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Medical Cannabis


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I have used THC medically--for sleep--for about five years.  I use edibles, in conjunction with melatonin, because their effects come on more slowly and last longer than any other form of ingestion (ie, smoking) and because I can be fairly precise about the dosage.  I started off with tinctures, but found over time that edibles work better for me--again, I think they take longer to kick in and stick around a little longer. 

The one challenge (other than procuring them now that I no longer live in Marijuana Mecca --CA) is a very occasional accidental overdose.  When I make that mistake, I get high, which I abhor.  And have to suffer through a couple of hours of lying awake being stoned.  But most nights it ratchets me down and then the melatonin puts me out and I stay out.  Which is a big deal for me.  

I haven't used it for anything else, and would be wary about it, since I hate being high so much.

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Okay, so I guess I should have given more information. I have a tincture that's 5-1 THC/CBD. Don't know what strain. Not planning on using it much for sleep (melatonin has been working pretty good), but more for my daily crash/flare symptoms. I know it's great for pain, but kinda wonder if it can have a reverse effect on stuff that has to do with vasoconstriction/dilation. Like, are there certain instances where I definitely shouldn't take it because it might make more more lightheaded or something? 

First time I took it with a flare up...2 drops...nothing...2 more drops...nothing

Second time for a burning, aching flare up/crash...5 drops...not much. 

Last night for nausea, upset stomach...6 drops...seemed to help some within a half hour.

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Honestly I tried so many strains of medical marijuana and it didn't do anything for my pain. They kept suggesting it for IC but no benefit. The tincture made me wired and tired so I couldn't do anything. The vaping made me high. But the cbd gummy has been great for sleep (they don't have MM gummy available in my state) so I had to get CBD but all my friends swear by the gummy for sleep. 

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@CallieAndToby22 - I have not really found anything to help with IC pain when in a flare. I live in a state that has not yet legalized marihuana and would be afraid to take it since it can drop your BP ( I am an avid fainter 😒)

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1 hour ago, Pistol said:

@CallieAndToby22 - I have not really found anything to help with IC pain when in a flare. I live in a state that has not yet legalized marihuana and would be afraid to take it since it can drop your BP ( I am an avid fainter 😒)

It really is so difficult to get pain relief these days and IC pain is truly something else.... bad! I haven't had any blood pressure issues with the CBD. I was just a fluke I found something that helped so much because I've tried other brands and they don't work! I literally went into a coffee shop and they had all these CBD products and I bought a bottle for me and for my dog and wow, worked. But the gummy digests quickly and stays longer. 

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6 hours ago, Pistol said:

@CallieAndToby22 - I have not really found anything to help with IC pain when in a flare. I live in a state that has not yet legalized marihuana and would be afraid to take it since it can drop your BP ( I am an avid fainter 😒)

Ah, this is exactly the type of thing I was looking for...although, currently not a problem for me specifically. Thank you. 

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I have found that I’ll get very quick relief from a tiny dose of Indica when I am sinking into one of those episodes of feeling that I might just die. Within 15 minutes to a half an hour all those awful symptoms are relieved. I have also used tiny doses for sleep but get sensitized to it very quickly so can only use it occasionally. I use state-regulated chocolate bars that make it easy to dose accurately.

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I take 5 mg THC indica edibles to help me sleep through the night. It is legal in my state (CA). I haven’t noticed any relief with plain CBD although CBD/THC combos do work for me. The great thing about dispensaries is that you can talk to the “bud tenders” haha and tell them what your issue is, tolerance level and desired outcome and they will help find the right product/strain for you. It’s trial and error. I do love seeing the clientele in the dispensary: all ages, all health levels. 

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On 6/24/2021 at 12:34 PM, Sushi said:

I have found that I’ll get very quick relief from a tiny dose of Indica when I am sinking into one of those episodes of feeling that I might just die. Within 15 minutes to a half an hour all those awful symptoms are relieved. I have also used tiny doses for sleep but get sensitized to it very quickly so can only use it occasionally. I use state-regulated chocolate bars that make it easy to dose accurately.

These episodes are my main concern and if it were able to quickly dispense them, it would be a miracle, second only to finding something that stopped them from occurring in the first place so that I could get on with life. 

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Today's flare/crash - drenching/clammy sweats, nausea, digestive issues, wooziness or light-headedness, blurring. Went up to 7 drops 45 minutes ago. No effect yet...or at least not a positive one. Can't lay on the couch all day either. Got some stuff around the house absolutely has to be done before tomorrow, so gotta find something that helps. 

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23 hours ago, MTRJ75 said:

Today's flare/crash - drenching/clammy sweats, nausea, digestive issues, wooziness or light-headedness, blurring. Went up to 7 drops 45 minutes ago. No effect yet...or at least not a positive one. Can't lay on the couch all day either. Got some stuff around the house absolutely has to be done before tomorrow, so gotta find something that helps. 

Only thing that helps me during these times are saline iv's. I had one yesterday and today but I took a bath and back to square one of feeling horrid. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has not been a successful endeavor. 

Five drops...nothing. 

Seven drops...it does something for the muscle cramps, but then twice has sent me into a state of nausea and light headedness. 

Haven't yet found the dose yet that helps with sympathetic system over-activation (the non stop sweating, even if I'm freezing, blurred vision. etc). 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! my first post but I’m so grateful for all the members comments over the years making me feel “normal” 😊

I use medical cannabis. I have NCS, many dysautonomia symptoms expect digestion is ok(although I’m freezing/shivering after each meal due to blood redirecting to digestion), dysautonomia from TBI, on Mididrone, Flecainide and Diltiazem. In the past I’ve been on many of the meds on this forum with some nasty side effects. So I talked to my doc about cannabis. So far its been great.  Cannabis has replaced some other meds I’ve taken for pain. There so are many cannabis variations, strains and dosing differences that cannot really be generalized about the benefits/drawbacks of cannibis.  I have found it to be very beneficial but it may not work well for others. I use the oral forms like gummies, oil and tinctures so I can measure the amount of THC and CBD I consume bc I just want to feel better but not be high. So my results are that it works fantastically on my headaches, brain fog, sleep, body aches, stress.  There is an elevation in my heart rate when my body starts felling the full affect of the cannabis but nothing scary/really fast and that only lasts a short time. Sometimes it helps with the daily hot/freezing but only if I’m not having unmanageable flares of other symptoms. The oral forms last longer (hours) which is what I need and I take different strains and amounts in the morning vs at bedtime.  It’s trial and error with different brands, strains and measurements to find the right mix to help your symptoms while not messing up the other symptoms. 

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On 8/17/2021 at 7:29 PM, Bergbrow said:

Hi! my first post but I’m so grateful for all the members comments over the years making me feel “normal” 😊

I use medical cannabis. I have NCS, many dysautonomia symptoms expect digestion is ok(although I’m freezing/shivering after each meal due to blood redirecting to digestion), dysautonomia from TBI, on Mididrone, Flecainide and Diltiazem. In the past I’ve been on many of the meds on this forum with some nasty side effects. So I talked to my doc about cannabis. So far its been great.  Cannabis has replaced some other meds I’ve taken for pain. There so are many cannabis variations, strains and dosing differences that cannot really be generalized about the benefits/drawbacks of cannibis.  I have found it to be very beneficial but it may not work well for others. I use the oral forms like gummies, oil and tinctures so I can measure the amount of THC and CBD I consume bc I just want to feel better but not be high. So my results are that it works fantastically on my headaches, brain fog, sleep, body aches, stress.  There is an elevation in my heart rate when my body starts felling the full affect of the cannabis but nothing scary/really fast and that only lasts a short time. Sometimes it helps with the daily hot/freezing but only if I’m not having unmanageable flares of other symptoms. The oral forms last longer (hours) which is what I need and I take different strains and amounts in the morning vs at bedtime.  It’s trial and error with different brands, strains and measurements to find the right mix to help your symptoms while not messing up the other symptoms. 

That's good to hear. I haven't had to use it for sleep yet and I'm still learning what it works for (severe aching, nausea) and what it makes worse (light headedness or whatever it is that makes it difficult for me to be upright for long sometimes). Still not sure what the strain is. Hopefully, I can figure out the right dosage too because I sometimes feel I get side effects before results with small dosages still (6-7 drops). 

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  • 1 month later...
Guest KiminOrlando

I'm looking at trying medical Marijuana. I think what I really need is Valium, but nobody will write a script for that. I'm looking for something to tamp down my autonomic nervous system at night. Stop sweating, the vibrating feeling, the wringing feeling in my stomach. I live in Florida and found a doctor that writes MM scripts. If I try this, what happens? Do I need to disclose to my other doctors? I'm more concerned about SS Disability and my corporate disability seeing it in my records. Is it a problem since it isn't legal federally? 

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3 hours ago, KiminOrlando said:

Do I need to disclose to my other doctors? I'm more concerned about SS Disability and my corporate disability seeing it in my records. Is it a problem since it isn't legal federally? 

Those are all good questions and I wish I knew the answers.  I always disclose it and almost never get any kind of response from my doctors.  But I don't have SS or other disability to worry about. 

Your post made me think to share a couple of things that have helped me, because of course--most of us do need a benzo, at least from time to time and getting them can be difficult.  I was told by a functional doctor (and I have no certitude about this so someone who knows more can counter it) that Valium and Valerian are very closely related.  Probably one the inspiration for the other.  In any case, I have found Valerian to be somewhat helpful.  I also  take on most evenings something called 'Serious Relaxer" by Wishgarden Herbs.  Not sure if I am allowed to name brand here, so mods--if it needs to go, please accept my apologies--but this stuff really helps me with some of the things a valium might. 

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6 hours ago, KiminOrlando said:

I'm looking at trying medical Marijuana. I think what I really need is Valium, but nobody will write a script for that. I'm looking for something to tamp down my autonomic nervous system at night. Stop sweating, the vibrating feeling, the wringing feeling in my stomach. I live in Florida and found a doctor that writes MM scripts. If I try this, what happens? Do I need to disclose to my other doctors? I'm more concerned about SS Disability and my corporate disability seeing it in my records. Is it a problem since it isn't legal federally? 

I don't think it's a federal thing. It's state by state. If it's prescribed by a doctor it's like any other medication, isn't it? 

I think for your intent (calming your nervous system for sleep) it should work well. 

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