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A Headach In My Nose??

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OK.. hopefully you all wont think I'm a loon.. but i have waht feel like a headach.. only its not in my per se-- but it is in my upper nose.. and runninginto my left eyeball... and my ears hurt like the dickens as well..

do any of your get nose aches?? its making me feel way pukey..and very short of breath and like i cant not breath.. but i dont not have a stuffy or runny nose.. its odd ..

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I'm thinking sinuses as well..

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i was thinking that myself.. but i wwas at the docs not long ago (last week).. and i checked out fine in the sinus and ears and stuff.. but you never know.. something could be brewing up in there...my ears hurt all of the time.. but they arent inmfected.. yet they feel it.. and are full!.. I'm constantly saying what did you say?? or huh???

the headach in the nose seems to come along when i get the squeezing in my brain.. then after or towards the end of my spell of brain squeezing.. i get the messed up thing with my nose and eye!

its werid

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Welcome to my world dizzygirl :)

Since 1996 I have had a headache's in my eye, nose, ear , teeth, jaw and neck ............in fact it goes down one whole side of my face and neck .

I've had scans , x-rays ..........you name it I've had it and all they can say is 'dont know'

My ear sometimes feels like its 'running water' :blink: my teeth like they all have abuses under them, :blink: my eye like its being pushed out of the socket :blink: and my jaw like I've been in a fight with a sledge hammer ( no I'm not doing DIY )

At times the skin on this side becomes so sensitive I cannot bear to touch it and just a light breeze flowing over the area feels like someones taken a high grit sandpaper and rubbed it all over .

My 'face aches' last from between 5-6 hours min to 2-3 days max ..............they can become extreme and the pressure on the top of my head so bad I have to lay flat and take medication , but by this point I know I'm in for a bad one , and I normally end up with a 'lay down headache, stand up vomit session' ............mmmmmmm, not my idea of fun . :( .

The doc thinks its some thing to do with my blood pressure when I get this 'lay down , stand up' problem added on.

There's not anything I can suggest if it is the start of it , but I take a Maxalt Melt under my touch to assist it when it goes 'stupid' and then top up with my other drugs as and when I need then.

I do hope this problem goes away , its not much fun having it .

Best wishes..........willows :wub:

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Why wouldn't your ENT put tubes in your ears to get rid of the fullness? Kids get these all the time, most good docs will do the procedure right in office with no anesthesia needed. It's a simple effective solution to long standing problems with ears and sinuses. Dr. Grubb knows these are associated with dysautonomia, he would probably suggest the tubes for you as well, he has for our daughter, she hasn't had an infection in her ears or sinuses in over a year.

Either that or visit a headache neurologist and get some meds to clear up your head.

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I've just read the last post, I dont know if dizzygirl gets the same feelings that I get or if hers IS just a sinus problem or an ear infection , these can and do come on very quickly , as I've learnt from my teenage son.

If dizzygirl's doctor has cleared her eye's ,ears, nose and teeth then it is worth asking him if it could be the start of ' Allodynia' this nasty condition I have.

I'm afraid no amount of ear drains, teeth filing , sinus draining or head being scanned will help , as there is nothing wrong with the eye's , ears, nose or teeth its a simple case of a sort of 'referred pain ' that is unbelievability painful at times and drives you mad. :)

About three years ago I started getting it in my wrists , hands and legs to , sometimes laying in bed and having the bedclothes on me is like torture, and when I broke my ankle, well I apparently turned into a raving lunatic with the pain , it was awful .............still no more falls yet .


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WOW yes willows!!! you hit the nail on the head!! that is waht its like too boy.. holy cow..

I had tubes in my ears twice when i was a child... the first time i had to have the one tube sergically removed.. b/c my ears where so badly infected.. and i lost alot of my hearing (temporarily) b/c of the infection and the tube.... the 2nd time.. i got tubes... i did get my hearing back.. they said that i would out growm my ear infections.. but here i am 24 and i still get them on the average of about 5 times a year.. the bad ones.. and these regular earaches i have just about daily..

I went to an ENT recently about 3 months ago.(same net wheo did my tubes as a child).. and he said that "thre is no reason" to put tubes in my ears.. that particular day there was no fluid behind my ear drum... which is crazy b/c just a few days before hand my pcp said there was a ton of fluid in bothe ars..

I dont know but when i get he "squeezing in my brain it seriously makes the back of my ears and down my neck hurt like the dickens.

I also have ahd act scan and x-rays done of my sinuses.. no blockage or anyhting..

But I am going to talk to dr. grubb about this as well.. and see if he will venture to look in my achy ears...

willows i normally referr to the pain in my eye..."its as if an elephant crawled in my "EYE" and kicked me a few thousand .. the eye socket bones actually hurt very badly.. as does the skin.. UGH!

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Crumbs...............dizzygirl, I do hope you can get some help with this.

Mike my son had grommet's fitted in his ears because of infections which have been very bad since he was about 7-8 , now at 15 he's not to bad.

But the 'running water ' and the strange sort of 'pressure feeling' I get in my ear ( normally right , but now can be both) is not to do with an ear infection or anything relevant to this part of my anatomy!!!!

It makes me feel quite unwell when it hits the whole side of my face, eating with teeth that 'appear' to have all those infections in them is not an easy thing to attempt and I end up just drinking fluids all the time.

Laying the bad side of my face against a pillow is not recommended nor is a hot pad or ice , and having warm water from the shower running over it makes me feel quiet sick as the water feels like someone hitting me with a '3 inch long wire brush ' :)

you name it , I've tried it , its just a case of taking the medication and putting up with the pain until it disappears , until next time. :(


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Radha................does yours go into all the teeth on that side , the nose and the neck ?

I get headaches to , on one side or the other or full top of my head, but this 'face ache' isn't like the normal headache feeling , its so much more 'there' when you move the eyelid or try to eat .

Its almost like a line has been drawn down the centre of my face and everything on one side is effected , from the top of my head to my collar bone...................it used to be just on the right side only ( I hit my head on this side about 4-5 times in the past ) but now I get it on the left side ...............but instead of just stopping at my collar bone it takes in my left shoulder, arm, hand then travels to my hips, leg and foot.

My doctor is concerned as this side is now weaker than the right and this can mean big trouble............never mind at least one side of me is working .


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I've had sharp, stabbing pains in my nose and eye. Throbbing at times too. I've had that off and on for years. Ear fullness, sometimes feel like I am underwater. I have ringing of the ears also. Sometimes they say I have fluid sometimes not. My sinuses are usually swollen but not necessarily infected. The weather affects it greatly. The more rain and humidity,the more pain I have.

I also have gotten the referred pain from it. My writsts, ankle and get the chills sometimes too. I'll use a saline rinse sometimes just to try to get any swelling that there may be in the sinuses down. I had a deviated septum fixed years ago thinking that would help but it the symptoms came back.

Hope you are feeling better. :)

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yes i do get ringing in the ears sometimes and the pain can go into the teeth too, and upper neck right below the ear, but never farther than that and i never get any numbness anywhere, the migraine drugs usually helps some, i know the pain in the one eye is terrible!! sorry you have to suffer with this!!


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