been nice enough to give it away, thats right for just 5 dollars a day, I am going to sell it to anyone who will buy. Such as my mother who seems to think that POTS doesnt really exist, or my boss at work who loves to make me feel terrible that I cannot work a full day, or maybe to my cardiologist who knows nothing about POTS and throws different medicines at me like I am a guinnea pig and then makes me feel stupid about my "weird" symptoms. So I have decided that I will sell POTS to them.

They all seem to think that POTS is a luxury or that it doesn't even exist. So for a cheap price I will give it to them and they will see how great POTS really is.

I make this suggestion to all who read this to do the same thing. Sell your POTS. I personally am going for 5 dollars a day, but if you think it should be more than I suggest you raise the price.

I read day in and day out of the cynical people that we all have to deal with in having POTS. I read about families and friends that once loved us but now treat us differently as if we just went to the store and purposely bought POTS to make ourselves sick.

People seem to think that we love our physical inabilties and I would love to show those people exactly what POTS is like, so I have decided this is the best way. Of course they do have to pay for it because nothing in life is free.

Granted my POTS sale will not be for everyone. I will not just let anyone purchase POTS. For those few out there that treat us like equals and sympthasize with our condition, I will not open up the sale to them.

So as a final decree, I would like all of us to team together and sell our POTS, ebay might be a good route to consider.

((End of Infomercial))

( this commercial was written by me. I am aggravated and annoyed with our daily struggles and instead of the normal venting post, I figured this might be more entertaining to read)

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that is great humor, simply demented!! i'd PAY to see your infomercial on TV, just b/c it's such an original idea of how to handle the POTS dilemma when related to other ppl. brilliant!

i'm a firm believer in having to have a keen sense of humor with this dysautonomia stuff...otherwise you just go crazy. (it is true that in my case, i'd probably have to hold up a sign so ppl would know the difference.... :) & i find humor in the weirdest things, b/c otherwise, i'd just cry about them or kill someone. <shakes head>

well written and truly funny approach to this stuff. thanks for providing an ironic, witty laugh.

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Guest dionna

i have a couple of hypocondriacts around me that say they have it as well. hmmmm... did any of you sell that stuff to my nephew's mom or my mom's mom already? i am so tired of them saying they pass out too! i am not a mockery tool. :)

dionna :(

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:P:D:P:D;):P:lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHhAHAHA! OMG!! that is too freakin' funny! lol. i can think of way TOO MANY PEOPLE that i would LOVE to sell my pots too..

you all are too funny..

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yep....the whole "need to laugh to keep from crying" adage.

thanks for sharing your creativity with us...

;) melissa

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POTS for sale? :P

Wow, I had no idea that there would be a way to supplement my income while I'm not able to work (because I too, have this imaginary, made up illness)............. Yippie!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go get busy making signs for my "POTS for sale" stand I'm going to make and set up in my various doctors office parking lots!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting a smile on my face today! Your timing is perfect! B)

I haven't been approved for SSDI yet, do you think this is something that will need to be claimed as "earnings"? LOL

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