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Migraines And Preventive Meds

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I go see my neurologist on Monday and I've been having a couple migraines a week. I think it's time to try a preventive medication again. I could not tolerate Topamax or Nortryplene. Are any of you on preventitve medications? Or has any of the "POTS" meds helped with your migraines?

I started getting migraines 5 months after I became sick and I never even had headaches before so I think it's POTS related and was thinking maybe something prescribed for POTS would help overall.

I need to come to my appointment well informed or my doc will think it's a non issue.

I wish the doctors would address the autonomic system and treat that instead of just treating every issue seperately. If I contiue doing that I'm going to be on way tooo much medication. Do you have problems with the doctors not looking at your issues as a whole?

Any suggestions?

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Suprising to me, my Toprol seemed to help with the migraines.

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toprol is a beta blocker.

beta blockers are known to help some with migraines....as a preventative.

i'm not a migraine or beta blocker expert so don't know more than that but do know that they are sometimes prescribed for that reason.

hope this helps,

:) melissa

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my daughter took Inderal & elavil as a preventative for hemiplegic migraines. It helped lessen the migrain frequency and also the power of the migraine.

eventually she was weaned back off the meds after taking them for a long period of time when the migraines were no longer a problem.

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I started getting migraines after I had started Toprol, so the Toprol didn't help prevent them in my case!

A friend of mine said that her doctor recommended magnesium glycinate supplements as part of her migraine prevention program. I was taking magnesium oxide, but I got some magnesium glycinate. I haven't had any migraines on the days I took magnesium glycinate, so far.

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this is only what i tried and it worked for me, after being prescribed zomig, and pizotifen and codiene non of which worked i tried accupuncture for six weeks twice a week and it got rid of my migraines for a long time, i'm only just starting to get them again after two years and the aren't as bad as they were.

but i have also had a lot of tests to see why i get migraines and there is no logical reason for it, i don't have a hole in my heart, and i don't have any abnormal veins in my brain like most migraine patients have.

becks x x x

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There is a new medication called Topamax that my doctor put me on for migraines and for mood swings. Helped both, however one of the side effects are kidney stones, and yeah got one of those too. It was a good medication and helped and I was upset when they took me off of it because of the stone because it really helped the migraines alot.


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I use Depakote ER - 1000 mg once a day and Ultram - 100 mg 3 X a day and this seems to work pretty well except when I get my "monthly friend". When they are real bad I use Somas and it works perfect. I only take 1 at a time and only need to take around 4 doses for the migraine to be completely gone!

Note: Soma is a very addictive drug (Not sure why...I suffered no side effects and no feelings of Euphoria while on it) so please be careful if you decide to go this route.

I hope this helps!


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My Doctor says that the Ultram is the safest drug to take for long periods of time with little to no risk of addiction. It is considered to be non-narcotic. However, I am a strong believer that almost anything can be addictive either physically or mentally. I have NO side effects and have stopped taken it many of times with no problem what so ever.

I have never increased my dose and I have been taking it for almost 3 years now. I can say that when I first started taking this, it controlled my migraines completely and now I have issues during my monthly visitor so I am not sure if it is related.

As a matter of fact, about 7 of my friends are now taking this for migraines along with family members and my husband is even now on it for pain from an ankle injury. For me...it works so much better then any narcotic out there.

Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions. haydenfamily@columbus.rr.com


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Guest dionna

neurotin worked like a miracle for me but later lost its juice. at first they put me on propanolol- betablocker but it made me faint more. my doctors just recently started working together, but i still don't think they really understand too much. i was taking more than 30 pills a day. i stoppped taking them bc of all the side effects. good luck to you.

dionna :)

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