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Bad Experience With Llmd

Dizzy Dame

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Hi Guys,

I went to an LLMD yesterday hoping to begin a work-up for lyme disease. I got to his office at 10:30 for an 11am appointment, filled out the paperwork, and then was left in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours.

Finally they called me back (by then I was dizzy from sitting in my wheelchair for so long), and the doctor came in after another 45 minutes. He was like a rooster, just waltzed in and sat down and put his feet up on MY wheelchair! (I was laying on the exam table). This was how the dialogue went:

"So you think you have lyme?" he said

"I'm not sure, I've been diagnosed with POTS and possible MG"

"Well, let me tell you, POTS is not a diagnosis, and you can't 'possibly' have MG...did they do a tensilon test?"

"Well--no, but--"

"They didn't do a tensilon test? Who are these quack doctors--tell me when this started"

"Well, I used to ride horses--"

"Oh HORSES?" (He rolls his eyes) "Do you have any joint pain?"


"You have lyme" He looks over at his assistant, "Right down that she has lyme on her chart." He looks back at me, "Why haven't you been seen by any competent doctors?"

"I've been to Vanderbilt and Hopkins and had pretty good workups---"

"Well THEY don't know diddly about lyme. Listen, I'm going to start you on antibiotics tomorrow. That's a promise. You just call my nurse for the prescription."

Then he walked out of the room! I think the entire appointment took less than 5 minutes.

How could anyone be so egotistical!?!?!? He didn't even evaulate me, or let me ask any questions! I've never felt so ignored, even at the ER at least they listened...even if they chose not to understand what I was saying.

I looked up this doctor after I got home and he's written several books and has a radio show...I can't believe that someone that negligent would be allowed to be in print.

At least I didn't let him medicate me. I want to get a real lyme work up before I start taking any new pills, thank you very much.

Thanks for letting me vent...the whole ordeal was really more funny than anything. Although I probably won't be laughing when I get his bill...he doesn't take health insurance. :D

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I had a horrible experience with a LLMD and he was also very egitistical. He said I didn't have lyme but didn't run any tests either. He said I'm sick because of the fillings in my teeth. He said I had mercury poisoning. Well I have my personal opinions on that so I never went back to see him. But he wanted to put me on IV Chletion (?) and when I got home I did some research on that and I read about 500 horrible stries on how people were sick but after they were 100% worse and never recovered.

sorry to hear about your appointment I'm sure the bill will piss you off as it did me.


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DSM -- I think you mean chelation -- which is usually used to treat heavy metal poisoning like lead.

Doctors are simply human beings who've spent a bit more time in school then the average person--however, that doesn't make them smart. It certainly doesn't make him or her a better person if he/she didn't start out as one. Some docs come out the other side of training with their humility and humanity intact--others, well, I'll leave it to your imagination, but at least for THIS doctor, there was some hydrogen expanding the size of his head to an overbloated dirgible.

Sounds like you'll either need to try again with a different LLD, or ask you gp to run a lyme series for you if you feel it's something you want to persue.


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Why is it that these specialists seem to often respond in the same way? I have seen several highly respected MDS that I waited for months to see and hours in their office as well, only to feel blown off!!

It is frustrating as they are in such high demand and they just seem to lack compassion. I will not say this is true for all, but almost everyone that is of such high esteem by their credentials!!!

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I tend to get mixed treatment from specialists. The doctors at Vanderbilt, for example, were caring and compassionate and really listened to me. I've felt like I'm in good hands at Hopkins, but my doctor there is a bit less compassionate...in fact, his bedside manner is almost non-existent.

I've had mixed reactions from "small-time" docs as well, in fact, some of the worst reactions I've gotten are from small-practice clinicians.

The best treatment I ever got from a doctor was my endocrinologist in Hawaii. He used to call me on the weekends to see how I was doing! How's that for caring? He treated me more like a granddaughter than a patient...there aren't many doctors like that anymore.

I've made another appointment with a new LLMD so hopefully this one will be a good fit. The person who recommended her spoke very highly of her, so hopefully things will work out :)

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Guest malosp

When I first started my lyme treatment, I had three doctors at one time for my lyme. My regular doctor is who diagnosed me with lyme. Then because I freaked about my diagnosis I felt like I should go to a LLMD (lyme literate doctor). So I went to one and he was great but had a very conservative approach. And I was hearing all this stuff about how you have to treat co-infections and this doctor refused. Then I went to another LLMD who would only except cash and he was very aggressive in his treatment about lyme but did not have a good manner about him at all. He pretty much was willing to give me whatever I wanted.

Long story short, I stuck with the LLMD, who had the good bed side manner and the conservative approach, because in the long run you want someone who gets to know you, is there for you, and that you feel comfortable calling. And yes even calls and checks up on you. I could call him anytime.

The expensive LLMD just threw drugs at me and never bothered to ever check up on me.

There are bad doctors in every profession. And I know there are bad LLMD's because there are some that really just care about the money. You have to search for the right doctor no matter what the speciality.

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im so so sorry that you had to deal with such a wiennie!!! i do hope that you find a knowledgeable doctor soon!!! good luck dear

big hugs linda

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Sorry to hear about your apointment. I feel very bad for you. I was unable to keep my apaoitment with my LLMD on monday. It was the frist time I was going there. The thing I don't like is all the lyme doctor is the midwest seem to have you pay up front, and they will bill you insuance company for you. I am not sure why. Also have heard that you need to find a good LLMD that going to take the time to go over thing and order all the blood test, plus review your full history.

I feel bad the doctor didn't take the time and talk to you, and find out more about you. Plus the hole POTS is not a DX that is just sad. I would hope by now more doctor would understand POTS. Hopfully oneday POTS will be better know. I hope your next apointment goes better! :)

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Guest malosp

I feel bad the doctor didn't take the time and talk to you, and find out more about you. Plus the hole POTS is not a DX that is just sad. I would hope by now more doctor would understand POTS. Hopfully oneday POTS will be better know. I hope your next apointment goes better! :)

I think probably (I could be wrong) what the doctor may have meant by that is that POTS is not a an recognized diagosed disease in itself . My understanding, and correct me if I am wrong, is that POTS is a set of symptoms that is caused by something else. Whether that me lyme or a virus or some other disorder etc.

I do think that sometimes people mistakenly think that POTS is a disease diagnosis in itself.

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