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During that time of the month, do your symptoms seem EXTREMELY worse?!?

The past week has been nothing short of miserable for me, with new symptoms along with bad fatigue, memory fog, and the whole nine yards! :huh:

Wondering if anyone else has this problem? Is there anything they can do to help?




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This is a common problem for many of us.

I don't have any answers for you but wanted you to know you aren't alone!!

The only thing that really helped me was having my hormones tested and then I found they were out of balance so I started taking a progesterone cream and it has helped diminish the severity but it's still bad. Most of the time since add the progesterone, I have been able to avoid ER trips (prior to that I landed in the ER roughly every other cycle with severe tachycardia and uncontrolled syncope and they would give me IV fluids and extra potassium and that will settle everything down again). Weird huh?

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Period, PMS and even ovulation are miserable for me. i can tell when my hormones are shifting by my POTS symptoms. (Retaining water and salt with florinef and a high salt diet doesn't help the other symptoms either!) I tried to control the hormone swings with birth control, but it made me very ill and i couldn't take it. i keep trying to get a doctor to listen to me and help me; it's very frustrating. i know how you feel!


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Oh yes i wanted to also mention for relief of the PMS period blues and misery. that if you are able to get IV fluids.. that thta makes noteable difference for me...

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Yes, it's terrible. AWFUL, actually.

That's why my neurologist put me on birth control so I have fewer periods. Also, bloodwork showed that I was severely anemic during that time so "slow Fe" (iron capsules) help a lot.

Heating pads. Lots of rest. Lots of extra fluids. Lots of rest. Lost of rest. Lots of rest.


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this is extraordinarily common in POTS...according to many docs.

Pretty much FLAT on my back during this time...even more than usual. Getting dressed is sometimes out of the question OI wise (stay in bedclothes) sometimes I have to stay in bed...other times I can recline in a chair but sitting up even partially wears me out greatly on these days. The older I am getting the WORSE THIS IS which is scarey. I am 49.

All I can do to drink and get up to go to the bathroom...STINKS but birth control made me worse.

Just have to not go to the store or do anything on these days. All the tricks (fluids, salt and meds) usually do ZERO for me on these bad days.

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YES, HATE IT!! Not just the pain, but the mood swings, teariness, "woe is me" feelings etc.

Asked my doc if I could go on birth control and stay on it and not have any periods. He said yes, there are no problems. Luckily I can tolerate the Pill quite well, apart from bloating and low sex drive (non existant since pots!). I am going to check with my GP as well as there may be some aspects that male doctors don't know about.

I would investigate hormones and try some natural remedies. I take Evening Primrose Oil, I don't know if it really helps, but it can't hurt.

The only other remedy I have is that I try and treat myself with something that I like to do, eg hiring a video that only I like to watch, ordering take away, or having an easy dinner etc. Even being at home, it is easy to have a list of stuff to do, so I just don't on the days that I feel really bad.

Hope this helps and hope you can find something to ease it. It's a bummer!

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I was horrible at that time of month also, horrible headaches etc. My gyn had me on the pill 3 months then my period. Well I asked her could anything else be done because it was terrible keeping me in bed every 3 months. So she now has me on them for 6 months at a time so lucky me I only have 2 a year and love it.

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